TOM Ch7 (A New Friend)

It was the break of dawn when the group finally decided to move onwards. They have been traveling for three days straight by now, and they had to take a break, well Megan and Aggro did as they were living beings, while Eden was a stone statue thing, so it didn't need to rest.

The journey so far had been quite peaceful, as they barely even ran into scout troops for the demons and neither Eden nor Megan had to deal with them, as the demons were devoured by Aggro and his insatiable hunger for 'living' beings, and really it was a good thing that those demons appeared ever so often, otherwise they would have to hunt animals in the forest.

In front of Elden lay an enormous immovable mountain. "That not good, with the pace we were going before we would have made it to Uhsa in a week, now, we probably won't get there in a month." Said Megan with an annoyed expression. To these words Elden nodded its head in agreement.

After two more hours of monotone walking, or more like running considering how fast they were moving. Riding on the back of Agrro, Megan was even taller than Elden, making her their defacto scout, she also had better eyesight compared to the others, despite having a helmet covering her eyes.

So, when spotting a big camp full of demons, she warned them of the danger. Their plan was simple, really simple, they would just run in there and kill all the demons, easy as that. Well, it worked out pretty well until the demons held a couple of humans as hostages, they demanded that we surrender or something, but we didn't really care, Elden was made to not have any feelings, which sort of worked but didn't fully constrict its feelings, still it barely knew who these people are. The same goes for Megan, she was taught how to kill as a kid, how she should only care for the royal family and the empire, not the ones living in it. And for Aggro, well he is a demonic horse that consumes the flesh of the innocent and wicked of heart, so he doesn't really care about the lives of the humans Infront of him.

So, they just walked forward towards the demons and hostages, even though the demons threatened to kill the hostages, they just walked forward, allowing the demons to kill all the humans. Megan nor Elden showed any remorse for this action they made. Instead, they both just slaughtered the demons leaving none behind.

Both Elden and Megan split up to search the camp for anything valuable, such as more coins or even a map of where all the nearby demon camps are located, but the only thing valuable they could find was a lot of coins, like enough to fill multiple chests. That was until Megan heard a few scampering footsteps not far away from where she stood.

Megan checked around her, she couldn't see whatever was making that noise. Megan closed her eyes, trying to sense her surroundings more, and not far away, behind a tent, she could hear the pitter patter of cloth shoes hitting the ground. She immediately rushed towards that location, and found herself hitting an invisible object, 'magic' thought Megan. She squeezed hard on the object, making it emit a shrieking sound of a little girl, Megan let go of the object fast, and a now visible young pale girl with black hair appeared out of thin air.

Megan felt a little bad for hurting her, so she brought the girl back to where they had set up a temporary camp. Megan treated the girl's wounds and waited for her to wake up. Arcena woke up to the face of the woman she had been following for a little bit, the woman's face was smooth and had no imperfections, her skin was pale as if she had no blood left in her body, the woman's hair was pitch black like her own, almost everything about the woman was perfect, almost, the woman's eyes were the color of blood, and this one feature made her seem extremely scary.

Arcena got up and walked slowly away from the woman. The woman opened her mouth, "You know it is quite rude to try and stalk a beautiful woman like me." After a few seconds, the woman just gave a little smirk and asked a question, "That was a joke if you couldn't tell. Anyway, my name is Megan, what is yours?"

Arcena barely stammered out her next words, "M-my name is Arcena, a-and I really hope you forgive me about earlier."

"Well Arcena, I may forgive you if you tell me how you learned magic." Questioned Megan.

"Um... you see I just learned how to use magic not long ago, and in fact I was planning to run away later this week, oh and do you know where the others are, I am quite concerned about what may of happen to them." Answered Arcena.

"Very well, I thank you for being trueful in answering the question I asked you, and about your other question, I regretfully must tell you that just before we arrived here the demons killed all of them." At these words, Arcena couldn't hold on much longer, she fell on the ground in fetal position, crying her eyes out. They were her only sunlight in the torturous camp, her only reason to hold on, she was planning to break them all out in a few days, they were her only family she had left, her mother and father died when she was very young, luckily back then she found a group of orphans just like her, they had also lost their parents to the dragons.

So, they all grew up together, living life to the fullest, they shared every bad moment together and every good moment too, but then they were captured by the demons, sold as slaves and tortured, still they all had each other, but now Arcena was truly alone, she had suffered through so much, and now that her last line holding her back from the lonely Abyss was cut, she fell deeper and deeper, but before she could reach the bottom, a new rope held her, it was not as strong as the past ones, but it still lifted her back up, away from the darkness.