Remembering the past

After walking through the portal William felt a tingling sensation throughout his skin like a cold wind blowing onto every part of his body for just a second as he looks around the new location which is in a bar packed with forty huntsmen and huntress's weapons draw at Weiss, Yang, and William. 

Most of them upon seeing William lower their arm and get back to drinking and eating some sadly look at the floor where their said food or drink lay on the floor by the commotion by a portal that is now gone as they sit back into their seats. As Yang and Weiss go to Qrow.

A couple numbering four still have their weapons aimed at William as he looks past them Yang is hugging Qrow as Weiss sorts of stands there awkwardly because of the family reunion.

William finally speaks up to the four individuals "Um hi I'm sure there is a big misunderstanding with-" William is cut off by one of them interrupting him.

Huntsman "I only know one person that can do that so before I blow a hole through your head you are going to tell me everything about how you got here. Because for all I know you're working for her." he aims his firearm at William's head. 

As he says that Qrow finally speaks up as he stands next to said Huntsman and gently lowers the man's firearm. "Don't worry, he's with me and he can be trusted."

Upon hearing that the remaining four lower their weapons and sit back down at the table they got up from. As Qrow walks up to William.

Qrow "So I see you went to find her you know you should have told me before doing that Will." as he lightly punches William's left shoulder playfully.

William "I was going to after I got back but I met someone on the way there." William nods his head in the direction of Yang.

Qrow "Well we will talk about it later in detail but thanks to Aimy I was able to get these huntsmen and huntresses in on the plan to get the VIP back."

William "Alright but let's get this motorcycle out of the restaurant first." William points at Yang's motorcycle.

Qrow "Sounds good to me, soldier boy." he chuckles a bit with a smirk as Yang stands next to her bike wheeling it out of the restaurant with Weiss following behind her as they leave the establishment.

After walking through the streets a bit Weiss speaks up looking at William.

Weiss "I would like to thank you for helping me and Yang with what happened back there." she scratches the back of her head in embarrassment.

William "No problem and don't worry about the misunderstanding." William waves his hand in front of him signifying it wasn't a big deal.

Yang "So I know you were there to get Weiss out but why?" as they finally make it to what looks like a parking garage Yang stores her bike after paying a fee.

William "Well I heard from the grapevine that Weiss was being held hostage and I couldn't sleep at night knowing one of Ruby's teammates was being held hostage and you know the rest of what happened there." William pulls out a cigar and lights it, taking a drag from it.

Yang "Even so why? You don't know her personally at all so are you looking for a cash-out or something?" Yang walks up to William trying to get in his face but failing due to the height disparity.

William takes a long drag from the cigar before blowing the smoke away from Yang. "Because I did what I thought was right. I know I couldn't get Weiss out by myself even if I wanted to so Aimy decided on a more diplomatic option which worked for the most part." 

Yang "And who is this Aimy that you're talking about huh?" As she pokes his chest trying to emphasize her point.

Weiss "Yang please try to be more respectful to William he did help us out of a situation that 'you' almost started." she pokes Yangs back.

Yang turns around to look Weiss in the eyes. "I just think it's funny that he just happened to care so much about us." 

Qrow "Alright that's about enough Yang we'll tell you when we get back to the house okay besides you can catch up with your sister she has been through a tough patch." he puts a hand on his niece's shoulder trying to defuse the situation.

Yang "Fine but I expect to hear more of what Raven and William told me and Weiss." she points her finger at Qrow who signs defeatedly.

Qrow "Alright then let's go." he starts leading the way to the house as it's a mostly quiet walk with Weiss and Yang trying to spark some conversation between the two catching up on lost time when they last saw each other.

After a small walk to the house, Qrow gets out some keys opening it up while saying. "I'm back." As Yang and Weiss stand there silently along with William as he extinguishes his cigar before entering the house.

As Ruby replies from the kitchen "Be right there." Ren says something to her but is muffled by the noises of the kitchen as she reptiles to him that is also muffled by the sounds of cooking from the kitchen.

Qrow "Uh Ruby?" he says while looking at Yang and Weiss as Ruby replies "I'm coming." After a moment she slowly walks in with a tea set with fresh tea inside it Ruby looks down at the tray making sure she doesn't drop it while walking.

Ruby "We wanted to make a big meal before the end of the month to relax and all that so we-" she finally makes it to the living room and looks up seeing Yang and Weiss as she drops the tray onto the ground destroying the set in surprise seeing her sister as she shivers a bit. As she and Yang lock their eyes as Yang slowly walks towards Ruby.

Ruby "Yang idd.. I'm so sorry I sh-should have stayed, I should have talked to you more and. I juhs heda ha." as tears slowly flow from her eyes trying to formulate her sentence but failing until Yang is in front of her sister as she embraces her into a loving huge. 

As they stand there silently Yang finally says. "I love you." Ruby replies "I love you too" as Ruby snuggles her head against Yang's left shoulder.

William seeing this scene has tears in his eyes as he wipes them away thinking back to his two younger siblings whom he will more than likely never see again as he looks at Yang and Ruby for a brief second he sees his two younger siblings Hannah and Anna.

Hannah with her curly brunette hair, blue eyes, doll-like face, and a tall slender build like their mother. And Anna with her brunette semi-curly hair, light blue eyes, and delicate face with her somewhat wider shoulders than usual for a female and solid athletic build like her older brother William and her father.


William slowly brings up his hand trying to reach out to his sisters but it eventually fades back as Weiss is now hugging Yang and Ruby with everyone else finally in the living room as he lowers his hand back to his side.

William silently opens the door and goes outside with tears of sadness streaming down his eyes with a pained expression in his eyes. But it doesn't go unnoticed by Qrow seeing William crying but nods his head in acknowledgment at Willam as he leaves the scene and lights his cigar as he closes the front door behind him and opens his inventory pulling a bottle of whisky as he sits down next to the door trying to drink his sorrows away.

(A/N: I would like to heavily apologize for my absence with this story. I just want to let you all know I'm not dropping this anytime soon so don't worry but the reason why I haven't posted until now is I'm changing my life around, I'm taking a trade course in Welding while working full time and trying to lose weight at the same time so I'll try and get a chapter out when I have the time. And thank you all the readers for taking an interest in my work and giving me some of your time to entertain you. Again Thank you.)