Dealing with Trauma and training

William kneels down next to Ruby's bed as everyone tries to say something but William holds up a hand, stopping them as he starts to talk in a calm voice to Ruby. "Hey kid, had a nightmare." looking into her still teary eyes with Ruby still nodding her head a bit looking down to her bed with dead eyes. As William looks to everyone else.

William "I think it's best if we leave her for a bit." as he gets up with everyone but Jaune protesting.

Nora "We can help we.." is interrupted by William.

William "Nora as much as you want to help this is a delicate situation with Ruby's mental state we…" is interrupted by shuffling of bedsheets and a tug on his arm, with Ruby holding onto his coat arm.

William exhales sharply "Alright Jaune stay everyone else out because you'll just put more pressure on both of them with you being in the room." getting a verbal assault from Nora but is stopped by Ren putting a hand on Nora's shoulder.

Ren "I sadly have to agree with William on this Nora." with Nora looking saddened and walks out with Ren behind her.

William "Oscar if ozpin's still there, tell him to go easy on the kids today." as William gently removes Ruby's grip on his coat arm and sits down on the bed next to her. With Jaune doing the same.

Oscar "He said okay I… I hope you feel better." he says timidly and leaves the room, closing the door behind him and after a moment of silence, William starts to talk with a pained tone.

William "You know Ruby when I lost my best friend James I fell into a deep depression, turned to alcohol to cope with the loss. Waking up at night screaming seeing his final moments before a bullet took his head off." as William starts to cry a bit but continues. "I couldn't do anything because some of my platoon had to tackle me from leaving safety to try and help him. After losing James I drank every time I got a chance. Even if I was going to get in trouble with my commanding officers, I just didn't care anymore until my squadmates literally dragged me to see someone to talk to. I was able to get over it after about a half a year but I still couldn't drop the bottle."

Jaune sits there taking it all in feeling like he shouldn't be here but stays "I… the last time I saw Pyrrha was when she kissed me saying 'I'm sorry' then threw me into the school locker, with me pleading her to stop but didn't" as Jaune breaks down a bit with Ruby speaking up a bit in a quiet voice.

Ruby "I..I.. Pyrrha when I got to her I saw her getting shot in the heart by Cinder with her being… bei.." Ruby starts to break down crying trying to continue but can through her sobbing as William gets up from the bed and hugs both Jaune and Ruby without saying anything as Ruby and Jaune hug William back as they stay like that for roughly ten minutes with William breaking the hugs gently.

William "As much as you two cared for Pyrrha she would want you to keep moving even if you feel like there's nothing you can do you can always find comfort in your friends and family to find the strength to continue moving forward." 

Jaune "But we don't want to be burdens to everyone else." with Ruby nodding in agreement.

Ruby "I don't want to pull down ev.." but is interrupted by William.

William "We all have doubts the light of the mind alone can't burn away all darkness. Think on it and look in your heart it'll be for the best and when the wall come tumbling down when you lose everything you have you always have family. Ruby, Jaune if Ren and Nora even Qrow if they didn't care for you then they wouldn't be here with you on your journey. I care about you kid even if we don't know each other very well I just can't watch someone go through something I went through alone." as he looks at Jaune and Ruby with Ruby hugging William tightly as Jaune gets up and hugs William as well.

Ruby "Even if I don't know what to say thank you."

Jaune "Thank you."

POV Aimy 

[Still can't believe my night was interrupted when everything was smoothing over with Ruby and her gang. I just had to receive a call from my subordinates about finding a spider near our operations. I just hope Lil'Miss Malachite didn't mess up her agreement with uncle.]

As Aimy walks to a small blacksmith store with the clerk seeing, Aimy asks her.

Clerk "Good morning Madam what can I do for you today." with a smile.

Aimy "My axe has a crack in it. I was wondering if Smith has time to fix it." as she unfolds it, giving it to the clerk as he checks the blade, seeing a bull horn on the spine of it and giving it back to her.

Clerk "I see the problem Smith is in today in the back. Follow me." with the Clerk walking to the back with Aimy following behind until they reach a door but the Clerk knocks on the wall besides it in morse code for a minute with the wall sliding inwards with a door behind it as the clerk opens the door for Aimy as she enters closes it behind her.

Aimy looks around the room and sees a couple of faunes and humans drinking alcohol in a makeshift bar but stop as they see Aimy all erupting into cheers saying "welcome back boss" with one of them handing a mug to Aimy with her drinking it all and giving it back.

Aimy "Alright I know you guys and gals are happy i'm back but we got good and bad news." as she finishes everyone is quiet again and attentive as she walks to the middle of the room "First some of you will be hired by Qrow Branwen for some help and it'll pay well but onto the bad news. We found a spider near our operations so you all know what that means if they come onto our territory." getting several nods from everyone. "But I would like to talk this out with Lil'Miss before it escalates just giving you all a heads up." as she walks to another door with one of the people opening the door for her.

Aimy walks into the next room with several boxes of weapons, dust, and alcohol as she goes next to a wall finding a hole as she puts her axe blade into the hole and hearing a click with the wall next to her sliding inward revealing a huge vault door. With Aimy walking to the vault door with her axe as the wall closes behind her as she enters a code on the door panel. After a minute of the vault unlocking it swings inward, revealing a huge room with multiple computers with people on them typing away. With two people somewhat sprinting towards her and stopping in front of her. Both being her personal bodyguards in somewhat shrouded clothing.

Aimy "Iwai Mamoru and Oye Miyako, how was your time off?" she says with a smile.

Iwai "We had a good time Madam Aimy or should I say Madam Newman?" she says with a teasing expression while receiving a head chop from Oye.

Oye "My apologies Madam we had a good time but we were concerned when you scroll connection dropped and I'm sorry for what happened to your fathers tribe." she says apologetically, getting a pout from Iwai with Aimy chuckling a bit at the banter.

Aimy "It's quite alright and no Iwai Madam, Boss, or Madam Aimy is still in effect even if I already laid my claim on William we still aren't married yet." She says with a smirk and starts walking to what looks like an office with the door open and a big wooden desk in the center of the room as both Iwai and Oye walk in and close the door behind them as Aimy sits down on the desk.

Aimy "So first order of business how's our smuggling going because that took a noise dive with Atlas's dust embargo and border closing." as she rubs her brow as she opens up the built in computer looking over multiple documents she goes through lightning fast.

Iwai "After you left it roughly stayed the same but recently it's been booming with some Atlas pilots asking for some help specifically from Mr. Hideaki and you Madam with roughly three pilots each agreeing to the terms we set for extra protection on our end."

Oye "But one of the pilots that took a high class smuggling job with dust and from the sound of it a passenger as well but the name didn't come in with the connection cutting off midway through the explanation. That was roughly a week ago with our men finding said pilot's remains and ship crashed 50 miles away from Argus and 20 miles away from the designated drop location with dust and passenger most likely being taken by bandits from the amount of tracks they found." with Aimy sighing and rubbing her brows again.

Aimy "So we lost the last shipment of dust we could from Atlas this month and lost all the lien that the passenger paid for no questions asked." as she inhales deeply and looks at the document with the amount saying one million lien with some rage in her eyes she slams a fist on her desk. "DAMNIT our profits will plummet this month because of that fuck up did you at least get the black box of the ship and blam it on the grimm before Atlas military got to it?"

Iwai "Yes we did and surprise surprise it was the grimm that took down the ship with what sounds like the passenger fighting against the grimm using the dust which was acceptable due to the circumstances but from the amount of grimm they took down we were transporting a hunter or huntress."

Aimy "Alright were we able to track down the bandits to get our dust back?" with curiosity in her voice with fury in her eyes.

Oye "No Madam it was the same as the last three shipment with Mr.Hideaki with a huge amount of footprints leading to one area and simply vanishing we still haven't been able to track them down with air transportation out of the question with no ships beside the cargo ship around that area." she replies dead toned with Aimy opening a drawer on her desk and opening a bottle of sake taking a swig and putting it back.

Aimy "This is annoying at least it's only the dust and not anything else. But I have to feel bad for the hunter or huntress being a play toy to those pigs but if they were high profile then maybe they were saved from being ravaged." she says a bit depressed but perks up. "Well from looking at this we should be able to get into contact with some pilots in Argus so push it a bit there I at least want another pilot to replace the one we lost. But Now to contact Lil'Miss about this little spider I found in uncle's garden." with both Iwai and Oye leaving the room while Aimy calls Lil'Miss on the desk.

Lil'Miss "Well I never would have expected to get a call from you Aimy to what do I owe the pleasure." she says with some sarcasm.

Aimy "I'll cut to the point then my men saw one of your spiders encroaching on mine and Mr. Hideaki's territory so I wanted to clarify that it wasn't you that ordered them." she says with some rage in her voice.

Lil'Miss "Oh my darlin I didn't order anything like that but since this person has offended you and Mr.Hideaki please send me the location, time and picture because some of the youngins have been getting into trouble so I'll make sure they get punished." she says a bit serious and sarcastically with Aimy sending the location, time, and picture of said spider.

Aimy "Here I hope this doesn't happen again Lil'Miss because you know Mr.Hideaki with how he deals with people that displease him." said with a threatening voice getting a glup from Lil'Miss.

Lil'Miss "Of course not darlin I would never dream of doing that to Mr.Hideaki and if that's everything needed saying then I will start looking into it." as she ends the call with some panic in her voice. As Aimy gets back to filling out documents that were left by her secretary.

POV William

After about fifteen minutes after Jaune and Ruby felt better, they all went to train going to what looks like an indoor dojo with a concerned Nora and Ren outside doing light exercises with Nora hugging both of them.

Nora "I'm just glad you guys are feeling better but now that's over lets train." as she says energetically while pointing at Oscar doing basic swings with Ozpins cane.

William "Well Ruby oz did say to train your hand to hand so I'll teach you the basics." As he takes a boxer stance while Ruby does the same.

After William looks at Ruby's stance he can see she's not stable, her feet are too close together and her arms are too far out from the body. With William rushing Ruby as she tries a left cross that she overextends with him grabbing her arm and sweeping her feet out from under her pushing her to the ground and mounting her as she has a defeated expression with William getting up and offering her a hand getting up that she accepts.

William "Sorry Ruby I needed to know how you work and sorry to say you're a complete amutuer to this but don't be discouraged. I know how to work with this trust me when I joined the military I was just like you in hand to hand. But either way this is how you get into a stance." as William shows Ruby the basic movement and control over the course of three hours with Oscar/Ozpin teaching the others with some bruises with Nora, Ren and Jaune panting while sitting down.

William "Alright Ruby lets take a break I'd say about a week or so until you master the fundamental movements but so far your doing good." as Ruby sits down taking a rest until Oscar/Ozpin walks over to William and asks.

Oscar/Ozpin "William, if you don't mind, would you like to spar with me? I would like to see how much I need to train you."

William "Sure Oz let me just get ready." with Oscar/Ozpin going outside and William following with Chikage as they both get into a dueling stance, but William still has Chikage undrawn with his left hand on the sheath and right hand on the hilt.

William "Ready when you are oz." said in a calm but cold voice with Oscar/Ozpin rushing William doing a quick stab with the cane but William dodges to the left. As oz tries to do a slash, he has to quickly back away as William preforms Iaido quickly pulling the sword out of his sheath doing an upward slash as oz blocks the blow but is being pushed back by William doing quick slashes and stabs, leaving oz on the defensive until William makes a mistake in his footwork with oz doing a quick stab at Williams left arm but doesn't connect with William quickly doging to the left doing a quick stab at oz's exposed side connecting but being stopped by a emerald aura but Oscar is coughs loudly and falls over panting like the wind was knocked out of him.

William quickly get to Oscars side with everyone else getting up in a rush to see as well. "Oscar you alright kid?"

Oscar/Ozpin coughing a bit and breathing rapidly before it goes back to normal. "Yes now I am William if I'm to be honest with you William you almost broke Oscar's aura if you used even a bit more power and knocked the wind out of Oscar as well." as he slowly gets up with the help of William. "Also your swordsmanship is almost as good as me but with your raw strength behind it you may very well surpass me and your swordsmanship is very forengin even with all the lives I had to live I've never seen your style before and how did you turn into smoke?" with everyone else sighing in relief and nodding their heads in agreement to Ozpins statement.

William "If I remember the swordsmanship was called kendo and how I turned into smoke is another 'gift' if you would call it that and I still need to master it." as William sheathes Chikage with oz rubbing his brow with Ruby doing a happy dance saying "I can finally race someone.",Nora Ren, and Jaune with stretching their heads in confusion of how William turns to smoke.

Ruby "William I want to race you to the training room use your smoke thingy." as she uses her semblance as William uses hunters quickened arts catching up to Ruby as they both get to the training room at the same time as Ruby laughs triumphantly but sees William next to her with Ruby having a surprised expression. "I guess it was a tie then but is anyone else hungary before we start again?"

Nora "Yeah, let's get a snack before we start again I say we get pancakes." she says excitedly.

Ren "Something light would be better."

Jaune "I have to agree with Ren that something light would be good."

Oscar/Ozpin "I would have to agree taking a break would do some good especially for Oscar." as Oscars eyes glow. "Yeah I still hurt from William's strike and want to sit down for a bit."

Ruby "Well we got some snacks from the store the other day so we can use those." as she uses her semblance, rushing to the pantry getting the snacks and coming back with them. "Alright here we are."

As everyone grabs a couple snacks and eat, making small talk about how to improve with roughly a half an hour going by everyone gets back to training.