Oye "Sir I don't agree with Raven was it being brought to the house Sir." said with hostility with Raven chuckling.
Raven "And who's this new woman William that can't keep her mouth shut." as she puts her hand on her weapon.
William "Beruhigen wir uns hier, bevor es körperlich wird." with Oye and Raven both looking at William perplexed by what he said. "I said let's calm down here before it gets physical. But if you think that's for the best Oye I don't mind if we speak here.Is that fine Raven?" as he looks at Raven and she nods her head.
Raven "Yeah I would like to know how you know so much so don't keep me waiting." she says demandingly, getting a chuckle from William.
William "Alright I'll tell you would you believe me if I said I was from another world?" while looking into Raven's eyes as she looks to the ground in deep thought. "Well I am and the reason is because all the events I saw were from a show called RWBY." With William explaining all about the show the scenes he saw Raven about Ozpin and how the show followed Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang during their time in beacon as William explains the theory about original works with Raven absorbing the information like a sponge not saying a word until she draws her blade with Oye getting in front of William.
Raven in an angry voice with her eyes glowing red. "You just expect me to believe that bullshit you just said like I'll believe it!" with William getting up from the ground and stands besides Oye with the weather changing as it starts to rain.
William "No, that's for you to decide, not me. I just told you the truth. It's up to you if you want to believe it or not. Besides I spoke in a different language that has never been said in this world. Raven, wirst du das Schwert benutzen oder nicht?" as he keeps his hand on Chikage ready to draw.
Raven "So then that was a different language I would have to agree with you on that because I never heard anything like that." as she somewhat hesitates and sheaths her sword. "I won't kill you yet but just know I'll come back to talk more." as she does a quick draw opening a red portal.
William "Alright besides you have my contact information all you need to do is call like I said last time." as William drops his guard, getting a scoff from Raven as she walks into the portal and closes behind her with Oye sighing and looks at William.
Oye "Sir was that wise to tell Raven about this it could backfire on you I don't even know the consequences of this course of action." as she drops her guard while sighing in relief.
William "Probably but it's a risk worth taking if Raven is just as good in combat as Qrow but first let's continue on since it's raining now and I have a feeling why." as William grabs his pack as Oye does the same.
POV Raven
After walking out of the portal, she sits down on a cushion beside a table with another woman walking in with a tea set.
??? "So how'd it go?" as she sets the tea set on the table and pours some for Raven.
Raven takes off her helmet and takes a sip of the tea. "I have more questions than answers from him that i'm still thinking about. Also how's our captive Vernal?"
Vernal "She's still rowdy sometimes but is being a good girl for us. So how much do you think we can get for a Schnee?" as she looks at Raven with a smile.
Raven "I don't know but for now we need to focus on increasing our defenses. I don't want surprises." as she rubs her brow
Vernal "You got it Raven." as she walks out of the tent.
[Trying to wrap my head around what William said is a mind fuck. Being from another world and this world being seen in said world as a fucking show how do I processes that. Like I already have enough on my plate with running the tribe and not getting caught by Salem. I hate that a new variable was added to this stupid fucking game.]
POV William
After several hours of walking and fighting Grimm they finally make it back to Mistral with William and Oye going to the huntsmen board.
William "So how do we give them the evidence that there was 'more' than was stated?" as he looks at Oye as she types on her scroll.
Oye "First we accept that the mission was done then we send the video and picture evidence then we should get three times the amount that was stated which was 10,000 lien so we should get 30,000 lien." as she finishes typing and looks at the board again saying 'Mission completed amount will be sent electronically.'
William "So that's it? Nothing else to do?" as he looks at his scroll there's a notification reading' money deposited in huntsmen account for access to your money please head to the huntsmen building to receive your card.'
Oye "Since you just joined and don't have a banking account open yet the council is obligated to give you a temporary account which is called the huntsmen card. But you have a thirty day grace period to open an account." as she and William walk back home.
William "Sounds good to know but i'm tired so I'll do that tomorrow I just want to get back and relax what about yo.." is interrupted by Oye's scroll going off with her picking up the call.
Oye "Yes Madam what do you need? Very well I will get there in roughly ten minutes. Yes Sir is with me i understand." as she hands her scroll to William. "Madam wants to talk with you Sir." with William perplexed but takes her scroll.
Aimy "I'm so glad your first mission was a success even if there was some miss information about it but hey I'm going to be bogged down with work again and once Oye sees you home she will leave to do something for me and don't worry I have some of my men guarding the house so you don't have to worry."
William "Well alright just don't over work yourself and I didn't expect people guarding me like a vip." as he chuckles nervously with Aimy chuckling at William.
Aimy "Well what did you expect from being accepted into the family without being married yet." as there are now three sets of chuckling, two from the scroll and from Oye.
William "Yeah I should have but it still feels weird to me being treated like this. Either way I will let you get back to work because once I get back i'm taking a shower and going to sleep."
Aimy "Sounds good well relax and I have a feeling you want to work on your project tomorrow so when you wake up call me and I'll have Iwai escort you there." she says with some excitement.
William "I will but I need to stop by the huntsmen building first to get my huntsmen card since I don't have an account yet." As he finishes talking, William and Oye are in front of the house. "I got back to the house so you have a goodnight alright."
Aimy "I'll try no guarantees have a goodnight." as she hangs up and William hands Oye her scroll back and enters the house.
Oye "Have a goodnight Sir I hope your project goes well Sir." as she starts to leave.
William "Thanks and have a goodnight if you're going to sleep if not hope the assignment goes well." in a tired voice with Oye nodding her head and leaving.
[Well I got the house somewhat to myself besides the guards outside probably or insi…] as he's looking around the room and sees a man crouching in the corner as William and the man make eye contact. With William drawing his gun and aiming it at the man.
William "I can see you and if you don't say who you work for I don't think they will find your body." as he clicks his safety off the gun. The man frantically gets up to stand and says.
Man "I work for Aimy White she told me to guard you Sir I am sorry for not informing you Sir. Boss Aimy wanted you to relax while I was able to keep an eye on you." as he sweats and shivers a bit. With William sighing defeatedly while putting his gun away.
William "Well I want you to call Aimy and put her on speaker so I can hear her." the man pulls out of his scroll and calls someone.
Aimy "WHAT HAPPENED IS EVERYTHING OKAY!?" she says loudly as there's shuffling on her end.
Man "No Madam Aimy Sir William was able to see me and wanted to know who I was." as he's shivering a bit.
Aimy "Oh I almost called Oye back to help but thankfully that's not the case I'm assuming William can hear me?" she says in a relaxed tone.
William "Yeah I can I just wanted to make sure he was just crouching in the corner."
Aimy "You could see him?" she says in a shocked tone. "So did you have your semblance activated?" as her tone changes with some anger in it directed to the man.
Man "Yes Madam Aimy I had it activated as soon as I heard the front door open." as he shivers more.
Aimy "Well if I go anywhere I won't have to worry about people with stealth semblances trying to sneak up on me now when I'm with you dear." she says happily.
William "Yeah well I just wanted to make sure to also go easy on him if you were planning to do something to him." as he goes to the room and puts away his pack and going back downstairs after a couple of minutes.
Man "Thank you for saying that to Madam Aimy Sir thank you." as he bows to William getting a perplexed look from him.
William "You're welcome hey can you do something for me if there's any alcohol here like sake, whiskey, or something like that? Could you just put it on the kitchen table and I'll get it once I'm done." with William walking towards the bath with the man saying "yes Sir." as he runs off.
After roughly fifteen minutes later William is out of the bath in some casual clothes drinking some sake while cleaning his weapons and armor in the room. As he buys a chemical suit for 300 blood echoes and puts it into the inventory space.
[I can't wait to make napalm again. It's like I'm a teen again making some homemade napalm but now I have white phosphorus so this will be interesting but oh shit I almost forgot to call Qrow about Raven well I'll do that now.] with William calling Qrow on his scroll.
Qrow "Hey William what's going on?" as there's ice clinking against glass.
William "Hey just wanted you to know Raven found me and wanted answers so I did." as theres silence for about a minute.
Qrow "So what did you tell her then?" as there's some hostilities from his tone,
William "What I promised to earn her curiosity which was about how I'm from a different world and all that but I didn't tell her shit about Ozpin being reincarnated into Oscar if you were wondering that."
Qrow "You know if that information gets out then I don't know how people will take that shit." as he sighs defeatedly. "Just don't go saying that to every person you meet, soldier boy." chuckling to himself.
William "Sir yes Sir." he says mockingly, getting a laugh from Qrow. "I won't either way she will probably show up again how soon I don't know so there's that."
Qrow "Well if you need help with Raven call me. Either way I'm going back to relaxing have a good night." as he hangs up with William chuckling to himself.
William "Yeah I should go to sleep too." as William gets in bed, falling asleep instantly.