Externia adventures (The gloomy woods)

My office 360 account doesn't want to correctly, so I will just have to make up a random story out of the blue. Also, this will most likely be shorter than my other chapters.


A luxurious dressed man tripped on a root of a large, gloomy tree. The man couldn't hide the fear in his eyes, he let out a scream of pure terror, this scream didn't last long, as after 5 seconds it stopped, the silence grew from that point, it could even unnerve the bravest of men.

Fred couldn't wait to continue on with his journey, it had been two years sense he had first set off on his exploration. In his travels he had met monsters, kings, and even a talking castle, but none of that could compare to what he is about to face, a challenge that will test Fred's skills to their limit.

Fred happily skipped along the path towards his next destination, the new kingdom of Uhsa, the kingdom was relatively weak, as it had just appeared after its rebellion against its mother kingdom.

So, Fred thought of what good he could do for the newly born nation, he could teach them about the other kingdoms, or how to properly use magic, as Fred was a Magician from a wizards tower, but before he could do that, he would first have to past through the haunted woods of Astoricia.

The reason for its ghostly nature is from the fallen kingdom it was once apart of, Astoricia was once a magical kingdom that helped everyone it could, but one day it was taken over from the inside, a new leather was appointed, one that loved demons, and worshiped them.

This ruler and his followers slew every living being the kingdom, sacrificing it to the demon lord, but they were not rewarded, no, their souls were taken from them and the lands the kingdoms capital once stood was turned into a demonic area for the rest of time.

Thinking of the story's about the forest, Fred couldn't help but feel nervous, he strolled carefully through the forest, looking for any sign of a adversary, of which he did find. A group of skeletons were patrolling around a large, spooky tree.

Knowing that undead were weak to fire, Fred threw a blazing fire ball at the group of skeletons, who just burst into flames, permanently killing them, as killing undead with none fire or holy weapons or spells was near impossible.

Fred made a large grin after seeing what he had done, that smile didn't last long though, as Fred looked up at the tree the skeletons were defending, it had a dark bark all over it with red highlights, skeletons of dead humans hanging by nooses on its branches.

Fred slowly backed away from the tree, but before he could escape, a sharp object went through his back. Fred dropped his staff weakly, he fell over face first in the dry dirt of the forest, he first felt scarred that he was soon going to die, but then Fred felt hate, great blazing hate, why had he died, why had the gods punished him, he just wanted to help a new growing kingdom and its people.

After a while of Fred building hate within his mind, he felt a voice call to him, "I can help become so much stronger than you once were, all you have to do is trust me."

Hearing the voice, Fred wanted to argue against its words, but felt he indeed needed more strength, to save people, and to take revenge. Having made up his mind, Fred was dragged down deeper and deeper, until he was no longer in the mortal realm anymore, no, he was in hell.

Some say that in the woods of Astoricia, men lose their will, their being, and their sanity. Though some may say it is untrue, that there is no way a forest could do that, but oh are they both right. Men do lose what makes them who they are in the forest, but it isn't the forests doing, it was something within it, or, more accurately, underneath.


I hope you guys enjoyed this short story, and yes these are cannon. Still I will probably have to make these short stories until my google account wants to work, so, sorry.