Unexpected meetings

As William is relaxing in the back of a bullhead to a destination called Just Rite since it's the closest location that will not draw suspicion for a bullhead to fly by and refuel. William thinks back to RNJR and the rest of the gang with Ruby slowly conquering her PTSD enough to be back to her normal self to some degree.

With Jaune slowly accepting Pyrrha's death and trying to move forward, Ren and Nora slowly seeing William as an older brother to some degree. After a bit William is pulled from his thoughts when the pilot started talking to him.

Pilot "Sir we are approaching your destination we are five minutes out so make sure you get all your belongings." William slowly gets up and grabs a briefcase as he opens it to make sure the contents are safe with several wads of lien and dust crystals he closes it again as Aimy's words come back to him.

[Aimy "since we found Weiss in this bandit camp and hopefully they didn't do anything to her we will try and barging with them and maybe threaten them with the Atlas military if they don't take our trade."]

William chuckles to himself as he feels the bullhead land as the ramp opens on a landing pad as stairs are going down to the main building. As the pilot gets out and starts purchasing fuel.

Slowly going down the stairs and opening the door William looks around seeing two people at a bar in a dust station, one female with long blond hair with what looks like a prosthetic right arm with a yellow finish to it and a man with dirty blond hair slouching over the bar on his chair.

[Why the hell is there a bar in a fueling station well I'm not complaining I could use a drink before this trade I don't want to fuck this up.]

William "Hey I'll take a whiskey strong on the rocks please" William sits down at the bar keeping the briefcase extremely close to him until he glance at the female on his left and that it's Yang. as the barkeep brings out a water bottle and quickly makes William's drink until he hears the man speak up.

Man "Are you telling me you're too young to drink? You look like a regular huntress and beauty at that." he slowly gets up and walks towards Yang as William takes a sip of his drink.

Yang replies "I'm good, thanks pal." trying to defuse the situation as he's finally next to her.

Man "seriously not too bulky, not to lean your.." as he's cut off by Yang finishing his sentence.

Yang "Just right yep like I said I'm good." with wholly disinterest as William takes another sip of his drink and takes a glance at Yang then at the guy then finally his gun as he unlocks the holster quietly with Yang giving a little smirk at William.

Until the man slowly reaches his hand out towards Yang's hair. "And your hair." until Yang grabs his forearm as he looks surprised until Yang gives him a vicious right hook to his cheek as he bounces off the ground to the roof until he gets knocked out of the building.

William laughs a bit "Damn looks like you solved that problem pretty well, miss."

Yang looks at William and chuckles a bit and replies while extending her right hand for a handshake. "Names Yang and yours?" as William takes the rest of his drink and takes the handshake.

William "Names William nice to meet you Yang." William pulls out some lien for his drink as Yangs is about to as well until the barkeep stops her and says.

Barkeep "That's on the house he's been driving me crazy so whats bring you around these parts you two if you don't mind me asking." he looks at William and Yang as both reply in sync.

William/Yang "I'm looking for someone." as they both look at each other in confusion.

Barkeep chuckles a bit and says. "Not too many people come out here to far away from the kingdoms only person noteing around here is uh well." he looks to the floor for a bit and is about to continue until Yang finishes his sentence.

Yang "Raven Branwen thanks again." as she gets up to leave and as William gets up as well.

Barkeep "Now missy you don't want to go messing with bandits they a world of trouble." with some concern in his voice for her safety.

Yang "So I hear." as she's about to walk out the door William speaks up.

William "So do you need some help Yang you could use someone watching your back just in case." as he tries not to come off as creepy.

Yang looks at him for a moment and says. "To be honest we just met and it sounds creepy so no thank you." as she sounds a little annoyed.

William nods. "Yeah, I understand well just be safe out there okay." Yang looks at him and nods going out the door as he looks back to the barkeep and asks. "Where are the cigars?"

After roughly five minutes William leaves the dust station with a lit cigar as he starts walking into the forest which he calls Aimy and picks up.

Aimy "William dear, how are you doing? I was told you were dropped off so why did you call? I have a feeling that something happened." she says with some concern.

William takes a small puff from the cigar and speaks. "Yeah well I met Yang and I guess Raven has a lot of sway in this part so I'm going to tail her just in case something happens to her."

Aimy "William you just meet her today so I suggest that you meet up with the team that found Weiss since she has been in captivity for a while."

William sighs a bit and nods his head. "Yeah I'm just worried is all but your right Yangs an adult alright I'll meet up with them as planned."

Aimy "Good, hopefully, this goes well." she says with some concern in her voice.

William "You and me both Aimy you and me both." as he hangs up and continues forward using hunters quickened arts until he reaches the location with four of Aimy's ex-huntsmen and ex-huntresses.

Ex-huntresses "So Sir what took you so long?" she says a bit annoyed for him arriving three minutes late.

William "Sorry about that I needed a drink to calm the nerves." William finishes his cigar and extinguishes it. "So how long is the walk to the VIP?" as he looks at the huntress.

Ex-Huntress "Should be roughly a fifteen-minute walk and be quiet since we were able to get a rough estimate of the patrols so just follow us." she and her team start doing a light jog as William follows them dodging a couple of patrols until a walled camp is in view.

William quietly says. "This it?" the ex-huntress nods her head. "Alright, hopefully, this is an in and out so make sure to stay hidden." William slowly makes his way back a bit onto the poor excuse of a dirt path and starts walking towards the gate as the guards point their guns at him.

Bandit guard "Who the fuck are you asshole?" as the other guard pulls out a scroll and starts typing into it.

William "Well I'm here to talk to your leader that's who this 'asshole' is," he says with some venom in his voice.

Bandit guard "oh yeah well why should I let you I could kill you where you stand asshole." as he pulls back the hammer of his gun.

William "As soon as you pull that trigger you will forfeit your life so I suggest you don't besides I'm here for a trade if that's anything to such a peon such as yourself." William motions toward the briefcase.

As the bandit guard was about to fire his weapon the gate opened revealing a young woman with tan-colored skin, short brown hair, and icy blue eyes. She had a tattoo of a bird rising from flowers on her left arm. She wore a light brown vest with dark brown panels on the top and a dark brown buckled strap on the back.

Woman "So this is our surprise visitor." she looks at William with some curiosity until she looks at the one bandit that was about to pull the trigger. "You were lucky you didn't shoot him. Raven is very interested in him alright follow me. Raven wants to talk to you." as she starts to walk back into the camp with William following her inside.

As William enters the gate closes behind him as multiple bandits are eyeing him with some growling at him to provoke him. As he just scoffs at them while rolling his eyes until he and the woman reach a big tent elevated from the ground the woman walks up to the tent flap and motions for William to enter and he does reveling a small table with a tea set on it with Raven sitting at the table looking at William while drinking some tea.

Raven "Thank you Vernal you may leave us." the now named woman nods her head and leaves the tent. As Raven motions for William to sit down at the table and he does.

Raven "So I can assume you aren't here for a nice chat and some tea so why are you here?" she looks at William with some hostility as she finishes her tea.

William "You are correct I heard from the grapevine that you have Weiss Schnee and I would like to do a trade instead of SDC." William places the briefcase on the table and opens it for Raven revealing several stacks of lien and dust crystals as Raven chuckles a bit.

Raven "You know we can get even more from the SDC than this amount so why are you even interested in Weiss Schnee huh?" she says with a bit of a smirk on her face.

William "Well what do you think will make it work for this trade to happen?" he looks like a Raven with some curiosity.

Raven "Well I would like information since…." as she is interrupted mid-sentence by a lot of commotion from outside the tent and looks annoyed and puts on her helmet. "Stay here once I'm done I would like a nice chat about all the information about Salem and her lackeys for the trade to happen." she exits the tent with William staying in the tent as he gets up to stretch his legs a bit and hears Ravne talking.

Raven "Yang so after all this time you finally decided to come and visit me." as she sounds a bit happy to see her daughter.

Yang "You know that I searched for you, I spent years looking for you." she sounds annoyed at Raven.

William [Well this is somewhat unexpected I think I'll just listen for now hopefully it doesn't get too bad.]

Raven "And you found me you were patient, determined, and strong enough to make your dream a reality well done Yang but did you have to be so rough with my men." she sounds like she is beaming with pride.

William [Okay this seems a bit different from what Qrow told me when we went out drinking last week.]

Yang "I didn't want a fight, they started it."

Raven does a light chuckle and says "Well you certainly finished it." with even more pride being directed at Yang.

William sighs softly as there's a moment of silence as he can hear an almost audible clunk noise. [I wonder what that noise is.]

Raven "Right I'm sure this is all very overwhelming but I must admit you've proven yourself so any questions you have I'll be willing to answer. You can stay tonight and I'll even have the cooks whip up something for you." as she sounds genuinely happy to talk to her daughter.

Yang "That's not why I'm here." Yang sounds more annoyed and has some venom in her response.

Raven "What was that?!" she replies in kind with almost all pride and excitement in her voice gone.

Yang "I'm not here for you Ruby is somewhere in mistral she's with Qrow and is going to need my help and I just need you to take me to her."

William [Well shit so much for a happy daughter and mother talk I need to do something before shit hits the fan.] William slowly gets up and is about to walk out of the tent but stops as Raven starts to talk again.

Raven replies "And why would I do that?"

Yang "Because we're family."

Raven replies with no interest now. "Family only coming around when they need something. I have to say i'm disappointed after all you found me didn't you? Why not take that drive and use it to find your little sister if she really means that much to you?"

William [To be honest Raven is right why did she spend her time finding her and not Ruby.]

Yang "Because you're going to save me time Ruby was heading to Mistral but there's no guarantee she's made it there. Looking for her in Anima could take ages but dad told me how your semblance works." as raven says under her breath Tai. "You can bond to certain people and when you do you can create a portal to take you straight to them you've got one for one for dad, one for me, and one for Qrow he promise me he'd watch out for Ruby before he left and I trust him so make a portal to my uncle and sister and I'll be on my way."

Raven "You know it takes real strength to march in here and demand such a favor of me. I've got to say i'm impressed it's very noble to help out your sister but if she's with Qrow than she's already a lost cause." she says a bit defeated.

William [What the hell does that mean? Does Raven Know something I don't well that's to be expected.]

Yang "What the hell does that mean?"

Raven "You don't want to get mixed up in all of that Yang Ozpin is not the man you think he is and Qrow is a fool for trusting him I would know I trusted him once too." as she sounds caring towards Yang.

Yang "I don't care what you think." sounding very annoyed at Raven as there are murmurs of conversations in the background.

Raven "Your choice is your own all i'm suggesting is that instead of getting wrapped up in something to big for you for any of us that maybe you take a moment to wonder if your already where you belong."

Yang "Save your breath you can spout out whatever you want but nothing is going to keep me from my sister." there is tension in the air so palpable that it can be cut with a knife.

Raven "Well aren't you stubborn." she replies with a bit of happiness.

Yang "I get it from my Mom." the tension thickens even more like it could go off at a moment's notice.

Raven "Well if that's how you feel then it sounds like we're done here. Take her away." as she enters the tent seeing William standing in front of her. "I thought I told you to stay here." she say with some anger in her voice.

William "I'm still here you never told me where I could and couldn't stand Raven." William chuckles a bit as Yang sees William standing in front of Raven.

Yang "Oh look at you looks like you have a nice new playmate huh mom." as her eyes turn red. As William motions to pass Raven and she rolls her eyes as William walks past her.

William "Yang I'm not Ravens playmate I told you I was looking for someone and I found them." but from the looks of it Yang tuned out William.

Yang "I thought you were a nice guy William but it looks like you and mom are the same pieces of shit." she looks like she's about to pounce at William and Raven.

Bandit "THAT'S ENOUGH you watch your mouth in front of our leader!" the bandit rushes Yang with his blade trying to strike Yang but is quickly parried by Yang and sends him flying into some boxes with a right cross.

As the dust settles there is a cage that's visible revealing Weiss as Yang looks surprised.

Weiss a bit shocked "Yang?"

Yang was shocked as well. "Weiss?!"

Weiss "Alright well subtlety is out." as an armored knight grows in size until the top of the cage is broken Weiss and the knight run towards Yang as she doesn't take her eyes off the bandits, Raven and William. As the armored knight takes a defensive stance.

Yang "What is that?" she says with curiosity as Weiss replies.

Weiss "Don't worry about it what are you doing here?" as she looks at Yang with Yang not breaking eyesight.

Yang "Well that's my mom and she can take us to Ruby." she motions a bit towards Raven as she sighs.

Weiss "Your mom kidnapped me?!" sounding completely taken aback. As Yang replies in shock.

Yang "You kidnapped her?" with anger in her voice as the rest of the bandits are getting riled up as she and Weiss are about to move until William pulls out his KS-23 and fires it into the ground catching everyone's attention.

William "Alright enough of that we don't want Grimm coming because of this little show don't you agree Raven." he looks at Raven as she has a bit of a surprised look on her face as Vernal was about to do something too.

Raven "Thank you and yes you are correct William." she nods her head in approval as she looks at Vernal and says. "Give the girl her weapon back." Vernal looks a bit surprised and conflicted to do so until she relents and tosses Weiss her weapon back as she catches it.

Raven "You three in my tent now." as she points at Yang, Weiss and William demandingly.

As Yang replies 'why' to her demands as Raven replies "If you're really going after your sister then you two need to know the truth." Raven walks into the tent. As William follows suit.