The Observers of Mankind ch3

The once beautiful field had turned into a bloody battlefield not long ago, and once again it shall be covered in the blood of warriors. The grass was now covered in blood and guts of the monsters hit by the blade.

Miraculously 10 monsters had died in that one attack, and now all that's left are 100 more... that's a lot. Still the statue stood tall and ready for the battle to commence. The first party to make its move was the statue, it grabbed one of the decomposing bodies on the ground and threw it.

The statue had seen the effectiveness of troughing the sharp and heavy sword, so what about a soft and mostly light corpse? Well, it's more effective than you would've thought, at least it was for the monsters and the statue. The statue threw the corpse with such great force that the corpses' limbs snapped off and went in a spread.

Despite each limb not being heavy, the force of which the statue threw the body was so great that they were still deadly. This attack wiped out ¼ of the remaining army, but after exiting their stunned state, they desperately counter attacked, sending whizzing arrows into the sky and melee troops into the front lines, but the feeble arrows were crushed against the statues armor, doing no damage to it, and the weapons of the foot soldiers bounced right off the statue, staggering the monsters, which left them open to a counterattack.

Swipping it's arm in front of it, the statue mangled and dismembered the troops who dared to get to close, covering its arm in the remains of the monsters. Having cleared the front lines, the statue rushed towards the archers in the back, but before it could reach them, it could hear the 'neigh' of a horse nearby, the statue reacted quick and put its arms crossed Infront of it, barely blocking a strong and magical blow coming from the front.

Looking ahead, the statue found itself facing a human sized demon covered in rigged dark plated full body armor with many sharp areas to get cut on, it held a giant flaming black halberd that could probably cut a large boulder in half, but that's not all, the dark knight rode on a large pitch-black hound, at a height of 3 meters and a mouth full of pointed teeth, hungry for the next soul it devours.

The large hound jumped back out of the statue's striking range, the hound and knight proceeded to look for openings to attack the statue. Dodging the statues attack once again for the dozenth time, the duo counter attacked it once more, but this time the statue was ready, holding its hand upward, the statue's hand and halberds blade collided with each other, causing a shockwave to occur, but the statues hand clasped hard onto the halberds blade and it tugged towards itself, sending the dark knight off its steed.

Now holding the knight in its hand, the statue crushed the head of the armored insect, killing it instantaneously, of which the statue threw at the hound, killing it as well. Looking at the devastation it caused on the field, it picked up the large flaming halberd and looked for the archers the knight had saved, but they were gone and are probably now telling the main army of what just happened.

Looking around, the statue found the bloody body of the man it had seen killed, this was not good as the statue wanted to ask him questions, but while looking at the body the statue had seen a glimmer of light coming off it, while slowly reaching for the shining thing it felt a great wealth of knowledge swell up in its mind.

The statue saw how the man grew up in a village and learned that this man lived through many important parts of history, that he was alive when the humans won the war against the dragons and how quickly that pride fell when the demons started to attack, of which the humans were not prepared for, and many kingdoms fell in the coming years after the start the war against the demons, but the knowledge stopped there as the man ran away from his kingdom before it fell and became a lowly thug.

Though it wasn't much information it was enough for the statue to tell what happened to the world after it originally died and that the monsters it was facing were demons, amalgamations of the human soul, created by enraged souls not ready to die, and lured by promises of becoming stronger.

That would explain why the demons it had killed didn't leave their soul behind, they were already soulless creatures. Now, looking at the map once again, the statue understood why most towns were crossed off it, the monsters had already destroyed them and are marching towards the capital now, the miniature army it had just fought off were just some reinforcements or scouts.

Thinking about this, the statue hurriedly left the blood-soaked battlefield, not even hiding the bodies as it was no use with witnesses still around. The statue left through the forest on its right, as horses or mounts have a harder time travelling through the dense forests.

Inside the lushes forest the statue found peace and liveliness, the blue birds sang loudly, and the critters crawled across the floor, the statue wanted to stay in this forest forever, unlike the outside world it had beauty and peacefulness, as well as not having hundreds of thousands of corpses strewn about in mangled balls of flesh and bones.

The statue even saw some dire wolves hunt for prey, others may have been disgusted when seeing the bloody corpses of bunnies and deer be eaten by man sized wolves, but what the statue saw was the ecosystem working correctly, it didn't care about the lives of animals, it wasn't in its codding.

The statue sustained no harm from the blood thirsty animals of the forest, as it was made of inedible stone. Exiting the forest, the statue saw the winding path up ahead leading to a humongous city, and despite being very far away, it could sense the greatness of the city from here, as it has stood against the attacks of the demons for so long.