William wakes up alone in bed as he gets up and equips the old hunter armor and goes downstairs and sees Aimy in the kitchen cooking breakfast with Oye and Iwai sitting in the living room drinking coffee and reading documents on their scrolls.
Oye "Good morning Sir did you sleep well?" while she sips coffee and Iwai looks at William embarrassed and sips her coffee.
William "Good morning Oye and Iwai did you two sleep well?" as he sits down on a couch.
Oye "We slept well Sir. Madam Aimy is cooking breakfast for you." as she looks at Iwai as Iwai fidgets a bit in her seat.
Iwai "I'm sorry boss for last night please forgive me." She looks at the ground in embarrassment.
William "It's alright you were drunk I'm just glad you don't have a hangover." he smiles at Iwai and gets up, walking into the kitchen seeing a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast with a coffee as she's still cooking.
Aimy "The food on the table is yours dear I'm just about done with mine." as she's cooking.
William "Thank you Aimy." as he starts to eat with Aimy sitting down with her food as they start talking.
Aimy "So how did you sleep?" she says with a smile.
William "I slept good so were going shopping for clothes today?" he says while eating.
Aimy "That's good and yes I know exactly where we can get some clothes for you." as she starts to eat and after five minutes and finishes.
After putting away the dishes, they walk into the living room with Iwai and Oye now wearing what looks like Japanese edo armor with Iwai having a katana that looks like a musket on her waist with Oye having what looks like two swords on her hip.
Aimy "Well were going to shop first so lets go." as she lead the way outside with Iwai following with William and Oye following behind eventually reaching a clothing store with William receiving a call from Ruby.
Ruby "Hey William you coming over soon to help train us?" with some excitement in her voice.
William "Sorry Ruby Aimy wants me to shop for some more clothes and I might take the huntsman exam to earn some money too." Ruby somewhat screeches in excitement.
Ruby "Your going to be a huntsman ah I'm jealous of you but good luck with the exam and hopefully you pass I got to go back to training so have fun."
William "I'll try kid good luck and remember what I told you yesterday during our training and you'll do fine talk to you later." as he ends the call.
Aimy shoves some clothes to William. "Here put these clothes on. I want to see if they fit." with William sighing and finding a changing booth changing to the outfits and after an hour of trying on roughly 20 outfits William buys five of them for 2,000 lien. With Aimy getting a call from her scroll as she groans in annoyance.
Aimy "Sorry William I need to take this." as she picks up the call and starts talking "What do you mean you finally got the name." as her tone changes to shock. "Wait, you mean we.. alright we need to find them. You hear me get some teams together and start searching. We need to find her." as she hangs up her scroll as she looks back at William. "Sorry dear business calls so Oye will be with you also since you're looking at the huntsman exam just follow Oye she knows where it is." as she leaves the store with Iwai following her.
William "Well Oye it's just you and me so I'll follow you to the huntsman exam location." as Oye nods her head and leads William to the huntsman exam that was 20 minutes away to a building that looks like a dojo with William entering.
William enters and sees several people in what looks like a waiting room with a receptionist sitting at a desk. With William walking to the desk the receptionist perks her head up and looks at William.
Receptionist "I'm assuming you're here to take the huntsman exam sir." as she smiles at William.
William "Yes I am but is there a fee to register?" as he starts to get some lien out of his pocket.
Receptionist "Yes sir once you pass the exam you'll come back here with a coin that proves you passed and if you don't then theres a fee for failing. So I'll just need your name sir and if you unlocked your semblance." as a screen pops up above the desk.
William "My name is William Newman and yes my semblance is unlocked."
Receptionist "Alright and what does your semblance do?" as she types away on a scroll keyboard.
William "When I take damage I can channel the damage to heal wounds instead but not myself." the receptionist stops typing and stares at William with surprise and picks up another scroll and start to talk on it.
Receptionist "We got a rare sir…." with her expression changing to surprise. "Yes sir I'll send them right away." as she hangs up the call and gets up from her desk and gestures to William and Oye to follow her. "Please follow me, you two." as she opens a door as William and Oye follow her.
Receptionist "The Judges wanted to see if what you said was true so you've been moved up to the front good luck." as she opens up another door to the dojo with multiple people sitting to the back on elevated ground all humans looking at Williams unique armor and weapons on his hips. With the Receptionist closing the door behind them.
Judge 1 "Wellcome William Newman we heard you have a healing semblance very rare indeed but from what you said you need to take damage so we would like to see how good your martial prowess is please try and destroy this armor." as what looks like a huge set of armor just standing there as William grabs beast cutter from his waist.
William "Very well then you want to test my strength." as he quickly dashes to the armor and crushes the leg joint with a quick bash of beast cutter then knocks it off balance with the armor hitting the floor as he bashes the helm like a watermelon with the judges all wide-eyed. "Well did I pass?"
Judge 1 "You passed with flying colors." as he sweats a bit and clicks a button on a remote revealing an injured person with a deep cut on the person's femoral artery. "You need to heal this person's injury or stabilize him, don't worry they are death row convicts so please begin." as William rushes over to the person with nothing else to lose, William punches himself in the chest as he hears a couple ribs break. As he screams out in pain getting everyone's concern as he grits his teeth.
William then activates his semblance, touching the thigh with the wound closing up to the naked eye, and after a minute, the wound is now completely healed as he gets up with several grunts and walks back to the judges that all have shocked looks on their faces.
William "So did I pass?" as he can feel the ribs going back to their original place.
Judge 2 "Y..Yes William you passed." as they are taken out of their shock.
Judge 3 "Yes please hold out your scroll and I'll add you to our list of active huntamen." with William holding out his scroll and getting a picture of him with the badge of becoming a huntsman.
Judge 1 "If you are going to look for work tomorrow then in the square there will be a board of jobs huntsmen can take and we all wish you luck William." as they all smile at William with him nodding his head and leaving the room with Oye.
Oye "I wasn't expecting you to so easily take down that armor because it was reinforced with earth dust to the point it should be impossible to dent but you didn't just bend it you dented it." as she looks at William with a newfound respect.
William "Well I wish I knew that but oh well I have to live with it besides it seems like they might want to put me with a party which I don't want. Are you a licensed huntress Oye?" as they reach the waiting room and start to walk out.
Oye "Yes I am but I haven't went on a mission for roughly a month but if you want to go on one with me then we can find on easily we just need to go to the square and see what missions we have at the square." as Oye and William go to the square and see a several boards with no one around Oye walks up to one and William follows.
Oye "This board is where you can accept missions and next to the board are missions in progress so you can see which missions and how long the other huntsmen are out in the field." With William looking at the missions to take and sees a search and destroy mission for a deathstalker.
William "What about this mission with the death stalker? It says to kill two death stalkers near an abandoned saw mill?" as he clicks on it showing the location and person who put up the mission.
Oye "With the strength I saw from you Sir we should easily be able to take care of two death stalkers and the grimm that are around as well. Would you like to accept this mission? The location is half a day from Mistral."
William "Yeah let's take this, we can do this today and get back if we are fast enough. If not, I should have enough provisions to last us once we go back to the house." as he clicks the accept button and gets a notification on his scroll saying he accepted the mission. As he and Oye head back to the house to get ready.
POV Aimy
As Aimy is sitting at her desk getting the necessary teams ready to track down Weiss Schnee and make sure she's still alive.
[Who would have thought that the person we were carrying was Weiss Schnee wish I knew this earlier but with connections being down is understandable but still, who would have thought. If we find her location, we can also find out who took the dust shipment and I'll need to inform William of this as well. His strength should be able to contend and overpower some bandits, but the question is will he kill to save Weiss? Maybe or we could talk it out to get Weiss and the dust if they didn't sell it already. If they did then I can waver it off if they give me a cut of the profits and Weiss. That should do.]
Aimy sighs as Iwai walks into the room. Iwai "Boss William took the huntsman exam and passed with flying colors. He was also able to bend the leg armor of reinforced dust armor and was able to break the helm like a watermelon with ease as well."
Aimy "I knew he was strong but that strong I'm glad I didn't anger him when we first met. But that's good, did he take any missions yet?" I ask Iwai as she sends a document to me. "So clearing an abandoned sawmill form death stalkers and the surrounding grimm should be easy for him and Oye."
Iwai "Also Madam there has been an increase of what we believe might be huntsmen deaths since ten of the twenty have yet to return from easy missions. Would you like Oye to check the huntsmen missions to see if they've been tampered with?"
Aimy rubs her brow a bit and looks at the mission again. "Yes, contact Oye and have them checked. I don't want anything bad to happen to them. And how many teams have we been able to send out for the search so far?" I say with curiosity and look at the groups being put together.
Iwai "We have been able to get three teams out on short notice to track down Weiss Schnee and should have six more teams go out without weakening ourselves for the smaller families."
Aimy "Good make sure to keep me updated on the search and once we find those bastards don't do anything rash and have them report the locations of bandit's because even if we are searching doesn't mean we can't make a profit from them." I say while grinning to myself as I open more documents to sign off on.