Surprise and Guessing

Everyone in the room coughs from the amount of smoke of melted rubber, steel and whatever else that was in the APC.

William "Iwai, is there a ventilation system? Also I would recommend not to touch the lump of slag as the metal has yet to cool down." as he coughs a bit while putting away the M9-7 in his inventory.

Iwai "Yeah we do Boss." as she presses a button on her scroll with the sound of fans activating with the smoke flying into the vents. "Also Boss the temperature that was recorded was 3,876 F so I would have to say this weapon is scary." as she shivers a bit but from excitement.

William "If we let it burn any longer than it probably would have reached 5,000 F  or higher since I don't know the workings behind dust but I would have to say this is a success but now what do I call this variant of Napalm?" while rubbing his chin and looking back at the slag of metal.

Iwai "I don't know Boss but would you like me to forward the video to Boss Aimy?" as the people start to go back to what they were doing before.

William "Yeah go ahead I think I did enough for today making it so lets go back to the house." while he starts to walk out of the room with Iwai following William as she send's the video to Aimy.

POV Aimy

Aimy "I got a video from Iwai and a message saying. 'Boss look at this shit!!!!' Oye you were interested in this, come here." she says with excitement with Oye getting away from her desk that was covered in screens filled with code.

Oye "I can't wait to see what this weapon will do Madam." as she grabs a seat from Aimy's room and sets it next to her while Aimy presses play on the video.

The video starts with Iwai having the scroll focused on William's back.

Iwai "We have a Atlas armored APC for testing this weapon from the temperature that Oye heard you say but I now have no Idea what will happen to it." as William pulls out a weird weapon with huge tanks and what looks like a pressurized nozzle that looks like a gun. While putting it onto his back and walks towards the Atlas APC until he's 50 feet away.

William "Me neither but that's the fun part." as he squeezes the trigger with a steam of flame striking the APC, covering it in flames as it continues for about ten seconds before he stops squeezing the trigger.

As the APC is covered in flame, the tires melt then the metal start to melt as well as there are her gang throwing drying agents onto the fire as it continues to burn for five minutes until the fire is extinguished. With the smoke revealing a lump of metal that has no discernible features of what it was before. 

Everyone on screen looks at William in shock with William looking back to Iwai and her scroll saying a gibberish.

WIlliam "Nun, das gefällt mir sehr. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr davon zu machen."

And the video ends with both Oye and Aimy looking at the screen with a shocked expression until finally Aimy looks at the other messages Iwai sent.

Aimy "Iwai said the temperature in that five minutes reached 3,876 F and William said if they let it burn any more than it could have reached a temperature of 5,000 F." while she leans back in her chair with a shocked expression.

Oye "I don't even know what to say Madam but this weapon William has made can be used extremely well if there is no care for the surrounding environment. I… I don't oh god's this was probably used as a weapon of wa.." is interrupted by Aimy.

Aimy "A weapon of war if it can melt steel like that I don't even want to think of how it was used." as Aimy closes her scroll and looks at Oye.

Oye "Besides how it was used, if the Atlas military gets wind of this weapon then they will be clamoring and pleading with William to take a weapons development researcher. And looking at how we had to use drying agents to extinguish the flames I don't think conventional means to extinguish it will work." as she crosses her arms over her chest in deep thought.

Aimy "As much as I want William to make a profit from this I think it's better to keep this as a trump card." while she gets back to work. "Oye how has your work come along?" as she looks at Oye pulling her out of her thoughts.

Oye "Very good Madam I was able to cross reference the coding structure of the virus and narrowed down who could have made it. There are several suspects with all of them from Atlas cybersecurity all being active, retired or labeled deceased."

Aimy "And why did you add the list of deceased to the search?" she looks at Oye with curiosity.

Oye "It's more so a precaution because from activating my semblance if the cyberattacker isn't alive or retired than they probably are declared dead in the public eye. It's not that uncommon for that to happen but from Atlas with their 99 percent  accurate record we can't rule out that 1 percent that it's wrong." she says with conviction while looking at Aimy.

Aimy "Very well Oye I trust your judgment how many people from Atlas are on the list?" as she pays attention to Oye.

Oye "There are roughly forty on the still active list, thirty on the retired list and four on the deceased list. I have a program running collecting data and cross referencing the code that's public domain to speed up the search. It should take roughly a week to narrow down the search by fifty percent." 

Aimy "Good the sooner we get that done the better, did we get anymore news from our White Fang mole?" she says curiously

Oye "From what they were able to hear and see. High leader Adam Taurus has been recruiting even more roughly a thirty percent increase of new members. There is also an increase of explosives that were bought from the black market in Mistral. And just looking at this information by itself we can assume he is planning something." she activates her semblance as her eyes are filled with ones and zeros, and after a minute she deactivates it. 

Oye "There are three things that could be happening in the White Fang one, Adam Taurus is gathering a small army to hit multiple SDC mines to free the faunes and kill the humans there, two hen is flooding his ranks to attack an academy and use the bomb's to destory it, or three he is just parinoid about traitors in the White Fang."

Aimy "And what is the most likely one Oye because I don't think it's the last one." as she taps her hoof on the floor nervously.

Oye "If we were to eliminate the last one then there is a fifty-fifty on the other two but we will need more information to see which plan they are going to do." she says dead toned while looking at Aimy.

Aimy "Very well if we can get more moles in the White Fang do so I don't want Haven academy to be like at beacon if that's their target or even shade academy." as she opens a drawer in her desk taking a swig of sake from the bottle. "Alright well that should be enough work today I need to go and relax you as well Oye you haven't moved from your desk since you got here last night."

Oye "Very well Madam Aimy if that's what you think then I'll relax as well." 

POV William 

As William and Iwai get back to the house, William is bombarded with questions about Napalm and how it was used in his world.

Iwai "So Boss I would like to know more about how Napalm was used and what did you say when you tested the Napalm?" while grabbing some alcohol from the kitchen and setting a bottle on the living room table and sitting down.

William sighs and sits down as well pouring a glass. "Well Napalm was invented in 1942 during world war two. It was used to great effect against bunkers, fortified positions,  and groups of enemies." as he takes a sip of alcohol.

Iwai "It sounds like a powerful weapon. Was it the main weapon used for your military?" she asks with curiosity.

William "No it wasn't because if the tanks are struck with a bullet it will explode onto the operator and everyone around them friend or foe it's a messy sight." while rubbing his brow.

Iwai "Why not doesn't your world have aura it would buy enough time for.." is interrupted by William.

William "No there is no aura or semblances in my old world, only our fleshly bodies a shot to the head and your dead only sections of body armor and helmets to protect your vitals." while he empties the cup and refiles it. "That's why our conflicts are so bloody but I digress was there anything else you wanted to know?" he looks at Iwai as she somewhat stares at her drink.

Iwai "Yeah let's talk about something else, how about something uplifting?" as she chuckles nervously.

William "How about this during world war two there was this B-17 boomber it was promptly named flying fortresses for how much damage it could take before going down. Either way this B-17 during a bombing mission their plane was damaged to the point it was a miracle it was even still airborn it was found by an enemy pilot but he didn't shot the B-17 down. That pilot escorted an enemy plane out of their territory even under threat of being executed for such an action if he was caught. After the B-17 was escorted out he gave the other pilot a salute and departed sparing the ten remaining crew on board."

Iwai "That's very merciful and uplifting what happened to both pilots?" she says with curiosity.

William "Well if I remember correctly they both survived after the war and I think fifty years later they found each other and became best friends until their deaths."

Iwai "That's wow sparing an enemy even under execution if he was caught and they later became friends. Were there any other uplifting stories you can think of?" as she refiles her glass.

William "No that I can think of but there is this band that makes tributes to the soldiers and their stories with I think the story I just said being one of them would you like to hear it?" he says while going through his scroll.

Iwai "Wait I will be able to hear a band from a different world FUCK YEAH PLAY THAT BITCH." she says excitedly while jumping out of her seat with William playing No Bullets Fly by sabaton with Aimy and Oye  walking in as the music starts as they look at an extremely energetic Iwai and chuckles finding glasses and getting some alcohol as they enjoy the small musical session.