As William takes to watch for the night with just sounds of wolves howling, bugs buzzing, and a crow fluttering to a branch as it watches William with him sighing. As he quickly checks, the time is 11 pm.
William looks at the crow and says in a hushed voice. "Qrow that you or am I just talking to a bird." the crow flutters its wings and flies behind a tree with an almost silent thud from someone falling. "Qrow if you wanted to know where I was you could have called my scroll or even Aimy's scroll." He hears a sigh from behind the tree as Qrow comes out from behind it.
Qrow "So you know my parlor trick should I know anything else William?" as Qrow leans against the tree. While looking at William with some hostility and curiosity with Oye quickly getting up in a defensive stance with both of her fan swords unfurled.
Oye "Sir may I know who this man is." she says while slowly walking to William while keeping her guard up with a cold expression.
William "This man here is Qrow Branwen you could say an acquaintance or an ally. So Qrow why are you out here at this time?" with curiosity as Qrow sighs and takes a swig from his flask.
Qrow "Easy there and the reason being I'm out here this late is because I wanted some answers from what you said about where you're from and I'm assuming the woman was informed already?" as he sighs, taking another swig.
William "Yes Oye was already informed about where I come from so what did you want to know?" with Oye somewhat easing her guard but not fully.
Qrow "I wanted to know did you encounter any ravens coming here to Mistral and how did you know I can do my parlor trick?" he says while looking at William dead in the eye.
William "Yes I encountered Raven if you were wondering a couple of times three in fact. I know because I saw you're parlor trick and guessed Raven's parlor trick," with Qrow rubbing his brow in annoyance.
Qrow "And what did she do?"
William "She revealed herself like you did after I said 'Okay once was a chance, twice was a coincidence and three is the last straw.' 'If you are some fucking familair to a damn old wizard in a fucking tower then fuck off I'm going to count to three and if you're still perchehed there your dead.' It seemed like she was extremely interested in me and after I interrupted her a couple of times I told her some things that spooked her long story short. She will more than likely contact me in a few days because I peaked her curiosity."
Qrow "So do you know what you're dealing with then?"
William "Somewhat else should I know about her if you're willing to tell me."
Qrow "My sister is the leader of a tribe of bandits with a long list of crimes of murder, theft, and robbery. And you were able to get her to contact you ho… no just tell me when she contacts you."
William "Alright Qrow I will after Raven contacts me and you'll be the first to know also me and Oye found a group of mercenaries that were taking kill contracts for huntsmen and huntresses."
Qrow "So that's why I saw those bodies do you have proof thats wha.." is interrupted by Oye snarling a bit.
Oye "Yes I do and if it's any consultation, they attack first here." She throws the scroll to Qrow, catches it, and looks through it with a shocked expression. "So this is what happened to those huntsmen and huntresses that were late." He tosses it back to Oye. "I would like a copy of those if possible." and is interrupted by his scroll going off.
Oye "Done also there's more information for you as well all I have to say is be careful if you pick up any work in Mistral." She puts the scrolls away with Qrow's mouth ajar.
Qrow "Oz needs to know this. Thanks, you two be careful coming back alright." He starts to walk into the woods. With Oye finally letting her guard down as she looks at William.
Oye "Are you alright Sir? Also would you like to rest since I'm up now." She stands next to William.
William "Yeah that's fine, well wake me at five instead it would be better to get there by 9 am." He sits down and rests.
After six hours William is awoken by Oye with some food as he gets up and thanks Oye as they eat and get ready to continue with the mission.
Oye "Sir we should be able to get to the sawmill in four hours and the sun should be breaking in about an hour and a half." She finishes her food and gets ready.
William "Sounds good, hopefully there aren't any delays to get there." as he gets up and gets ready as well.
After roughly ten minutes cleaning up they continue on killing some Grimm for roughly four hours until Oye motions for William to crouch down as she quickly makes her way through the brush with ease with William slowly following behind until they reach near a clearing with the abandoned rundown sawmill with five deathstalkers laying down with the small horde of beowulfs roaming around with no direction with two beowulfs that have more bone armor than the rest.
Oye says in a hushed voice. "Would you like me to record them before we engage?"
William "Yes after a minute we can engage so go ahead." as he gets out his desert eagle and loads ice rounds. With Oye recording on her scroll while getting ready.
Oye "How would you like to play this Sir?" as she puts away her scroll and gets her fan swords out.
William "We'll have to pick them off at least those we can before the deathstalkers get in range. Sounds like a plan?" as he unclips beast cutter from his hip and looks at Oye as she nods her head in agreement.
William starts to rush into the open while firing his gun hitting three of the five deathstalkers killing two that are encased in ice with the other's legs stuck to the ground as he reloads with the beowulfs rushing towards William. Oye rushes out too, throwing one of her fans killing an alpha that was caught off guard with the fan flashing purple as it comes back to Oye.
William proceeds to take down nine beowulfs before the alphas is upon William as it slash's its claws with William turning to smoke dodging to its side bringing beast cutter to its side but deflected by the beowulf's alphas other claws. With Oye fighting the two deathstalkers with the other one trying to break free from the ice as the other six remaining beowulfs charging William. William morphs beast cutter dodging away doing a horizontal slash killing five of them with the last one ducking under the whip and quickly bits Williams hand as he activates his aura blocking the attack as he winces from the pain and back steps, but his back is swiped by the alpha as William throws his gun to the ground and punches the alpha as it tries to block but is pushed back with a broken arm as beast cutter cuts it in half.
Oye quickly dismembers the two deathstalkers with her fans flying between her hands and the deathstalkers limbs as they screech out before they are quickly killed but wind blades from her fan. As she finishes her fight, she sees William punching the alphas and cutting it in half with the last Beowulf trying to bite William but is stopped as William ducks underneath it while dropping beast cutter as he grabs its hind legs and rips the beast in half killing it. With the deathstalker finally breaking out of the ice charging at William with Oye quickly throwing her fan embedding itself in the bone armor with Oye rushing the deathstalker with William picking back up beast cutter as he gets to it first quickly smashing the pincers as Oye gets in it's back cutting off the stinger as William smashes its head killing it.
Oye "Fantastic work Sir." as she recalls her fan and puts them away.
William "Thanks but I forgot to use my eye but it turned out well this time." as he rubs his back a bit and hand while Oye takes out her scroll to take pictures of the finished job.
Oye "You did indeed Sir would you like me to remind you to use it?" as she finishes taking pictures and puts away her scroll.
William "No need lets get out of here, we got a twelve hour walk back so I'll use my eye until we are three hours away from Mistral." as he picks up his gun, wipes off dirt and loads a new mag in.
Oye "Very well Sir then let us move." as she and William make their way back to Mistral. But fail to notice a raven that was watching them fight and flies away unnoticed by the two.