
Chapter 29: Watson

As Abium stood up from the ground, he saw the newcomer's appearance and realized that he was a young man.

That guy's age was around 25 years old, and he had black hair, sharp black eyes, a square face, elongated eyebrows, and fair skin. There was a deep coldness in his face, which gave him a strange chill.

He wore a black cloak and held a long sword in his hand.

When Abium saw that man's face, he guessed the identity of that man even in that light darkness and got stunned inside.

"It seems my luck isn't good this time." He muttered solemnly and showed a troubled look on his face.

Unlike others, Abium knew that this young man was a dangerous one who would shake the whole Peral Kingdom in a few months.


"I never thought I would meet the Hero of Roseglen City here of all places. Still, I didn't expect you would be working for the Order of the dead members." He paused for a second and continued with a mocking grin.

"Vice-Captain of the City Garrison... Or should I call you, Mr. Watson?"

Abium words put everyone in a tense mode, even including Watson.

The vice-captain of Roseglen city guards was a guy who always wore a mask in public. No one knew anything about his real name or origin, including viscount Gauvain's family members.

The same goes for Helena and other adventures!

But Abium knew some information about him from his previous life memories and had some bad history with him.

A young warrior with black hair came from the northern continent three years ago and discussed something with Viscount.

Then, Viscount appointed him as vice-captain of City Garrison and even titled him as a 'Hero' later for saving the Royal Princess, which caused a massive uproar among the masses.

Even in the past, Abium didn't know much about him besides his name and key information.

But he knew that Watson was a spy sent by a mysterious organization to cause disturbance in the Peral Kingdom. In the past, he revealed his true face during the Grand nobles' gathering and assassinated Crown Prince Huggins in front of everyone. Then, he also took many other nobles' lives during the Grand Nobles' gathering and fled while shocking the whole kingdom.

After a serious investigation, the Mages found out Viscount Gauvain was the one who helped Watson to kill the Crown Prince and put the highest bounty on both Watson's and Viscount's heads.

But when Royal Knights and Royal Mages arrived at Viscount's territory to arrest both of them, all they found in the Roseglen City was nothing but skeletons!

No one knew what had happened there, but this incident caused deep fear among the masses.

As Abium revealed his original name casually, Watson's face went stiff.

Soon, he unsheathed his long sword, slashed at the screaming Bald Warrior, and decapitated his head instantly.

After that, he raised the sword, pointed the tip at Abium, and asked threateningly.

"How do you know my name, kid?"

But instead of giving him a reply, Abium curled his lips upward and grinned.

"What made you think I would answer?"

While saying so, he took a few steps backward, moved closer towards Helena, and looked at her.

In the past, he met her two months after the goblin's ambush incident, and both became best friends later on.

At that time, she was chased by Viscount's guards and accidentally met him in the woods. Due to his naivety or good nature, Abium tried his best to save her and even requested the elite-soldier Oliver's help.

After rescuing her safely, he ended his two months of training and decided to walk independently.

"It seems even the 'Time' can't separate our friendship." Abium chuckled inwardly and asked with a smile.

"How long has it been since you left to search for your sister?"

Meanwhile, Helena got startled by his strange question and looked at him in puzzlement.

'How did he know about my sister?'

But suddenly, a voice interjected her thinking.

"Helena! Why are you listening to his blabbering? Capture him!" Watson ordered her.

Nodding, Helena was about to take a step forward and attack him but suddenly paused.

She then blinked her azure eyes and asked in a cautious tone.

"Have we met before?" She felt something was off about this young Half-elf and became more curious.

Meanwhile, Abium suddenly smiled and spoke in a calm tone.

"No. But I know about your sister and her whereabouts."

When he finished his words, an attack came from the left.

At that moment, the brown-haired Warrior who stood on his left side aimed his sword and thrust it towards his neck.

Meanwhile, Abium raised his sword, intercepted the opponent's sword, and deflected it casually.

Simultaneously, Watson pointed his finger at the blonde-haired Warrior and ordered.

"Don't give him a rest. Kill him."

In the meantime, Helena trembled involuntarily due to the shock, opened her mouth to ask something but couldn't.

No words came out of it.

Her expression froze, and she stood rooted on the spot like a frozen statue.

On the other hand, Abium displayed skillful swordplay and blocked the sword attacks from the brown-haired Warrior.

Simultaneously, he took out another 'Amber Stone' from his space ring and threw it towards the right side blonde-haired Warrior.

Because of the darkness, that blonde-haired Warrior overlooked the upcoming Amber Stone and tried to raise the long sword above his head to attack Abium.

Meanwhile, the Amber Stone collided with his leather armor, exploded with a devastating bang, and tossed him backward like a fly.

The next instant, the blonde-haired Warrior crashed onto the nearby tree trunk and fell on the ground with a loud thud.

Due to the explosion, the brown-haired Warrior also got startled and got distracted in the battle.

The sudden appearance of a large flame also blinded his sight, giving Abium an ample opportunity.

In a blink, Abium moved closer towards the brown-haired Warrior, evaded the incoming sword attack, and directly thrust the sword tip into his neck!

The next instant, his sword tore through the flesh, ripped the blood vessels, and appeared on the other side.

Then, he withdrew his sword and stood there calmly like a powerful swordsman.

Meanwhile, the brown-haired man showed a disbelief look, gripped his neck with both hands, and soon fell backward.

A strange eerie silence appeared in the forest!

The first one to snap out of the shock was Helena. She hurriedly raised her short sword, pointed it at Abium, and asked.

"H-How did you know about my sister? No, you are bluffing; nobody knows about her identity. Who are you?"

Abium didn't have time to explain. Instead, he waved his hand and spoke.

"Her name is Camilla. And if you need other proof, I can tell you more about her. She looks like a tiny butterfly, and her race is-"

Helena suddenly widened her eyes in shock and quivered before responding in a hurry.

"No need to answer. Except for some people, no one knew of her name. Did she send you to look for me? How is she?"

In truth, Camilla was a fairy from the Elven Kingdom.

Due to some accident, she lost her memories around twelve years ago and roamed in the woods like a butterfly. Thankfully, Helena and her mother picked her up and decided to raise her as one of their family members.

Helena and Camilla grew up in the same house like two siblings for the past twelve years and never even fought once.

But one day, Camilla had a big fight with Helena's parents for some silly reason and ran away from the house. Although Helena's mother and father tried their best to stop her, she didn't even listen to her and disappeared.

When Helena learned about the truth, she became enraged and decided to search for her sister independently. After months of searching, she learned that her younger sister had come to the Peral Kingdom and became an adventurer with her friend.

But as Helena searched further, she found out that Roseglen city was the last place she came in contact with.

After that, Camilla seemed to have disappeared.

Helena asked many people about her whereabouts but found no clue.

With no other choice, she too became an adventurer, made some agreement with Viscount Gauvain, and decided to search with Viscount's support.

So, hearing her name made Helena loosen her guard up completely.

Meanwhile, Abium let out a sigh and responded,

"She is fine for now. But if you want to know more about her, you've to help me first."

He shifted his gaze towards her back and looked at the two black-haired warriors as he spoke.

At that moment, Watson didn't move his muscle, remained in the same place, and ordered coldly.

"Knock her out."

Both black-haired warriors also glanced at each other, gripped their weapons tighter, and seemed to have made up their minds to attack Helena!

After all, she was just an adventurer who joined their team not long ago and didn't have a deep relationship with them.

The only reason they kept her in their team was her battle skills. Moreover, they weren't going to kill her but knock her out.