I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.


William wakes up in bed by himself as he stretches, gets dressed in his armor, goes downstairs getting some breakfast, and sees some cereal named pumpkin pete's marshmallow flakes.

William "I always wanted to try this. It's pretty generic but thankfully, the company didn't keep Pyrrha's face on it." William grabs a bowl, pours the cereal and then milk, and proceeds to eat at the counter after five minutes and calls Aimy.

Aimy "Good morning did you sleep well?" she says groggily while drinking something.

William "Yeah, I slept like a log, but it feels like I can sleep longer. How did you sleep?" he curiously, getting a yawn from Aimy.

Aimy "I slept okay I'm accustomed to sleeping in my chair some days, but I could have used a bed either way, Iwai will be there shortly to get your huntsmen car and bank account set up. I also can't wait for your project to come to fruition." she giggles while stretching.

William "I was wondering what Oye's up to, did something happen that needed her expertise?" he says curiously while walking to sit in the living room.

Aimy "Well someone tried to hack into our database but we were able to stop them and we managed to isolate a virus and Oye was able to destroy it and she is currently updating our system and figuring out who tried to do it." as she sips her drink.

William "Well hopefully you find out who did it or track them down do you think it due to what Oye did to the huntsmen database?" as he relaxes on the couch.

Aimy "Probably but we are so well hidden it usually takes a month for them to track us back but whoever did this is on par with Oye and that's saying something about the cyberattackers skills. Either way I need to get to work and I'll finally be caught up but have a good day." she says somewhat energetically.

William "I'll try, but I'm excited to make Napalm again so I can't wait to get to work." he says excitedly. At the same time, the front door opens, revealing Iwai coming inside and seeing William relaxing on the couch.

Iwai "Boss, are you ready? I'm going to be escorting you to the huntsman building the bank and finally to your project." she says with excitement as she closes the door behind her and waits.

William "Yeah I'm ready Iwai well Aimy im off try and have a good day." he says while getting up as he attaches chikage to his left hip and gun underneath it.

Aimy "I'll try, and if Iwai is over bearing please tell me she can be like that sometimes." She sighs a bit.

William "I will bye." He hangs up and looks at Iwai. "Well, let's go. I want to finish this and get to work on my project." He and Iwai both walk outside to get William's huntsmen car, and bank account set up, which takes roughly an hour with Iwai escorting William to the location.

Iwai "I can't wait to see how your project turns out." she says excitedly while somewhat skipping while walking.

William "Hopefully it goes well but since im making it from scratch it might take a couple of days to make so hopefully Aimy has all the equipment that's needed." he chuckles at Iwai's antics.

Iwai "More than likely there is so you don't have to worry about it too much and here we are." as she opens the front door to a hardware store with William following Iwai in with an employee seeing Iwai and William nods her head at them and goes to them.

Employee "Hello, what are you two looking for today?" she says with a smile.

Iwai "We are looking for items for his project. We also have a list of the items here." Iwai hands the employee a note with the employee reading it and nods her head handing it back to Iwai.

Employee "Yes we have what you need but it's in the back so please follow me." the employee guides them to the backroom with several shelves full of hardware items and the like, but they pass it with the employee looking around until she stops at a wall and knocks on it with the wall sliding inward showing a staircase going down.

Iwai "Let's go Boss." as she walks down the stairs with William following as the wall closes behind them.

William "So this is interesting to see in person so is this a lab or something?" as they continue to walk down for a couple of minutes.

Iwai "Yeah it's closed off just in case something happens inside and now it's all yours to make the Napalm and the chemical suits are over there." as she points at a changing room as she finds a seat with William checking the suits if they fit and none do so he takes out the chemical suit and wears it going back out getting a perplexed look from Iwai as William comes back out.

Iwai "I don't remember a suit like that Boss did you bring it with you wait I bet you put in in your prison pocket." she starts laughing a bit with William shaking his head and replies in a muffled voice from the suit.

William "Not I can put some things in a small pocket inventory so I pulled it out either way I'm going to get to work." he follows the signs towards the lab as Iwai follows behind him, still laughing somewhat until they get to a decontamination chamber and Iwai stops following him.

Iwai "I'll be in the observation room with the boys so go nuts Boss." as she goes off to the room with William stepping into the decontamination chamber, locking the room tight as the process begins for roughly a minute with the door to the lab unlocking itself with William walking into the lab and seeing all the instruments he needs to make Napalm with the raw ingredients in separate rooms including fire and combustion dust.

[Well, I'll be damned Aimy is very resourceful either way, let's get started.] With William getting the ingredients ready and after several hours of waiting, there's finally a mixture as he starts to put a little bit of fire dust before mixing it into the mixture gently with the mixture bubbling a bit until it completely changes its color to a deep red color. As he sighs in relief for the first batch not blowing up in his face. 

After taking a small amount of the new Napalm, he puts the napalm batch in a separate empty room and goes back to the small-batch, taking a tiny amount and bringing it to a separate area while grabbing dry chemical exhausting agents just in case. As he ignites the small amount from a safe distance as it does, a small explosion splattering onto his suit and table as it starts to burn through his suit feeling the heat like he's in a giant oven  as he quickly douses himself and the patches of Napalm in drying agents extinguishing it as an alarm goes off in the room with Iwai starts to talk on the coms to the room.

Iwai "Boss are you okay? We saw the temperature spike up to 2,000 degrees for a second." she says in a panicked voice as there's shuffling of people on the coms as well.

William "I'm good I just wasn't expecting it to explode like that." as he gives a thumb up to one of the cameras with Iwai signing in relief as the alarm stops.

Iwai "Was that what you were looking for, Boss?" as she has some excitement in her voice.

William "Somewhat yes and no I need to stabilize it some more can you get me some water dust powder? I want to see what I can do with it." as he cleans up the mess.

Iwai "Yes Boss we can get you some here in ten minutes so just wait and it'll be there." as she says confidently as William finishes cleaning up after ten minutes with the decontamination chamber going off with someone in a chemical suit brings a small box and sets it down at one of the stations and leaves.

With that William spends several more hours tinkering with the Napalm adding some water dust getting a different result instead of it exploding this time the surface area expands ten fold with the alarm going off again and after a minute the fire is to hot for William to get close enough so Iwai releases drying agent in the lab extinguishing the Napalm with minor damage to the lab.

Iwai "Boss have you finished yet you've been at it for… eight hours." she says tiredly and sarcastically.

William "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning and yes I got the desired result but first I need to do live testing here soon so…" as William opens the shop purchasing a M9-7 flamethrower empty for 700 blood echos with some shocked gasping from the coms. As he loads the experimental napalm batch in the flamethrower till its full and puts it in his inventory space. "I'll have to find a good place to use it, preferably where there is not a lot of vegetation so I don't accidentally kill someone."

Iwai "Boss how did.. What.. I.. okay well if you want to test it there is another part of this facility that we test weapons so once you leave the lab I'll escort you there." as she tries to compose herself as William walks to the decontamination room and exiting after a minute with Iwai outside waiting for him.

Iwai "Follow me Boss and are you alright there are some holes in your suit." She looks at him with worry.

William "I'm fine if I didn't put the drying agent on me then it wouldn't be a good but let me change out of this before we go." He goes to change and comes back after a couple of minutes in his armor. "Now I'm ready, let's test this new mix out." Iwai leads William through the facility. After roughly five minutes, they reach an empty room with several other people in matching uniforms with a bunch of drying agents at the ready.

Iwai "We have a Atlas armored APC for testing this weapon from the temperature that Oye heard you say but I now have no Idea what will happen to it." She looks at William in excitement.

William pulls out the M9-7 and attaches it to his back as he walk to the APC until he's 50 feet away. "Me neither but thats the fun part." as he takes aim and pulls the trigger with the Napalm shooting out as it catches fire after leaving the barrel sticking to the Atlas APC and William stops feeding after ten seconds as the Atlas APC is now covered in Napalm as the tires start to burn first the glass shattering, and after roughly a minute the armor starts to melt as the people start to throw the drying agent trying to extinguish it after approximately five minutes later the last flame flickers.

As the smoke settles, what remains of the APC is a lump of steel with no defining feature of what it was before. With William looking back at Iwai with her recording everything, he smiles menacingly, looking back at the now lump of steel with everyone else looking at the power of such a weapon.  

William "Nun, das gefällt mir sehr. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr davon zu machen." (Well I like that a lot. I can't wait to make more of this.) he says excitedly with a fire in his eye's.