As William follows Raven back into her tent Vernal enters as well, looking at William with some hostility as he still has the KS-23 in his hands Raven takes her seat again and motions for William to as well.
William proceeds to take his seat as he slings the shotgun onto his back. Raven says "Vernal make some tea for our guests." she darts her eyes at Raven and William a couple of times until she gives up without getting a response from Raven she goes to the makeshift kitchen.
After a minute of silence, Weiss and Yang enter the tent sending death glares to both Raven and William Ravne rolls her eyes while William sighs defeatedly at the glares while Raven motions for them to take a seat which they both do although hesitantly.
Raven speaks up and looks at William. "So you going to tell me the information or what?" she somewhat smirks at him as Weiss and Yang look at William still with hostilities.
William sighs again and speaks a bit reluctant to do so. "Well I know four players they are as follows Cider Fall, Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai, Adam-" but is interrupted by Yang when she slams her fist on the table.
Yang almost shouting in rage "What the fuck are you talking about that included those four!" as she uses her prosthetic right hand to crush one corner of the table as Weiss puts her hand on her right shoulder.
William looks at Raven both their eyes meet almost signifying to start talking about the elephant in the room. As he nods his head and looks at Yang as she looks back with red rage-filled eyes.
William "Because they are smaller pawns in an even bigger game of chess on multiple boards." Raven clicks her tongue in annoyance at the chess idiom.
Weiss "What do you mean by that?" as she looks a bit conflicted by Yang's rage and William's almost nervous and reluctant attitude.
William "Well Weiss don't you find it funny that during your time at beacon your team got special treatment." Raven giggles a bit and smiles as Vernal comes back finally and places teacups in front of everyone with almost no care or the atmosphere and starts pouring tea into them.
Weiss "And what does that have to do with the four people you just mentioned it sounds like your trying to change the subject."
William "Well yes but actually no." he takes a sip of the tea finding it very pleasant almost like a green tea as Raven tells Vernal to wait outside and thanks her. "There's a reason why they attacked beacon because there is a shadow war being fought between two players Ozpin and Salem and those four I just mentioned are her lackeys that I know of."
Yang "What the hell are you talking about?!" Yang stands up in anger as Weiss tries to calm her down.
Raven "William is right there is what he called a 'shadow war' that has been happening for quite some time now but first a history lesson why do you think the huntsmen academies were built?" as she takes a sip of her tea.
Yang "To protect the people for the grimm, why?" as she calms down a bit to sit back down.
Raven "Well not all huntsmen did it to protect the people some are in it for money others for fame some just want to get stronger. Your uncle Qrow and I didn't attend beacon to become Huntsmen, we did it to learn how to kill huntsmen." she looks at Weiss and Yang as they both gasp in surprise and look at each other. "Daddy and uncle left that part out hmm."
William "Just because people join the academies doesn't mean they are doing it for the good of the people but most of the time for themselves. It's with every organization even the Atlas military." as he looks at Weiss in particular.
Weiss "What do you mean by that? They joined because they probably want to protect Atlas." she replies trying to be condescending.
William "Some probably are trying to get out of poverty or trying to live a life or don't know what to do with their lives."
Raven "SO what can you tell me about those four their semblances, combat abilities, anything will be enough for our deal and to let you know I'm being quite generous with how they damaged my camp." the looks at Yang and Weiss in a bit of annoyance.
Yang "What deal are you talking about I thought you two were all buddy buddy."
William sighs a bit before speaking "I came here to get Weiss back safe and sound and bring her to Qrow and Ruby."
Yang excitedly jumps up from her seat "You know where Ruby is?!"
William "Yes but let me finish the deal first either way first Cinder Fall she's the leader of the other two Mercury and Emerald and to best put it she is an arrogant inexperienced seductress. Her combat abilities are high but she is too arrogant almost like a cat she likes to play with her prey which can be used to someone's advantage."
Raven "What about her semblance or anything else?" her interest was peaked by the information as she thinks of ways for any countermeasures.
William "Well besides she's the Fall maiden nothing much."
Weiss "What do you mean Fall maiden like that fairy tale that she controls magic that's hard to believe."
Yang "Yeah that's hard to believe since there is no such thing as magic." Raven giggles a bit as William pinches the bridge of his nose.
William "Well that is the truth but continuing to Mercury he is a close-quarters combatant but instead of using his fists he uses kicks his semblance is unknown and both his legs are prosthetics." Yang looks at William in surprise.
Yang "But I only broke his left leg why is both-." she looks at William as her words die in her mouth figuring out the how-to her question but William answers for her.
William "Because after he killed his father both his legs were beyond saving so he got prosthetics with the help of Cinder and Emerald."
Weiss "What do you mean he killed his father?" as she looked at William a bit horrified by the information.
William "He was probably abused physically and emotionally by his father until he snapped and killed him in retaliation but that's me guessing, continuing on he is cocky for the most part but his combat skills against people are very high from how I saw him fight."
Raven "Good to know and what about this Emerald girl?"
William "She is the most dangerous not because of her combat abilities but her semblance she makes you see things that aren't there for example Yang breaking mercury's leg was an effect of that."
Yang in rage yells "YOU MEAN THAT ALL THE RIDICULE AND HATE I'VE ENDURED WHILE TRAVELING WAS ALL BECAUSE OF HER?" as her eyes and hair turn red from her rage.
Raven looks at William and nods her head and smile. "That should be plenty of information I already know about Adam Taurus. But back to the matter at hand, the reason why me and your uncle joined beacon academy was to create a counterforce against huntsmen since they were the only other threat besides grimm that threatens our raids." As she sips her tea and gets up walking towards a map of Remnant.
William "Yang I need you to calm down and listen to what Raven is saying."
Weiss gets up from her seat trying to calm Yang down as Raven continues without a care in the world for the mess that's happening behind her.
Raven "We passed the entrance exams they were child's play to what we have already done. We were so good in fact that we caught the attention of the headmaster Professor Ozpin. Even after we were put on a team I could tell he was keeping an eye on us. I thought it was because he knew but it was team Stark he was interested in."
Weiss speaks up after finally calming down Yang enough to get her to sit down again. "What do you mean by that?"
Raven "Constant attention, extra training missions, happen to turn a blind eye when we broke the rules or got into more trouble than we should have, sound familiar?" her voice oozing sarcasm.
Yang "What's your point?" William chuckles a bit while sipping his tea as he gets a death glare from yang.
Raven "How much do you know about Professor Ozpin? About his past?"
Weiss "He was a prodigy, one of the youngest headmasters to be appointed to a school."
Raven "Because that's how he planned it because the man you know is the one who designed those schools and has followers inside every academy on Remnant that are loyal to him and no one else." she stares at Yang.
Yang "That doesn't make any sense how no why-" but is interrupted by William.
William "No Yang your first question is right how indeed did he do it." Yang looks at William in confusion as does Weiss as Raven nods at William.
Raven "Because old man Oz has that great and terrible secret one that could spread fear across the world if it got out." Raven's right-hand shakes for a moment before stopping "The same secret he entrusted to our team and once I knew there was no going back I needed to know more but with every new discovery I made the more horrifying the world became. And as William pointed out her name already but the creatures of grimm have a master called Salem she can't be stopped, can't be reasoned with and she will not rest until humanity crumbles at her feet."
Yang and Weiss both have eyes of pure shock and horror at Raven's words William shakes his head and sighs while pulling out a cigar and lighting it.
Raven turned around looking a bit annoyed by William smoking but more annoyed at the girls. "You know you two haven't even touched your tea." she takes a sip from hers.
Yang "Why should we believe any of this?" As Yang stands up again
William [How many fucking times is she going to get up Jesus christ]
Raven "Now you're catching on so far you've done nothing but accept what people tell you." she walks towards yang putting her teacup on the table "But you need to question everything." she walks back to the map. "Otherwise you'll just end up as blind as Qrow and your fool of a father."
As something broke inside Yang after the fluctuations of emotions with no outlet she charges at Raven but is interrupted by William using Hunter quicked arts to appear right next to Yang tackling her to the ground putting her into a headlock in one fell swoop and locking her legs with his.
Yang "GOD DAMNIT LET ME GO." she says as she tries to break William's headlock she writhes around as Weiss gets up to try and help but Vernal enters the tent again aiming her weapon at her.
Vernal "Don't do it little girl." she says to her almost mockingly as Weiss holds up her hands in surrender as Raven walks up to Yang being pinned on the ground by William.
Raven [Damn he's strong enough to keep Yang pinned down now that's impressive.] she smirks a bit before speaking "Yang, Weiss, William we are done here, and since I don't want you to break anything else we are going outside." as she walks out the back of the tent.
William "Yang I can understand that you are pissed off beyond belief but you need to think before you act." he gets up still holding Yang in a headlock as she kicks his legs trying to break free which makes him winch in pain a bit but drags her outside with some difficulty as Vernal motions Weiss to follow.
As the three look around for Raven Weiss see that Vernal isn't there too so she draws her weapon pointing it at William's throat or trying to because of the height disparity.
Weiss "Let her go," she says with a scowl and in an authoritative voice William chuckles and releases Yang that tries to get a quick elbow to his gut but he quickly dodges using Hunter's quicked arts putting nine feet between them.
William "So have you calmed down yet?" as he pulls out another cigar and lights it taking a puff as Yang and Weiss are glaring at him.
Yang "What the hell is your problem!" transforming her weapons and taking a boxer stance.
William "Because you were doing something stupid that's why." he takes a puff of the cigar and looks around for Raven. "You never make a decision when you're overcome by emotions, especially anger." after a glance she is nowhere to be seen
Weiss "I agree with him Yang if he didn't tackle you then it would have gone downhill pretty fast." as she sheathes her weapon
Yang "What do you mean by that Weiss?" she looks at Weiss almost like she has been betrayed.
William "What do you think would have happened if I didn't step in huh? You would have gotten your ass handed to you on a silver platter by your mother. Even if you beat her you would have had to fight your way out of this camp of who knows how many bandits." he takes a huge drag of the cigar calming his nerves from what almost happened.
Yang is about to reply when a raven caws interrupting them as it flies closer to them until it morphs into a gray blob it takes the shape of Raven before she lands. As they all look at Raven in surprise and shock.
Raven "You are lucky Yang, William is right you more than likely would have been killed if you were to fight your way out."
Yang in shock "How did you do that?"
Raven "Well I could explain that to you or." as she draws her sword and cuts a rift in space. "Or you could ask your uncle."
Yang "Are you letting us go?" in complete surprise.
Raven "I'm giving you a choice to stay here with me and I'll answer all of your questions and more. We can have a fresh start or you can go back to Qrow and join Ozpin's impossible war against Salem and meet the same fate as so many others." as she gestured to the portal "But can you really go back to trusting someone who kept so much from you?" as Weiss looks at Yang and William timidly as Yang has a pissed off expression.
As that was going on William calls the team that is outside and tells them to go back to Mistral which was met with doubts from the team leader until she relented. As soon as he gets off the scroll he hears Raven grunting as Yang quickly runs off to the front of the camp.
William "Well this is somewhat awkward now." William finishes the cigar as Weiss and Raven stand there in silence until Yang comes around the corner with her motorcycle Yang motions Weiss to hop on the back as she reves it up and drives towards the rift until Raven speaks up.
Raven "Yang if you side with your uncle I may not be as kind the next time we meet." she has a tinge of sadness on her face.
Yang "You weren't this time either." she drives off into the rift.
Raven says under her breath "I know." William walks towards the rift as well and says as he's passing through.
William "Our children sometimes do what we don't want them to do but we have to make sure to pick them back up again when they fall. I'll make sure to do just that in your stead Raven." as he disappears into the rift as it closes behind him.
(A/N Hey everyone sorry about the delay with this chapter but I'm happy to published it today. and the reason why it was so delayed is because I started a new job last month. And for the future chapters I'll try and get them done at least bi weekly for you all. And again sorry for the delay.)