
With Hendrick winning, his promised reward, the most beloved daughter of King Emerson was awarded to him.

He was rather surprised that they made the princess go to the battlefield instead of sending her to Valyenor later.

The princess shared a hug with King Emerson who looked sad that she would be on Valyenor's side from today forth.

Prince Everet bowed at his younger sister in front of everyone in apology for losing her to the enemy.

The princess was in a beautiful dress that covered her whole body. She was escorted by Royal Valencian knights as she walked to Valyenor's side. She was wearing a veil so her face was covered. 

A maidservant and a knight were on either side of her. Her maid shaded her from the sun with a parasol.

The princess removed her veil once she was on Hendrick's side and curtsied to him.