TOM Ch9 (Blood-Soaked Valley)

Looking around, Arcena was horrified, the blood-soaked smell came from a nearby battle, the screams of anger and agony echoing through-out the valley. From where she sat, Arcena could see the human soldiers being slaughtered like livestock. The demonic soldiers, with strength two times that of a normal human, steam-rolled the humans.

Arcena couldn't just sit there and watch these horrors being committed, she held out her hand and flowed magic through it. Arcena didn't know many spells, but she did know a good electric one, thinking of the spell, a runic symbol appeared on her outstretched palm. Megan knew Arcena was going to try to intervene in the battle. She wanted to teach Arcena how to fight properly, so first Arcena needed battle experience to understand what she needed to improve on, and plus, they were in a valley, so they couldn't really avoid the battle.

Arcena finished casting a lightning bolt after 5 seconds, the reason it took so long is because she had no magical staff or wand to cast it through. A loud "crackle" was heard as a large bolt of arching lighting flew into a group of demons, and out of the group of ten, none survived, plus the lighting arcs that flew off the original struck other groups of demons, not killing them, but stunning them for a while.

After seeing her performance, Arcena felt much more confident in herself, she started chaining lighting spells one after another, killing substantial amounts of demons at a time, but blinded by her blood-thirsty rage, she didn't see that a demon snuck to her position, Arcena heard a "slash" cutting through the wind, and before she could react to what happened, she blacked out once again.

After the demon stabbed Arcena, it couldn't even celebrate for a millisecond before it was struck down by a spike, the spike protruded through its chest, killing it instantly. Megan was slightly disappointed by Arcena's lack of awareness of things happening around her, but she still had lots of time to improve.

Anyway, now that Arcena had her fun, Elden stepped up to finish the battle, while Megan made sure Arcena didn't die. Eden walked up to the demons and started swinging it's halberd around, burning the flesh of the demons further away from it, and slicing the demons Infront of it into tiny meat chunks, even killing ones outside of it's range with the shock waves it created by moving the halberd so fast and hard.

Elden eventually got bored of swinging it's halberd around and decided to test out it's new ice powers. Stomping it's foot down hard with ice runes imbued on it, spikes of ice grew out of the ground, seeking targets to pierce. The attack was the same as the ice demon general's move, so Elden decided to try another move.

Spreading it's hands out wide, it brought them together in a clapping motion with all it's strength, mixed in with ice magic. The second Elden's hand collided with each other; a loud shockwave shot out of it, causing all the remaining demons and humans to be thrown through the air, colliding with anything that got in their way.

Still, that was not the end of the move, as the ice runes infused with the clap, generated an icy mist covering the entire battlefield. The mist caused the demons and humans hit by it to slow down, and eventually freeze completely. Looking at the ice statues around it, Elden walked up to one, and hit it with its flaming halberd.

Once the halberd collided with the ice statue, it broke apart and sent ice shards flying everywhere, and if you looked closely at the ice shards, some held within them the organs and flesh of the victim the ice had grown over.

To make sure that its enemies were delt with, Elden walked around smashing the statues into many pieces, this was definitely because it was worried about them warning others, not because it enjoyed the act of smashing their frozen bodies into pieces, or at least that is what Elden told itself.

After finishing off the statues, Elden wandered towards the only building with a light on, but as it was too tall, Elden couldn't walk through the doorway, so it just bent down and looked through a small window, inside it couldn't see much, just Megan taking care of that strange mage girl Arcena. Elden wondered why Megan, a person who didn't show much attachment to anyone or anything, cared so much for a person she just met.

Elden didn't really care though, as Megan was her own person, and it wasn't going to invade her privacy. So, Elden got bored of just watching, and just got up to find its own thing to do. Within the building, Megan held on tightly to Arcena, Megan felt bad for letting Arcena get hurt, but as the saying goes, 'pain is the greatest teacher,' all Megan hopes for now, is that Arcena won't feel to down about losing so easily and will instead feel more inspired to get stronger.

Arcena jolted up from her bed, thinking about what happened before, how she had been taken down with just one strike, she couldn't help but feel nervous, what if Megan and Elden left her after seeing how weak she truly was. Arcena busted out of her room in a frantic maneuver, she was immediately stopped by a warm hug, one that she had only felt once.

Looking up, Arcena found the worried face of Megan looking at her. "Is there anything wrong, I thought I completely healed all your injuries," Megan asked looking at Arcena's frightened expression. "No, I feel fine it's just... never mind, but I thank you once again for saving me," Arcena didn't want to lie, so she just ignored the question.

Megan nodded, though she knew something was up with the girl, she didn't want to push too hard. So, Megan dragged Arcena into the kitchen, preparing to make breakfast for her, but instead, Arcena asked to learn how to make food, just in case they were separated from each other. Megan just smiled and gave some pointers to Arcena. That morning, the war-torn world heard something rare, laughs of pure joy coming from a blood-soaked valley.