Two hours earlier
As Ruby walks downstairs for breakfast, getting a bowl of pumpkins pete's marshmallow flakes as she starts to eat being the first one up as she silently thinks to herself.
[I hope William's mission goes well being his first one has to be nerve racking. Also I hope Yang and dad aren't mad at me. Who am I kidding they probably are and I don't know how to reconcile with them but whenever I think of Yang and dad William's words keep popping up in my head. 'when the walls come tumbling down when you lose everything you have you always have family.' But i've been a horrible little sister and daughter. I don't know if..] her thoughts are interrupted by Qrow opening the door looking tired.
Ruby "Hi uncle did you just get back?" she says through a mouthful of cereal.
Qrow "Yeah I wanted to check on some things that took longer than expected." as he sits on a couch.
Ruby "What did you check up on? If you don't mind me asking." as she continues to eat her cereal.
Qrow "Just checking up on some acquaintances still trying to find some huntsmen and huntresses with no luck besides the list Aimy gave me that me and Oz are still sifting through." he finishes with Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Oscar all coming downstairs.
Jaune "Morning Qrow did you just get back you look tired?" as everyone else get to the kitchen getting some leftovers from last night for breakfast.
Qrow "Yeah I did but Oscar I got some information for oz so once your done with breakfast I need to talk with you."
Oscar "Okay also Ozpin says for you all to train by yourselves until we get back." getting a nod of approval from Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Ruby.
After roughly fifteen minutes later with team RNJR going to the built in dojo Qrow and Oscar both go upstairs to talk. With Oscar's eyes flashing with his mannerisms changing.
Oscar/Ozpin "So what new information do you have Qrow?" as he sits down in a chair.
Qrow "Well I went to see William only to find out he got his huntsmen license and took a mission day one to kill some deathstalkers at a sawmill. Long story short he figured out I was looking at him as a crow and he had a run in with Raven before us so there's that too." Qrow pulls out his scroll and displays the information from Oye. "We also got some new information. It looks like someone's killing huntsmen. From what the woman that was traveling with William was able to get from Assassins that tried to kill them. I have a feeling that woman is with Aimy."
Oscar/Ozpin "I see it looks like she had to hack into the huntsmen database to get the information with the 'late' huntsmen and huntresses. And all these kill contracts that were put out. It seems there is someone on the council that is doing this but why?" as he scratches his head a bit.
Qrow "Yeah thats what I wanted to know as well but it looks like this is just the surface and I can't believe I'm saying this but I am glad we have some underworld connections because we would have informed these huntsmen to late to save them. So how do you want to play this out oz?" Qrow says while taking a swig from his flask.
Oscar/Ozpin "Well for now I don't want them to think someone is pulling strings inside the council so we will just anonymously inform them of the kill contracts that are on huntsmen and huntresses." he says while slowly getting up from his chair.
Qrow "And how do you want that done?" he says curiously.
Oscar/Ozpin "Either you can do it but it'll be to slow or we can contact Aimy to get it done for us more than likely purchase her service if she has such a good hacker than she has others."
Qrow "Alright lets see how much we got to pay first then figure it out from there." as Qrow pulls out his scroll and calls Aimy.
Aimy "Oh I didn't expect you to call so soon Qrow did you choose who you wanted to hire from me?" she says happily.
Oscar/Ozpin "No Miss Aimy we are still figuring that out but we received some information from William that there are kill contracts on huntsmen and huntresses that leave Mistral on missions."
Aimy "Oh… dammit I had that feeling but how did you get this information William is out on a mission already?" said with a curious tone in her voice.
Qrow "I wanted to talk to him but when I saw his name on the active mission board I left to find him. I believe her name was Oye and it was with her that gave me this information." as they hear Aimy sighing on her end.
Aimy "Yeah sounds like Oye to me well you're lucky since you didn't pay for that information so now that's out of the way why did you call I can't do social call while I'm doing my work." she says the last part with a bit of hostility.
Oscar/Ozpin "Yes since you have a hacker you must have more if so we would like to hire you to send anonymous messages to the remaining huntsmen in Mistral that there's a kill contract on them if they take missions." with typing on Aimy's end for about a minute until she speaks.
Aimy "With the risk and the remaining amount being ten active huntsmen and huntresses left the total will come out to 25,000 lien. It would have been more if the remaining ten were still alive so would you like to use my services?"
Oscar/Ozpin "I would like to think about this for a moment if you don't mind Miss Aimy."
Aimy "Very well if you change your mind have Qrow contact me again or William and he'll pass it onto me. And if that's everything I must get back to work." as she ends the call.
Qrow "So after hearing the price oz you think she can deliver?" as Qrow starts to lay down on his bed.
Oscar/Ozpin "Yes but I will need to think about this a bit more until then Qrow rest." as he walks out of the room to help RNJR train with Qrow falling asleep on the bed.
POV Aimy
After Aimy hangs up, she looks over multiple documents until Iwai comes into her office with coffee.
Iwai "Boss you know it's not good to sleep at your desk right?" as she places the coffee in front of Aimy as she takes it and sips a bit, sighing in relief.
Aimy "I know Iwai but with the new information we got from Oye I'm worried that we are just scratching the surface of this plan so any new information that's sensitive?" as she continues to type away.
Iwai "Yes we got word from someone in the White Fang that a man named Adam Taurus took command of the white fang after a human huntsmen killed high leader Sienna Khan. That's the official statement from the White Fang but a whistleblower told us Adam killed Sienna Khan himself and took the position."
Aimy sighs and rubs her brow. "Alright well that's good to know but under Adam Taurus I think he'll do something drastic like at beacon so if we didn't help the whistleblower leave the White Fang bribe them to stay and give us more information and movement of them. I have a feeling that something has been set in motion." said stressfully as she sips her coffee.
Iwai "Yes Boss also we found three bandit camps so far how do you want to deal with them?" she says with a smirk.
Aimy "Have the cleaners sent in and the collectors afterwards I want any valuables in those camps, anything else about our scout teams?" said with curiosity.
Iwai "No Boss all teams have reported today. We have yet to find Weiss Schnee and the bandits that took her and the dust."
Aimy "Very well, also what is the status of the chemicals that I bought for William and his project?"
Iwai "We have bought all the items that are needed for William to complete his project. All I have to say is if this new weapon can change how we combat grimm it will sell really well with Atlas Boss." as she say the last part excitedly.
Aimy "I know that might be what he's aiming for and if the Atlas military is happy with the new weapon then it's going to be a free pass past the border closure. Either way we won't know until he makes it but back to business since I still got a pile of work to do." with Iwai nodding her head and leaving the room with Aimy getting a call from her uncle.
Aimy "Uncle how are you doing?" she says happily.
Matsumura "I'm doing good Aimy I heard William became a Huntsmen with ease he was also put on the rare list. Also they are keeping an eye on him since he destroyed the helm and dented its leg of earth infused armor." he says with some surprise.
Aimy "Yeah I heard from Oye it's was a surprise to hear that and from your tone of voice your happy. But also William is trying to make something called Napalm and from what he said it would change the way we combat grimm." she says the last part in excitement.
Matsumura "That's amazing what is he planning to do with it personal use or sell it to Atlas or something?" he says in excitement as well.
Aimy "I don't know personal use most definitely and selling it to Atlas more than likely."
Matsumura "Sounds about right from how William carries himself but sometimes I think he's carrying a heavy burden but at least he's not alone in it. But I did want to ask when are you and William going to go on a date or something of the like?" as he giggles trying to keep it down but fails.
Aimy "Uncle you know I'm trying to… no your right I should do something nice with William but I don't know if he wants to yet I feel like he wants to but hold himself back." while she massages her temples.
Matsumura "Well if you think he's no ready then hold off or we could invite you both over for dinner again Suzuki has been asking me non stop if he's coming over again. You know how she is with anything that is scientific or new." as he sighs defeatedly.
Aimy "Yeah I know how she gets but thats up to William uncle once he gets back from his mission with Oye I have feeling he'll get to work on his project so theres that."
Matsumura "Well nothing wrong with that but if Suzuki hears of his project then I will never hear the end of it either way I spent enough of our morning talking and I have to get back to work love you Aimy."
Aimy "Love you to uncle." as Matsumura ends the call with Aimy sighing and getting back to work typing away with documents popping up and closing rapidly until she stops and see one specifically that caught her eye. After reading a bit of the document that reads 'someone tried to hack our systems but we were able to isolate the virus for Oye to check.'
[Who in their right mind would try and hack us don't they know who.. No, it might be someone who has nothing to lose. Could it be from the person trying to sow chaos in Mistral? Could be I'll have to have Oye take a look at the virus and see if we can find out who did it.]
POV William
Present time 4pm
After walking for seven hours William and Oye both take a break after only running into four urshas and killing them with ease.
William eats some rations and Oye does as well until they are interrupted by someone walking up to them as Oye gets ready to deal with said person until she speaks.
Raven "So you took a job as a huntsman doesn't matter you said to contact you in a week but I think we can circumvent that wait what do you think William?" she somewhat says mockingly.
William replies nonchalantly, "Yeah we can talk but you know this isn't the most ideal place to do so how about we talk at my place? How does that sound Raven?" as he continues eating as Raven laughs loudly with Oye snarling at Raven.
Raven "Well I wasn't expecting you to pull the same shit like last time but okay I'll bite this once." as she leans against a tree with Oye sitting down but still ready just in case.