(Read the Authors note please.)
William and Oye get back to the house with them getting provisions ready with Oye receiving a message on her scroll, she sighs and opens multiple scrolls on the dining table.
William "What's going on Oye something happened?" as William finished with his preparations.
Oye "Yes Madam Aimy wants me to see if the missions were tampered with because ten out of twenty huntsmen didn't come back from relatively easy missions." She rapidly types away on multiple scrolls with the screen filled with code. After a minute a database of code pops up.
William "So what are you looking for specifically?" as he looks at the code in fascination over Oye's shoulder.
Oye "I'm looking for the original documents for the missions and will be comparing the code to what is posted and see who changed them if there is any change." as she continues to type with multiple documents opening and closing until Oye exits after roughly ten minutes.
William "Got what you needed without being tracked back?" as he looks at Oye with newfound respect.
Oye "Yes Sir I was able to get the mission's of the more than likely dead huntsmen and our mission as well." as she opens the document and the mission details. "From the sound of your curiosity from me hacking into the huntsmen database here in Mistral there must be hackers in your world." She looks at William with curiosity.
William "That's good and yes my world has hackers but cracking into a government database I have no idea how long it would take." looking back to Oye then to the document.
Oye "Sounds like our worlds might be on par with technology but going back to the mission we picked with the sawmill. There seems to be an administration override of the original document." She types a bit pulling up another document. "It seems whoever changed it from the original did a poor job trying to keep it hidden from me but if it was another smuck they wouldn't have been able to find it." she says pridefully.
William looks over the two documents and finds multiple discrepancies from the original and the 'original' copy, one of them being the number of deathstalkers are five that was reduced to two and a small horde of 15 beowulfs with two alphas leading the horde.
Oye "Well we can rule out the possibility of the ten hunters that are 'late' being dead from this example." She pulls up more documents quickly reading them over as she sighs while rubbing her brow. "Whoever has the administration code is killing huntsmen on purpose. I need to send this information to Madam Aimy before we head out.". At the same time, she types away again with multiple documents, huntsmen information, and a possible list of dead huntsmen being sent to Aimy.
Oye "Done now we can continue but we will need more fire power not that I'm underestimating you Sir. But the amount of grimm will be taxing on both of us." she looks at William as she closes the multiple scroll that folds into one.
William "What do you… suggest then because I should be able to kill the beowulfs with ease but the alphas might give me a problem." He scratches his head.
Oye "We have an armory in the house with dust munition ,raw dust, and powder dust as well." as she gets up from her seat, walking to what looks like the pantry and taps on the wall revealing a panel as she types in a code. With a section of the kitchen wall folding back revealing a multitude of dust muniton and raw dust with William just looking at Oye and the wall perplexed.
William "I wish she told me we had this but now I know." as he walks up to the same rounds he got from Satio and starts to change two mags with lightning and fire. With Oye grabbing raw gravity dust and wind dust.
Oye "Madam Aimy usually isn't good with remembering small things like this." while she puts the powder dust of gravity and wind in the hilt of her swords that open at the hit then close with the dust. With William looking at her weapons curiously.
William "So what do your weapons do? They look like short swords to me." as William grabs some powder fire dust containers and puts them in his pocket that has his inventory space.
Oye "These weapons are fans." as she unfules them with one of the fans pulsating a black with the other pulsating a green as she closes them. "They are excellent weapons that go well with my semblance." getting a raised eyebrow from William.
William "What is your semblance also how do I close this?" with William going into the pantry and looking at the panel.
Oye "There's a button on the bottom left of the panel, press that and it will close. And my semblance enhances my problem solving skills and pattern seeking. Because the coding we use goes off of patterns." as she scratches behind her fox ear with a relaxed expression.
William "That sounds nice to have sounds like you're almost like a computer to a certain extent but with emotions." as he clicks the bottom left button and the armory slides back into the wall with a notification sound from Oye's scroll as she opens it and puts it away.
Oye "Madam Aimy would prefer if you don't take the mission but that is up to you Sir and I'll follow you." as she sits down at the dining table with William rubbing his brow and sighs.
William "I would like to take this mission besides if we report the extra grimm we should be able to get more lien right?" as he sits down.
Oye "You're correct Sir I or you Sir will have to record before or during our engagement with the grimm. But I will follow your lead."
William "Well lets go then I don't want to leech off of Aimy so I need to make a living and getting better at fighting grimm will help. But give me a moment I'm going to call Aimy." as he pulls out his scroll and starts to call Aimy with Oye nodding her head and wait.
Aimy "Dear, I didn't expect you to call me, but I feel this isn't a social call, " she says with a loving voice and hearing some giggling in the background.
William "Yeah sorry Aimy it isn't two things and I'll get out of your hair. The first one is me and Oye will still be doing the mission because I don't want to leech off of you. And Second I want to craft something from my world but I'll need chemicals and the items to combine said chemical in a safe environment. If thats possible." he says a bit sheepishly as he hears typing sounds from Aimy.
Aimy "The first okay just be safe dear and the second on I already have a place for that so if you want to use it thats fine but what chemicals do you need?" she says with curiosity with Oye's fox ears perking up in excitement.
William "Carbon, hydrogen, gasoline or petroleum,plastic, and white phosphorus. Should be it if I need more then I'll tell you also combustion dust as well I plan to enhance it as well if it's possible." with Aimy tapping away for a minute.
Aimy "Well those chemicals should be easy to get. We do have petroleum but that may be a bit harder to find and plastic. Why plastic?" she says with even more curiosity.
William "I plan on making something that can change warfare against the grimm and if you can't get enough petroleum then get more plastic." with William tapping his foot nervously. With Aimy not talking for a solid minute before speaking again in excitement.
Aimy "Alright once you get back I should have all those materials and chemicals we already have dust in the house I forgot to tell you we have an armory and the panel is in the pantry with the code being 42312 sorry." as she chuckles nervously.
William "Alright sounds like a plan and yeah Oye showed me the armory and that's a lot of dust we have Aimy. But either way me and Oye are going to get ready for the walk there so me and Oye might not be back before tomorrow."
Aimy "Alright just be careful okay if you're overwhelmed then rely on Oye for support. I got to go business bye." and she ends the call with William putting away his scroll.
William "Alright i've gotten all I need do you Oye?" as he looks over to Oye she's in his face with excitement on her face.
Oye "Yes I just need to grab my pack but you said you can change warfare against grimm is that true and what are you going to make?" as she calms herself down, blushing in embarrassment with her fox ears drooping a bit. "Sorry Sir, I got too excited." with William a bit perplexed but shakes it off.
William "Yes I plan on making Napalm since this world doesn't run off of petroleum as a fuel source there might be a dust version but I'm planning on mixing the two to see how destructive it is." he says with excitement.
Oye "What's Napalm? And we probably have a dust version. Can you tell me what this Napalm does?" as she sits down fidgeting in her seat while getting out her scroll to write down what will be said.
William "If this world has flamethrowers it's just like that but different because yours uses dust while my world used flammable liquid but Napalm is different it's a gelatin substance that will stick to whatever and has several variants the first one will burn from ten to thirty seconds with the other variant B burning up to ten minutes with burning even if it's completely submerged in water with it burning up to 1,200 F so I don't think any grimm will survive it unless they live in an active volcano." with Oye writing it all down with a shocked expression and looks at William.
Oye "William your world is scary but I'm glad your using your knowledge to help us in this world even if it's just a sliver. But let me get my pack before I'm enthralled in trying to find out how to make it." as she gets up to get her pack and comes back roughly a minute later, ready to go.
William and Oye leave the house ready to take on the mission with William thinking how to activate his silver eye as they walk out of Mistral. Within ten minutes they are ambushed by what looks like a gorilla Grimm shrieking loudly.
William wastes no time and shot two rounds into the legs connecting and blowing them off but holds out a hand for Oye that was about to finish it off. "I want to try something so don't be alarmed." with Oye nodding her head but cutting off one of the gorilla Grimms arm as William focuses on his left eye as memories of his family, James, and finally Aimy flow through him as a silver-gray flash of light turns the Grimm into stone and shatters a moment later.
Oye is standing there shocked by what just happened with the silver-gray blinding light that turned a Grimm into stone. "Uh William what in the brothers did you do?" as she looks at William while she tries to make herself as small as possible. Which confuses William immensely.
William "Uh okay well my silver eye can turn grimm into stone but I don't know how powerful it is." as he walks up to Oye as she continues to make herself smaller until she's laying on the ground and William picks her up gently as she somewhat screams like a frightened fox by William picking her up and setting her on her feet.
Oye "Sorry about that Sir my senses are somewhat overreacting right now." as she looks at William apologetically with her ears drooping.
William "It's alright I kind of understand besides I found that scream of your kind of cute but let's continue forward we got a lot of ground to cover" as he hears some muffled squeals from Oye with it ceasing after a moment with Oye walking besides William as they make their way to the sawmill.