A movie and History

Roughly half an hour into the music session, Aimy called for some delivery food from one of her favorite restaurants. Iwai jammed out from the mixture of Black Sabbath, Dragon Force, Sabaton, and Avenged sevenfold. With Oye bobbing her head a bit while somewhat giggling from Iwai trying to sing along out of tune.

Aimy "So William I saw your project come to fruition and I have to say it's scary and do you still plan to sell it?" as she crosses her leg while looking at William.

William "Possibly now that I see how potent it is I don't know anymore. I could still work as a Huntsmen to make a living." while he takes a sip from his drink.

Aimy "You can but with what is going on right now if you go out again it will probably raise suspicion to you so if I were you I would lay low for now." as she taps her hoof to the rhythm of Through the Fire and Flames but gives up halfway.

Oye "Sir if you still want to make money you could go take a medical exam test to get a license from how good your medical skill is." as she pulls out her multiple scrolls and starts to type on the keyboard while her eyes are filled with ones and zeros.

William "I would just need to see if I need to review anything or learn other material for said exam." As the music ends, William puts on One from Metallica.

Oye "It should be easy for you Sir the requirements are pretty low compared to your skill from how fractured your sternum was." while she quickly types on the keyboard as there is a knock on the door with Aimy almost getting up but is stopped by William as he gets up to get the delivery.

William opens the door with a delivery woman somewhat impatient waiting until the door opens as she hands William a big bag of food and leaves not before getting cat called by said delivery woman but he waves it off and closes the door behind him.

William "I got the food, what did you even get Aimy?" as he heads to the dining room table setting the big bag with roughly seven entrees, tens sides, and four desserts.

Aimy "I got some local food of Mistral and I didn't know what everyone wanted so I got a mixture of food." as she gets up and walks toward William grabbing three entrees and going backhanding two to Oye with a untesle as Aimy sits back down and starts eating.

William shrugs, grabs one with a side, and sits down next to Aimy while Iwai is drunkenly walking over to the food with Oye quickly getting up before Iwai gets there.

Oye "Iwai I can get it for you what would you like?" as she opens some of the entrees and sides for Iwai to see.

Iwai "Is I that one and this one." as she points to two sides with Oye handing them to Iwai with her dexterously gets into a set and starts devouring her food.

William "So Aimy anything interesting happen during work?" as he starts to eat with Aimy swallowing some food before talking.

Aimy "Yeah there are a couple.. So Adam Taurus took over the White Fang by killing the previous leader Sienna Khan and there is a fifty fifty percent chance that he's going to attack SDC mines in more than likely Mistral or he's going to attack an academy we just don't know which of the two he could being Haven or Shade." she sighs deeply.

William "I.. I wonder if he was forced or did it willingly if so then he's gone down a dark path. I'm assuming you had some moles probably to get this information?" as he looks at Aimy with curiosity.

Aimy "Now we do they were the one to contact us first and they were willing to stay longer for protection and money for their information so we are waiting for some more information about Adam's plan with the White Fang. Also currently we are searching for a passenger we were transporting from Atlas." she continues to eat with Oye sitting back down with Iwai giggling to herself on the dining table.

William "So who.. were you transporting from Atlas it sounds… like they are a bigshot with money to get out." He eats food in between. 

Aimy "Yeah about that… we were transporting Weiss Schnee an…" she tries to continue but is interpreted by William choking on his food a bit. "Are you okay?" while she rubs his back caringly,

William "Yeah yeah I'm good but Weiss Schnee damn I'm assuming something happened because she's not with Ruby." as he looks at Aimy with curiosity.

Aimy "Yeah the cargo ship was attacked by grimm they were able to fight off the grimm but the cargo ship was shot down. My people were able to get to the crashed ship but they weren't able to find Weiss and the pilot died on impact thankfully the bandits that took her were stupid enough not to look for the black box."

William "So Weiss was taken by bandits from what you said, is she still alive?" as he looks at Aimy with some worry on his face.

Aimy "More than likely since they can make big bank on ransoming her back to SDC so them raping her is unlikely but could still happen so I sent nine teams to search for bandit camps so we could either take her back by force or negotiate to get her out more for a favor from SDC." as she says the last part with a smirk.

Oye "If you were wondering Sir we have found three camps all not having Weiss Schnee so Madam sent in the cleaners and collectors to wipe them out and take any and all treasure they were holding." While Oye is eating and typing on her scrolls.

William "So for Adam and the White Fang what is your thought on it all you two?" he looks at Aimy and Oye with curiosity.

Oye and Aimy look at each other for a moment then look back at William.

Aimy "At first when it started I agreed with the peaceful methods but once they took a more violent approach I turned a blind eye to it all because it got results but now with beacon and Adam I pull all my support for it." she looks at William with conviction.

Oye "I stayed neutral during the entire thing but I have to agree with Madam with her opinion since if the White Fang is to attack another academy and succeed again then they will be seen as humanity's enemy which will just lead to another circle of endless violence."

William nods his head in agreement to Oye and Aimy's statements. "Aimy if you fine Weiss I would like to help free her from those bandits when you find them." while he looks at Aimy with some rage in his eyes.

Aimy "I'll tell you when my teams find them so you can help in either taking the bandits down or negotiating for her release alright." as she rubs Williams back.

William "Thanks even if it wasn't Weiss I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew someone was being treated like a toy." as he sighs, calming himself down. "But lets continue on with the food and music unless you two have something else you want to do?" 

Oye "We can watch a movie if you would like Sir if you could have music from your world. What about movies?" as she looks at William's scroll with deep curiosity.

William "Actually I haven't checked if I could let us see." as he's about to summon the shop there is already a messenger with a scroll. With William nodding at the messenger and picking up the scroll with Aimy and Oye surprised by a paper scroll being materialized in front of them.

William read the scroll with it reading "You can get movies since you didn't check it out before and just overlooked it so don't worry God knew you would probably get bored and home sick so that's the main reason why you can watch movies so hopefully you enjoy. From James." he chuckles a bit and opens his scroll to find a movie to watch.

Oye "Um Sir how did that paper scroll just pop out of nowhere?" as she looks at the area it popped out of with perplexity.

Aimy "So I know I never asked but how did that paper just pop out of nowhere?" as she does the same.

William "So if you can't see them I'll explain. There are these shopkeepers you could say they are called messengers that deliver me the item I specify once I pay them. So since you can't perceive them, you can't see what's in their hands until I pick it up." as William picks Midway. "Also is there something like a projector or something for the scroll Oye?" Oye's attention is pulled back to William.

Oye "Yes there should be a slot on the living room table just put your scroll in said slot and it will project the video or image to the wall with all volume being played through your scroll." while she gets up and presses a button on the table with it revealing a slot.

William puts his scroll into the slot and presses play with the movie starting to play with Aimy and Oye both giddy in their seats seeing the visuals. William tries not to interrupt the movie but exposition a bit. Until the action scenes come on with both of them staying silent during the whole process absorbing all the events of the movie until the end.

Oye and Aimy both look at William with some horror until Oye speaks up.

Oye "Sir was it as chaotic in the movie as your deployment was? And what was that ship that goes underwater, what about the aircraft?, and those ships are they just made for war?" she says quickly while taking out her scroll to take notes.

William "My deployment no this movie was centered around the navy and airforce. The ship that can go underwater is called a submarine and no I have no idea how it works. The aircraft you see is now a relic from the past. And those ships yes they were made specifically for war and military might but besides that I don't know since I wasn't in the navy." while looking at Oye typing everything she can down.

Aimy "With what I just saw I think your world is indeed scarier than ours just from sheer military might and the political nightmare with all those countries you said." as she is somewhat wide eyed just thinking about it.

William "Yeah it's a cluster fuck and the movie I showed is just one of the theaters of war America was in there's still the european theater with the german's." as he takes a swig straight from the bottle finishing it.

Oye "Sir what was the European theater like? And you said the Germans you said that country before, correct?"

William "Well long story short a Man named Aldof Hitler rose to power in the economic ruined country with anti-semetic views to a certain religion and blamed all of germany's problems on them, he then revamped the military that was gutted after the first world war's peace agreement saw their military reduced. He then had all the people of said religion sent to labor camps in heinous conditions with most of them dying to either gas or malnutrition. So there's that and more that I know I don't know." with both Aimy and Oye staring at William with horror and dread.

Aimy "That.. I can't even put into words how horrible what happened to them." 

Oye "Neither can I Madam I'm just glad this world isn't like Sir's world." as she shivers a bit thinking about it.

William "Yeah it's pretty shitty sometimes but it's home that I'll more than likely never get back to…" with William looking defeated as he rest his head on his hands until Aimy brings his head into her bosom while she strokes his head.

Aimy "As long as i'm still here you have family and friends we may not replace the ones you were pulled away from. But we are here to help you even if there weren't two shadow organizations." as she lovingly caresses his head.

Oye "I would have to agree with Madam, you treat us more like friends or acquaintances than just objects which me and Iwai were treated before Madam Aimy found us." as she looks at Iwai fast asleep on the table.

William gently gets out of Aimy's embrace and gets up to clean. "Yeah even if my world didn't have faunes I won't treat them differently from how I would like to be treated. There is a saying 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' no matter if they are different from me unless they try to harm me or the people I care about. Then that goes out the window." with Aimy giggling a bit getting up to help William clean up.

After roughly twenty minutes cleaning up William and Aimy head to bed with Oye slinging a drunk Iwai over her shoulder, bidding them both good night. With Aimy and William sleeping together with Aimy cuddling up to William clinging to him like a koala until the morning.