Hendrick vs. Prince Everet

Hendrick was at the command center situated in between Eleftheria and Zachary. The center was built when he was still young since the two territories were the ones that shared borders with Valencia which often provoked skirmishes and wars.

Hendrick, Knight Commander Allan, and Francis were having tea together to soothe their nerves from all the hype in the morning from having to battle with zealous Valencian knights.

They had just finished updating each other and were just done listening to all the reports. They were about to retire for the night when all of a sudden, two people appeared in front of them.

The three instantly rose and drew their weapons, ready for a fight. But then . . .

"What is His Eminence doing here?" Hendrick exclaimed upon the sight of the Grand Magus. 

The three sheathed their weapons and bowed respectfully upon realizing who had arrived. 

It was totally unexpected.