The Observers of Mankind ch2

In the deep darkness of a well, rested a statue of armor who was pillaging things from 20 skeletal corpses, it had felt something attaching it to the corpses, something like a bond between brothers. After fully searching the corpses for any items, the statue found broken pieces of armor, dust that was held in a pouch, and a great sword in good condition.

Lastly the statue looked at a corpse that felt deeply connected to him, more than the other, much more. It felt as if the corpse was it and it was the corpse, a corpse that left everything behind and became a hollow husk of itself.

Once the statue touched the corpse it learned things about itself, not much, but enough. Its name was once Alen, an adventurer that explored for treasure and excitement, but that is all he got about himself from this rotting corpse.

Other than this Alen had lear-, no it can no longer call itself Alen, that man had died long ago, now it was nothing but a hollowed husk of armor, who had only one order to follow, "Observed humanity at all costs".

With this on its mind, the statue looked for an escape from the well, as it walked around observing its surroundings closer than ever before. After a while of tirelessly walking in circles, the statue of armor found cracks on one of the wells walls. It may be small, but it is proof that the wall was weakening.

So, the statue ran at full speed at the wall, and after slamming heavily into the wall over and over, it finally broke down, it took a while for the dust to clear, but eventually it could see the nonexistent path ahead.

In front of the statue lay a platform with magical runes all over it, the same ones that lay on the statue. Once the statue finally rested in the middle of the platform, the walls of the cave started to shake violently, and after 10 seconds the platform started to slowly levitate up the shaft.

It took the platform a long time to reach the top of the long shaft, the statue even lost count of how long it had taken, eventually the platform did reach the top, but when the statue stepped off the platform and looked at its surroundings, it found an unrecognizable place in front of it.

The beautiful, green, and lush fields it had seen in the memories of Alen were long gone, now it was war stricken, burnt to a crisp, and it could even see the bodies and blades of fallen warriors long deceased. The statue didn't know what happened to them or the scenery that surrounded the corpses.

So, it started to search its surroundings for anything, and after searching a corpse of a well-armed man, he found a map of the surrounding area, and a new sword that looked much more expensive and powerful compared to its previous sword.

Looking at the map the statue could see the names of a couple of towns and villages near the battlefield, but all of them were crossed off, meaning something had happened to them. Moving past that it found the only name not crossed out was the largest name 'Renstat', which seemed to be the capital of this area.

So, the statue decided to head there first to learn what had happened while it was resting, but before it could leave it could hear voices coming over the hill. The group of people were dressed in ragged clothes and armor.

The statue couldn't hear what they were saying yet, as they were too far away, so it decided to pretend to be an actual statue, even turning off the light coming from its runes. "Looks like were finally going to be able to loot the battlefield," said a ruff looking man.

The man next to him responded, "Lets hurry then, those demons may come back, and I don't want to spend the next couple of months waiting for them to clear out again like last time."

After the short conversation the group started pillaging the bodies of the fallen warriors, taking every scrape of what was left. They had just completed the pillaging when they found an odd statue of armor kneeling down.

"Don't mind the statue, it's probably just one of the arch demons they serve under," said the man who seemed to be the leader of the grave robbers.

Once they were finished, they looked around again to see if they missed anything, then they started to leave the battlefield, but before they could make it far, an arrow flew right into the back of one of the grave robbers.

Seeing their partner lying on the ground, surly to have a long and painful death, they all ran leaving him behind. That proved unwise, as a moment later you could hear cries for help and pleas for mercy coming from the direction the grave robbers ran.

On top of the hill, you could see the emergence of a high number of armed beasts and monsters. The monsters had red tinted skin, a bald head, and all of them looked like humans but with a hunch back and sharp teeth.

Some of the monsters rode on hounds pitch black with fiery eyes and were the size of a horse. They slowly approached the bleeding out man, ready to capture and 'question' him before finishing him off.

At this point the statue decided to step in, though it didn't care for these horrible grave robbers it still needed to get information about what had happened to the world. With this on the statue's mind, it stood up shaking the ground around it.

The statue stood at the height of 4 meters towering, it unsheathed the sword, it just so happens the sword was small compared to its size, so it just threw the sword at one of the still stunned demon. The sword flew through the sky, cutting right through the head of the monster, or more like obliterating its head and body, causing blood to fly everywhere, as well as internal organs, even the monster standing near it weren't safe and the same fate befell them to.