Assassin's and new information

As William and Oye continue on for roughly five hours, killing any Grimm that they come across, they finally take a break to eat with William checking over his ammunition. While eating checking he has four regular mags of 50. AE left and the six rounds of ice and 18 rounds of fire and lighting dust. While Oye refills the dust in the hilts of the fan swords and after a 30-minute break with no Grimm interrupting them they continue on.

After around an hour not finding Grimm they find it odd until Oye quickly gets in front of William and deflects a bullet aimed at him to the right. With William pulling out his gun seeing where the bullet that was fired from behind a tree and shots. With the bullet penetrating the tree with ease as William and Oye see a splatter of brain matter flying out from behind the now destroyed tree. As William and Oye find cover with bullets being fired where they were.

Oye "Sir, from the number of bullets being fired, there should be five more with automatic weapons and they should be behind those trees." She quickly points to them while deflecting the bullets being shot at her.

William provides covering fire, emptying the mag while hearing and seeing the gunfire dwindling as he reloads and fires three more rounds with the gunfire stopping. He peaks his head out from cover and sees a couple of humans and faunes bodies that fell out of the cover.

Oye "There shouldn't be anymore Sir. Spectacular marksmanship would you like to loot the bodies?" as she is still somewhat on guard with her ears perking up as she does a slash that releases a wind gust on a tree branch with a loud shriek from a man falling onto the groundbreaking his aura and screaming in pain as William points his gun at the man.

William "I would prefer if you shut the fuck up before I give you something to scream about." as he quickly grapples the man to the ground as Oye has her blade against the man's throat.

Oye "Why did you attack us?" as she draws blood to make her point clear.

Man "We were just told to take out the person who took the huntsmen job. It paid well so we didn't ask questions." He tries to get out of Williams's grip but can't budge.

William "And who told you to take the job? If you give me an answer I don't like I'm going to dislocate your shoulders so speak." he says threateningly.

Man "We don't know who ga…" is interrupted as William dislocates one of his shoulders as he screams out in pain squirming in William's grip.

William "I don't care do you have a name or not and if you don't any information is good too." as Oye goes through his pockets.

Man "Yes yes the scroll in my pocket still has the information about it please that's all I know." with him crying in pain as Oye finds the scroll opening it and going through its content. With William getting up with the man putting up no resistance.

Oye "He wasn't lying there is a kill contract to any huntsmen leaving and going out on missions. Sir, can you dislocate his knee for me." as she looks at the man with a cold expression as William nods his head with the man trying to protest but screams out in pain as William lets him go writhing on the ground in pain.

William "Do you want to leave him for the grimm Oye there should be some coming to…" is interrupted as she quickly stabs the man's throat and expands it to the fan completely severing his head as blood spurts out with Oye flicking most of the blood off her weapon.

Oye "With how many kill contracts they took no I'd prefer I took revenge for all the fallen Huntsmen besides I don't want anymore grimm showing up so lets go Sir." as she starts to walk away with William stealthily controlling the blood off her weapon as he catches up.

William and Oye continue on their way fighting some Grimm with Oye still having a cold expression with William speaking up. 

William "Oye are you alright you seem to be still dwelling on those mercenaries?" he says with concern in his voice while checking the surroundings.

Oye "I'm alright Sir just irritated by those scum that take those jobs killing huntsmen and huntresses that are the first line of defense against the grimm. But are you alright Sir you're hand has been shaking for a while." she says with some annoyance in her voice and shows concern for William.

William looks down to see his right hand shaking a bit as he grabs it and gently rubs his palm with his thumb. "Yeah kind of just wasn't expecting you to take his head off though that's probably it." as he chuckles nervously, stopping his hand from shaking. "You never get used to it."

Oye "You are correct Sir would you like to stop for today? Or would you like to continue on?" looking at William with some concern.

William "Yeah lets set up camp because once we get there I won't be able to see and I don't want to take risks that don't need to be taken." With William and Oye looking for a place to camp, finding an ideal location after ten minutes of searching.

After William sets up the campfire he opens his stats while Oye is cooking some food over the open fire.

strength as strong as a chapel giant

Blood echos 12,275

current skills/aura/semblance max 10

Passive: hunter weapon mastery(8) better control over hunter weapons.

Passive: riposte max when a shot from your weapon interrupts an enemy's attack they are stunned momentarily for your next attack to deal more damage.  

Passive: Hunter's mind max can't be Possessed,have power transferred, and immune to illusions.

medical(8)>(9) Medical knowledge ranging from minor cuts to trauma surgery

sharpshooter(8) increases the chance of shots on target


Passive: leadership(6)max How people look up to you and follow orders or calming down a frightened patient

chemist(3) Knowledge of chemical combinations from table salt to Napalm

CQC(8) hand to hand combat techniques

Passive: old blood max gains a small amount of health every 5 seconds in combat and can eventually heal fatal wounds but don't rely on it as you can still bleed out. Maximum blood loss is now 60% before the death of the host.

Passive aura(8) 

Passive semblance(9) Self sacrifice the more damage you take, the more you heal injuries (like severed arms or fatal wounds but can't heal yourself)

Passive: hunters quickened arts able to turn into white smoke to dodge attacks or traverse the land.

Passive: blood manipulation can manipulate your blood inside and outside of your body and others' blood outside or their bodies > Blood art's you now have finer control over your blood, able to make it as thick as steel.

Passive: silver eye can turn most Grimm into stone, but since it's one eye, it's not as effective, only affecting 10 Grimm at a time, determining if they are more potent than the host they will be immobile for 30 seconds cooldown is 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Passive: limited inventory a 60-pound limited inventory can't put any living beings in the space and anything that can't be held in someone's hands.

Passive: pressure hold able to stop an enemy's movement away from you can't happen to the same enemy for 30 seconds single-target only.

Purchasable skills 

???? skills requirement to unlock meet the main four characters.

[Well I got a lot of blood echoes probably from killing those humans. I just hope we didn't trigger anything with their employer but aw well they tried to kill us but it still doesn't absolve the fact I killed six people. I just hope team RWBY don't have to go through that, especially Yang. I don't think she or hell even any of them can handle it well, maybe Ruby with her experiencing death in front of her. I'll just try so they don't have to if I can help it.] 

Oye "Sir the food is ready and when would you like to wake up to continue our hunt?" as she hands some food to William taking it.

William "Roughly 6am I know we won't get a jump on them but knowing where they are will be beneficial so we don't get surrounded." as he eats and so does Oye.

Oye "Very well Sir also I looked over the messages that were sent to the mercenaires it had the same administrative code form the huntsmen database but I'll need to see who's administrative code was used because there's only a handful in Mistral that can have the code." as she somewhat looks at the scroll while eating and talking.

William "And do you know who or what positions they have to hold to have that access?" he asks curiously while keeping an eye out.

Oye "The council members,lower council members, and finally the academy's headmaster so intotal six people that could be the culprit but I'll need to do this discreetly." as she finishes her food and throws her trash in the fire.

William "Well we can look for more information when we get back but for now we focus on getting the mission done and surviving." as William throws his trash in the fire as well.

Oye "Also Sir I was wondering what you plan to do with the Napalm besides combating the grimm?" she curiously asks while taking out her scroll to take notes with William sighs.

William "I plan to do test runs with Napalm to see if I can combine combustion dust or fire dust to make it burn hotter than it already can. If it gets past the testing phase I would be interested in selling it to Atlas and Mistral for profit and personal use." as William takes chikage and pulls out a wet stone as he sharpens it.

Oye "That would be good for you Sir especially with Atlas they may even give you the privilege to become a researcher there if they are impressed which they most likely will be. I would also like to know how you plan to combine the dust and Napalm?" as her ears twitch in excitement.

William "I plan on either mixing it with the petroleum or when it's done I'll just have to experiment to find out. And being invited to Atlas would be nice but how would I get into contact with any Atlas military personnel because I don't think they are here in Mistral."

Oye "There is a port city called Argus that has an Atlas military base that provides security against the grimm. So if anything once you're able to get it through the testing phase it will be a done deal." as she cleans her weapons while putting her scroll away.

William "Sound like a plan in the future well I'll be on first watch if thats fine with you Oye." as he gets up and stands watch.

Oye That's alright with me Sir, thank you." as she lays down to rest with William taking watch for the night.