William wakes up, rubs his eyes slowly, gets out of bed, and opens the shop.
strength as strong as a chapel giant
Blood echos 11,750
current skills/aura/semblance max 10
Passive: hunter weapon mastery(8) better control over hunter weapons.
Passive: riposte max when a shot from your weapon interrupts an enemy's attack they are stunned momentarily for your next attack to deal more damage.
Passive: Hunter's mind max can't be Possessed,have power transferred, and immune to illusions.
medical(9) Medical knowledge ranging from minor cuts to trauma surgery
sharpshooter(8) increases the chance of shots on target
Passive: leadership(6)max How people look up to you and follow orders or calming down a frightened patient
chemist(3)>(6) Knowledge of chemical combinations from table salt to Napalm
CQC(8) hand to hand combat techniques
Passive: old blood max gains a small amount of health every 5 seconds in combat and can eventually heal fatal wounds but don't rely on it as you can still bleed out. Maximum blood loss is now 60% before the death of the host.
Passive aura(8)
Passive semblance(9) Self sacrifice the more damage you take, the more you heal injuries (like severed arms or fatal wounds but can't heal yourself)
Passive: hunters quickened arts able to turn into white smoke to dodge attacks or traverse the land.
Passive: blood manipulation can manipulate your blood inside and outside of your body and others' blood outside or their bodies > Blood art's you now have finer control over your blood, making it as thick as steel.
Passive: silver eye can turn most Grimm into stone, but since it's one eye, it's not as effective, only affecting 10 Grimm at a time, determining if they are more potent than the host they will be immobile for 30 seconds cooldown is 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Passive: limited inventory a 60-pound limited inventory can't put any living beings in the space and anything that can't be held in someone's hands.
Passive: pressure hold able to stop an enemy's movement away from you can't happen to the same enemy for 30 seconds single-target only.
Purchasable skills
???? skills requirement to unlock meet the main four characters.
[Well my chemistry skill has leveled up. That's good now. I wonder what I can make now. Either way I need another gun, maybe I can get one from a different country.]
William looks through the paper scroll for different guns and saw one that caught his eye. The KS-23 as he read through it his eyes widened in surprise with the KS-23 being able to fire a 23mm round or a 4 gauge. With a wide variety of munitions, William buys the magazine variant with 5 seven-round magazines for 950 blood echoes. As he loads the mag in and puts the KS-23 in his inventory space and puts on his gear to head downstairs.
As William gets downstairs and sees Oye already awake watching local news on her scroll, her fox ears flick pick up his footsteps as she flicks her head towards William.
Oye "Good morning Sir I was expecting you and Madam Aimy to still be asleep."
William "I can't fall back asleep, so I might as well get up and get some coffee and something to eat." as he walks into the kitchen grabbing a grounded coffee bag that says 'Huntsmen blend' putting it into the coffee machine and turning it on. "Oye, would you like some coffee?"
Oye "Yes Sir if you don't mind." as she turns off the news and pulls out her scrolls to work on something.
William looks around the kitchen, finds a box of donuts, grabs three, starts to munch on one of them until the coffee is done brewing, and then goes to Oye and hands her a cup of coffee as he sits down on the couch taking a sip from his coffee.
William "So Oye how did you meet Aimy?" looking at Oye with curiosity.
Oye "Me and Iwai both meet Madam Aimy three years ago when we came to Mistral from Mantel to escape from the Atlas police since I hacked into their network for a client that ratted us out so we fled to Mistral finding Madam Aimy at our drop location was a surprise but she hired us on the spot." while she giggles a bit
William "So you and Iwai were inseparable from the sound of it. What did you two do before coming to Mistral?" he says with curiosity
Oye "Well me and Iwai have known each other since our parents were huntsmen and died out on a mission for the SDC to find a new dust mine since their previous one was taken over by a geist and centinels. We were put in an orphanage but the treatment of me since I was a faunes was horrible. I would get beaten daily by the other kids until Iwai came and beat them up. And for protecting me from being beaten we were both thrown out to fend for ourselves. Fast Forward a couple of years we were both 14 I was able to scrounge enough broken scrolls from the trash to put back together and I was able to unlock my semblance after hacking the security on them." William tries to say something but doesn't.
Oye "After unlocking my semblance I was able to redirect funds from businesses I was able to hack into to offshore accounts then redirected the money back and we were finally able to get an apartment that allowed faunes. During the time that I was doing that Iwai was doing shakedowns for a couple gangs that needed someone discret. And Iwai was perfect for she was able to unlock her semblance when she fought in a boxing match. She called it prediction but it only happens when she understands someone's mentality or something like that. The only thing I could think of about her semblance is when I was overlooking an assination mission for her. She had studied her target's habits for about three days and all the other information I could dig up. Well long story short she 'Predicted' that the target was about to turn the corner and they did resulting in a headshot."
William "Well that's scary to think about but nice to know so I don't piss her off." as he shivers a bit thinking about how dangerous Iwai is.
Oye "Yes if I recall she can only use it on one person at a time and she has to study her target for a certain amount of time and from what I could gather she need's a good amount of information before she can predict their next moves." she says happily
William "Yeah it's a pretty damn good semblacne for assassins which I'm guessing she is or was." as he eats another donut.
Oye "Indeed it is but she has shown loyalty towards Madam Aimy and she won't disobey her orders neither will I since she helped us to the point that she treated us like family. And I'm glad she has found someone so caring even if you're not ready for her yet." while drinking her coffee with a stoic expression.
William sighs defeatedly. "Yeah I know but I need more time to heal and think either way I'm heading out to help train Ruby and her group." as he finishes his coffee and donuts.
Oye "Good luck Sir but would you like me to come with you because Madam Aimy will be worried for your safety." she says with some concern.
William "Alright if you are done with what Aimy wanted you to do then I don't mind." as he gets out Chikage and Desert Eagle onto his left hip and takes out KS-23 racking it as he slings it over his shoulder. With Oye looking at the new weapon with curiosity.
Oye "Yes I finished roughly an hour ago so I'll be back once I get ready." as she gets up and comes back roughly ten minutes later in full gear. "Also Sir what is that new weapon you have?" as she eyes the KS-23.
William "It's a shotgun from my world and I don't know how powerful it is so I'm interested in using it. But lets see if Ruby and her team are up if not then I would like to walk around until seven am if that's okay with you." looking at Oye for her opinion.
Oye "Sounds good Sir whenever you are ready to go." as she patiently waits for William.
William "Well let's go." as he opens the door as they go towards Ruby's house and after fifteen minutes he knocks on the door and after roughly five the door open revealing Ruby with dark rings under her eyes.
Ruby "Yeah yeah who is it I was trying to enjo.." as she looks at William in surprise and her eye's light up. "Ah sorry William I just couldn't sleep, come on in." as she moves out of the way and lays on the couch face first.
William and Oye both come in closing the door behind them then sit down on the other couch. With Ruby still laying face first until she gets up and sits.
William "Couldn't sleep because you woke up in a cold sweat?" as he looks Ruby in the eyes with Ruby sighing softly.
Ruby "Yeah I did and after that I couldn't fall back asleep." as she puts her knees to her chest, holding them there.
William "I've been there before, would you like a coffee or something?" as he gets up and is about to walk into the kitchen until Ruby uses her semblance to catch up to him.
Ruby "Yeah I also want to learn how to cook if you don't mind." she somewhat smiles until she now sees the KS-23 on his shoulder. "What's that, is it a new weapon from your world? What does it do?" as she says quickly with excitement looking over the weapon.
William "One thing at a time Ruby let's get you something to eat first then I'll answer all your questions alright." he giggles a bit at her antics with her pouting a bit until her stomach growls in protest.
Ruby "Fine, teach me since I kind of suck at cooking." as William smiles a bit and gets some pans and eggs with cheese and milk. As he teaches Ruby how to cook something basic taking roughly twenty minutes with some spills but nothing major with Ruby enjoying her efforts with a blissful expression.