TOM Ch8 (A Normal day)

The warm comfort of embrace held Arcena, keeping her from fully embracing the dark coldness of the abyss. After what felt like years, Arcena finally opened her eyes, but now she was resting on a soft bed. The woman named Megan, the one that was with her when she passed out, was sitting on a chair reading a book.

When Arcena thought about what happened before, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, as she just met Megan, and the other party had just seen her bawling her eyes out. So, now looking at the woman in front of her, she didn't know what to say to her, how to justify her previous actions, "U-um, w-well, you see I was a l-little stressed out about l-losing my--," but before Arcena could finish her words, Megan walked up to her and gave her a big hug. Arcena embraced her as well, in the arms of a woman she just met, Arcena couldn't have felt more cared for, but maybe this was just the loneliness inside her, one that had been there all her life, one that forces her to always have someone she cares for around, as that is the only way to keep it from devouring her whole.

Elden walks into the room Megan said she will be in, it had just found a hidden scroll under the floorboards of the war room in the camp, on the scroll laid a path through the mountains, and by through it means through, the demons had been mining materials out of the mountains to fuel their war against mankind, and while doing that, they made multiple tunnels through the mountains, so their armies can get to the either side of the mountain range within a reasonable amount of time.

So, Elden decided to go through the tunnels, as even though it was more dangerous, as it has multiple demon armies traveling through it at all times, it was quicker than crossing the uninhabited mountain scape. Now the only thing Elden needed was Megans approval, but the problem was that when Elden walked into their temporary house (They just it from the demons) it found itself in an awkward situation, Megan and young girl were hugging.

Still, as Elden didn't have feelings, it just walked up to Megan and handed her the map and a full piece of paper, explaining what the map was about, the plan of going through the tunnel, and asking for her opinion on the matter. Unlike what Elden expected, the girl yelled "monster!" and cowered deeper into Megan's embrace.

Megan turned around quickly, ready to attack, but when she found out it was Elden not a hostile monster, she just face palmed. "Its ok Arcena, that invasive lump of stone over there isn't a monster, its name is Elden, one of my traveling companions."

Arcena slowly lifted her head up in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry about that outburst Elden, I'm a little on edge." Elden ignored her completely, it didn't care for what Arcena had to say, so it just walked closer to Megan, handing her the written conversation and map, then just left without acknowledging Arcena and her confused expression once.

Arcena felt worried and confused at what had just happened. "Don't mind it, to be honest I would be more surprised if it acknowledged you at all. You see, Elden is like a machine, it was given orders by its creators, not having any free will of its own." Told Megan, looking at Arcena, she could already tell she felt bad for Elden. So, Megan continued, "You already have a lot of things on mind, so you don't have to add any more to it, and plus, we will be leaving early tomorrow, so get ready." As she finished speaking, Megan left the room, leaving Arcena alone.

Megan didn't know what was happening, she didn't know why she cares so much about the girl named Arcena, there were plenty of excuses she could trick herself with, like she reminds me of myself, or I just felt bad for her. Megan knew these were wrong, that she was lying to herself, but she didn't know how to explain her previous interactions with Arcena.

Megan thought so hard about it, about what it could possibly be, that she forgot about the map Elden gave her, she was just too loss in thought to think about it. Arcena woke up that morning to the smell of cooked, tender meat, having not eaten meat for the past couple of years, she was enamored by the delicious smell, walking to the source of it.

What Arcena found was Elden cooking the meat above the campfire, and thinking of her latest embarrassment, she didn't feel like bothering the statue, but before Arcena could turn and leave, a chunk of meat came flying at her.

Reacting in time she caught the meat before it hit her, she was slightly confused at first, but looking back at Elden, she got even more confused, as Elden had disappeared. She didn't know how such a large statue could move so silently or quickly, but she wasn't complaining.

After Arcena finished eating, she looked around the camp for the rest of the group, she even checked the horse stables, with her finding nothing important, but there was evidence that something had recently stayed here, and that something was probably blood thirsty, as she found the skeletons of multiple creatures stripped of most flesh.

Arcena felt she was going to be sick, so she left the stables in a hurry, trying to forget the scene she just saw as quickly as possible. Near the entrance of the camp Arcena had found Elden and Megan waiting for someone, most likely her. Seeing them, Arcena called out, "HEY, I am sorry for making you guys' wait for so long."

"Its ok, but you should hop on Aggro here, we are leaving now." Hearing Megans words, Arcena climbed onto Aggro's back, holding on tight to Megan in front of her. Arcena was having an enjoyable time watching the beautiful scenery fly by, but that peace was broken by the smell of fresh blood nearby.