Meeting the bodyguards

After three more hours of training, everyone started to enjoy their evening, with Aimy coming back to pick up William.

Aimy "William I fixed the hour walk problem because my house should be closer than uncle's roughly 15 minute walk." she smiles at William.

William "Did you just buy that house or?" with some surprise in his voice.

Aimy "Yes I did because I didn't have a house here and I wanted one." she says with a pout.

William "Alright well the hour walk here is solved so you guys enjoy your evening." He looks at Ruby, Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Oscar, all grunting in pain.

Ruby "Okay William see you tomorrow then." as she flops on a couch.

Jaune "Yeah don't worry about us we should be fine." as he flops in a chair, almost falling over.

William "If you're going to take a shower or bath make sure it's cold or else you'll feel your muscles hurt even more than they are now when you get up tomorrow just a fair warning from experience either way see you all tomorrow." as he gets up and leaves with Aimy as she leads the way.

After 15 minutes they reach a modest Japanese house that's a hybrid between traditional and modern with two floors. There are two women in the fully furnished living room sitting on a couch and chair respectively as they walk in. One is a human with an athletic body, roughly 5'11 blue long straight hair in a t-shirt and sweatpants reading news articles. With the on in the chair being a faunes with fox ears and human ears typing rapidly on multiple scrolls, she has long reddish-orange hair, with a muscular body as she's wearing a sports bra and sweatpants roughly 5'9.

Aimy "William, let me introduce you to Iwai Mamoru." she points to the woman sitting on the couch. "And Oye Miyako." pointing to the woman sitting on the chair as both of them get up when their name is called."

Iwai walks up to William and extends her hand for a handshake, with William shaking her hand. "Nice to meet the boss, man I can see how you stole the boss's heart." as she starts laughing, Oye does a head chop on Iwai, stopping her as she rubs her head.

Oye "My apologies Sir William Iwai is always like this as Madam Aimy said I'm Oye Miyako and both me and Iwai are now your personal bodyguards on Madam Aimy's orders." she bows to William as he stands there perplexed.

Iwai "Yep as Oye said boss wanted to make sure to keep you safe so Oye will be taking care of you for the most part but we got your stuff from Mr. Hideaki residence with them being in your bedroom." she says with a smile as Oye stops bowing with Aimy coughing to put attention on herself.

Aimy "Thank you girls I'll go take a bath first so you two can talk to William." as she walks through the house like the back of her hand.

William looks around for a second nervous but says, "Well lets sit down so we can talk." as he sits down with both Iwai and Oye going back to their original seats. As they don't speak for a minute until Iwai starts.

Iwai "So William where are you from? And did you make those weapons and armor you're wearing yourself?" she asks sarcastically and curiously as her eyes are drawn to Chikage and the Desert eagle with Oye looking at William as well.

William "Is this a trick quest or do yo.." Is interrupted by Oye speaking up.

Oye "Yes William madam Aimy told us that you came from another world and you being an ex-soldier but for the most part Iwai is being her regular self but we are curious about you weapons and armor." William sighs defeatedly.

William "Wish she told me but I trust her so to your questions Iwai. I'm from the United States of America and the blade and armor are from a different world not mine or yours for the gun it's from my world." he says nonchalantly with Iwai and Oye having a somewhat shocked expression.

Oye "Well that's something she didn't tell us unless you didn't tell her but either way from the looks of the gun it doesn't use dust ammunition so what does it use?" as she stares at the gun.

William "Well I didn't tell her yet but I will here soon. But for the Desert eagle it fire 50. AE rounds and how the bullet is ejected from the casing is gunpowder when a chemical reaction happens when the primer is struck which is on the bottom of the casing."

Iwai "What's gunpowder? Is it like dust?" As she stares at William with even more curiosity as William has a deadpan expression.

William "So no one invented gunpowder in this world yet well that makes sense with the use of fire dust being a natural gunpowder." With William facepalming and sighing.

Oye "So this gunpowder is like fire dust? Does your world have dust?"

William "No my world doesn't have dust and gunpowder is what we use in our arms now."

Oye "So what about technology we heard from Aimy that your world has reached space." she says excitedly, surprising Iwai.

Iwai "Yeah and what about the two world wars she said about?" with some excitement.

William "The technological level of Remnant I have no idea I'll need more information about it but to your question Iwai. The definition of a world war is a war involving many large nations in all different parts of the world." as he takes a deep breath and exhales continuing. "The first world war or how the people at the time called it The great war was triggered by an assination of a political leader pulling the allies of that country to declare war on them with that country's allies declaring war as well and repeat until you get a world war." is interrupted by Iwai.

Iwai "So like the Great war in Remnant but sounds bigger." as she shivers a bit.

William "Yes much bigger the first world war lasted from 1914 to 1918 with.." is interrupted by Iwai again.

Iwai "Four years thats not long compared to the 10 year great war on Remnant." with William sighing and rubbing his brow.

William "Yes four years that cost roughly 15 to 20 million dead with half being roughly civilians." as he stares at Iwai as she has a shocked expression as she looks at William. "Yes and the second world war was from 1939 to 1945 with roughly 70 to 85 million lost." With Oye looking shocked as well, both of them mouth ajar for roughly 10 minutes thinking.

Oye "That… so many.. How…" with Oye looking at the floor dead-eyed with Iwai doing the same. With Aimy walking back to the living room in a t-shirt and sweatpants, looking surprised at Iwai and even more surprised by Oye.

Aimy "Did I miss anything important?" as she sits down next to William.

Iwai "Me and Oye just heard the number of people lost in both world wars in Williams world and they are a lot." as she gets up and goes to what looks like the kitchen getting a bottle of sake and cups pouring some for her and Oye.

Aimy "So how many died for you two to be like this?" she says curiously looking over to William.

William "Roughly 15 to 20 million half roughly civilians in the first world war and 70 to 85 million in the second." He says while Iwai and Oye take a shot and refill their cups. With Aimy looking at William shocked by the sheer amount of dead but William continues. "And since we are on the topic of death, do you women want to know the most gruesome way to die in the first one? If not I won't tell." 

Oye "I would like to know what happened because from the sound of the both they sounded more brutal than our great war." as she takes another shot with Aimy taking the empty cup and filling taking a shot.

Aimy "The amount is just mind boggling but I don't think it could be as bad than having your limb cut off." getting a stare from William as her expression changes to shock and dread.

William "Oh but there is during the first world war the germans made a gas they called Yperite or as it was later called mustard gas. The poor bastards didn't know what hit them till they heard the screams of there comrades in the trenches. But if it comes into contact with skin it would react giving them severe burns and blisters, if that wasn't enough if it got into your eyes they would have pain, irritation, swelling, and tearing but since they never saw anything like this before they didn't have protective measures against it. Then to make it even worse if you breathed enough of the shit in then you'll literally die of asphyxiation or should I say your own body would choke itself to death slowly, and even if you survived your lungs would never recover with you.." is interrupted by Aimy putting her hand over William's mouth with dread in her eyes as well as Iwai and Oye.

Aimy "William that enough I… I think we could all use some more to drink." as she hands her glass to William as he Iwai, Oye, and Aimy take shot after shot for about half an hour with Iwai drunk already slurring her speech with Oye still holding her own and Aimy as well. With William still not feeling the effects.

William "Well I'm going to take a shower I'll be back." as he gets up and follows the same route Aimy took roughly an hour ago finding the bathroom.

POV Aimy

Oye "Aimy you found a very interesting man and if I dare say I think his world is scarier than Remnant." as she stretches, almost knocking over her drink.

Aimy "I would have to agree with you Oye just militarily if his country used that on us we have no way to defend ourselves from an attack like that." she says in a panicked voice. With Iwai laughing drunkenly as she sort of rolls around on the couch.

Iwai "ifff I wanteeddd too boosss I would leck to fuucckk Will…" as she giggles to herself getting a death stare from Oye and Aimy.

Aimy "I know your drunk right now Iwai so I'll pretend I didn't just hear that from you besides he's mine unless he himself want to have sex with another woman then that on him." as soon as she finished speaking she hears Iwai get up from the couch and start running to the bathroom.

Oye quickly catches up to Iwai and tackles her to the ground right outside the bathroom door with Aimy quickly catching up. As Iwai tries to beak free while drunkenly talking.

Iwai "William plpplpes fuuck me hahahahha." laughing to herself with William hearing this replying.

William sounded surprised. "Iwai I'm flattered by the offer but I only just met you. Besides, I already have a woman who is your boss, might I add." getting a relief sigh from Aimy as Iwai tries to talk more but is carried away by Oye.

Oye "Sorry Madam Aimy I'll take Iwai to our room." as she carries Iwai off with her protesting.

Iwai "Come on boss I want some action too." gigging to herself while she is over Oye's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

William "Should I be worried about a horny drunk woman breaking into our room tonight?" he says while laughing to himself.

Aimy "No you shouldn't but I would like some action tonight if you don't mind but I'll be in the living room until you get out see you soon." I say a bit lustrously while walking away.

POV William

After that event William stays in the bath for about five more minutes before getting out and drying himself off as he opens the shop looking at his stats.

strength as strong as a chapel giant

Blood echos 10,575

current skills/aura/semblance max 10

Passive: hunter weapon mastery(8) better control over hunter weapons.

Passive: riposte max when a shot from your weapon interrupts an enemy's attack they are stunned momentarily for your next attack to deal more damage.  

Passive: Hunter's mind max can't be Possession or have power transferred and immune to illusions.

medical(8) Medical knowledge ranging from minor cuts to trauma surgery

sharpshooter(8) increases the chance of shots on target


Passive: leadership(6)max How people look up to you and follow orders or calming down a frightened patient

chemist(3) Knowledge of chemical combinations from table salt to napalm

CQC(8) hand to hand combat techniques

Passive: old blood max gains a small amount of health every 5 seconds in combat and can eventually heal fatal wounds but don't rely on it as you can still bleed out. Maximum blood loss is now 60% before the death of the host.

Passive aura(8) >(9)

Passive semblance(9) Self sacrifice the more damage you take, the more you heal injuries (like severed arms or fatal wounds but can't heal yourself)

Passive: hunters quickened arts able to turn into white smoke to dodge attacks or traverse the land.

Passive: blood manipulation can manipulate your blood inside and outside of your body and others' blood outside or their bodies > Blood art's you now have finer control over your blood, able to make it as thick as steel.

Passive: silver eye can turn most Grimm into stone, but since it's one eye, it's not as effective, only affecting 10 Grimm at a time, determining if they are more potent than the host they will be immobile for 30 seconds cooldown is 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Passive: limited inventory a 60-pound limited inventory can't put any living beings in the space and anything that can't be held in someone's hands.

Passive: pressure hold able to stop an enemy's movement away from you can't happen to the same enemy for 30 seconds single-target only.

Purchasable skills 

???? skills requirement to unlock meet the main four characters.

[Interesting I gained more blood echoes do I gain more from meeting the main characters or? Okay the characters i met so far was Ruby, Ren, Jaune, Nora and Qrow so if then it was roughly 1,000 each but that doesn't make sense since I had 527 blood echoes left and when I checked again I had 5,575 so it was roughly 1,000 for each character from the show but now I don't have a good bar to see how much. Aw fuck it getting 10,000 for just meeting ozpin is good enough for now but then that begs the question why didn't I receive any for meting Raven? Is she not important or was it an unscripted event that I need to follow to get them? Dammit, this is annoying that maybe it, but I don't know now that I look back at the relationship with Ruby and them all why does it feel artificial like in a fucking anime. Well even if it was artificial, I need to help the girls with Salem or pick up if they fail.] 

As he looks at himself in the mirror with conviction and see a note on the sink top picking it up it reads. "Bathrobes are in the closet since you still don't have any clothes. We are going shopping tomorrow and figuring out how you can make money since you need an income as well. Love Aimy."

William "Well looks like job hunting. Maybe I can become a hunter to get some money or even better I could help out in the hospital since my medical skills are better than the doctors." as William sighs he opens the closet revealing bathrobes as he wears one and walks out to the living room with Aimy on her scroll and Oye turning and seeing William.

Oye "I'm sorry about Iwai even I don't know why she does those stunts." as she shakes her head and gets up from the chair and stretches.

Aimy "I saw you read my note im assuming?" as she gets up from her seat and somewhat drags William to the bedroom leaving Oye in the living room.

William "Yeah I saw it you think I got enough lien for it? And I maybe able to get a job as a huntsman easily or I could go to the hospital and get a job there." as Aimy lead William into the bedroom with his gear next to a nightstand.

Aimy "With your strength alone you'll be a great huntsman or you could help around the hospital I can have some documentation forged for you need be but lets think about that tomorrow morning because I want your full attention tonight as she tries to push William on the bed but he doesn't move.

William "If you want my full attention then you got it." as he gently pushes Aimy onto the bed with a passionate kiss as he undresses her with moans of pleasure going until late at night.