
Chapter 30: Battle

But Helena acted before them.

She ducked her head, evaded the sword attacks from behind, and rolled towards the right side.

She stood up grimly, leaned on the nearby wooden trunk, and glared at them.

After a slight pause, she turned her gaze towards Watson and spoke solemnly.

"I am sorry, Vice-Captain. This half-elf is the only clue to find my sister. If you want to ruin that, I'll not hesitate to attack you."

She didn't hesitate and agreed to help Abium even though it looked impossible.

Meanwhile, Abium's smile widened.

He knew Helena's weakness and used it.

'But to fulfill her promise, I have to attend the Orchid auction.' He shook his head.

'There are more than six months for preparation.' He muttered inwardly.

Meanwhile, the other two black-haired warriors also backed away and stared at them vigilantly.

Watson also stood there in silence and pondered in his mind deeply.

He recalled the moment when Viscount told him something about this blond-haired girl.

At first, Viscount didn't know what Helena was looking for, but he guessed Helena was searching for a person after some time.

So, Viscount promised that if Helena vowed to work for him, he would use his connections to find that important person.

Helena had no other choice but to agree to his requests. She started working for the Viscount as an adventurer for the past six months and even did many dangerous missions.

Her current mission to eliminate the outside threats in Baxbron woods was also under the request of Viscount.

Watson stood in silence for the next few seconds and made a swift decision.

He then looked at Abium and spoke coldly.

"Don't show any mercy on her. I'll take care of this Half-elf."

Watson also knew about Helena's strength.

She might be a 2nd tier warrior but was already in peak stage.

Because of that reason, Viscount was planning on recruiting her in the future.

'Unfortunately, she had already betrayed us.' Watson thought inwardly and took a step forward towards Abium.

Meanwhile, Abium was already aware of her strength and got relaxed inside.

'She has yet to reveal her trump card.'

Shaking his head, he gripped his sword, zeroed his gaze on Watson, and scanned him.

The next instant, his face stiffened up.


[Name: ???

Age: 26

Race: Human

Class: Fourth-Tier Warrior

Health: Normal


Strength: 4.7

Agility: 4.8

Vitality: 4.6

Mana: 5.0

Spirit: 1.5


Intermediate Swordsmanship, Intermediate Sword Aura, Elemental Burst, Elemental Aura.]


'He is a Fourth-Tier Warrior?! No good.'

Squinting, Abium sent a minute mana into the sword and created a basic sword aura on the surface of his sword.

He also noticed the same aura formed around Helena's short sword and nodded inwardly.

Abium could tell just by the look that she had long mastered basic sword aura and decided to focus full attention on Watson.

'Sword aura?! Why didn't she reveal her sword technique before?' Watson also got started deeply and warned the other two black-haired warriors.

"Be careful of the sword aura. They will break your normal weapons quickly-"

Before he could finish the sentence, he suddenly saw the Half-elf hurl his hand all of a sudden and toss something at him.

He saw that an amber-colored stone tore through the air a second later, and it almost arrived in front of his face.

But just as it was about to touch his face, he suddenly took a step towards the right side and evaded it.

The Amber Stone flew past him, collided on the nearby tree trunk, and exploded while enveloping everything in a reddish flame.

Soon, the 20 meters tall tree made a creaking noise and started to fall.

'Terrific power! What kind of explosive is this?' Watson got stunned inside and was about to walk forward but suddenly froze.

At that moment, another Amber Stone flew from the front and soon landed in between his legs.

Another terrific explosion appeared below him the next instant, and the shockwave almost threw his body upward.

Due to the sudden shockwave, he tossed up in the air and landed backward while crashing his head on the nearby wood.

At that moment, Watson felt a tearing pain from both legs as some strange stones ripped through the flesh and cursed loudly.

"F*CK!" He then tried to get up and soon noticed that slight dizziness appeared suddenly.

He also raised his hand, touched his right ear, and saw blood drops were coming out.

'Sh*t! This guy is too dangerous!' At that moment, he realized that he had deeply underestimated this Half-elf!

'But he seems to know too much information about me. Is he a spy of the Royal Family? Yes, I did hear a lot about a mysterious guy who is good at disguising and spying working for the Royal Family.'

When Watson got caught off in the explosion, Abium suddenly moved towards one of the black-haired Warrior and intercepted his sword.

At the same time, he took out an ordinary stone from his space ring and tossed it towards the black-haired Warrior.

Meanwhile, that black-haired guy tried to back away in panic but stepped on a woodblock and stumbled backward.

Utilizing the opportunity, Abium suddenly moved closer towards him and gave a hard kick towards his groin.

At the same time, he held the sword with both hands and raised it above his hand.

Then, he took a deep breath and made an overhead strike at the black-haired Warrior.

On the other hand, the black-haired Warrior turned pale instantly, moved his sword sideways, and tried to block it.

But as the sword made contact with Abium's sword, it started to make a cracking sound and soon broke into two.

Thankfully, the black-haired Warrior somehow managed to avoid the overhead strike from Abium's sword, backed away two steps, and stared at him with a terrified face.

Meanwhile, Helena also blocked other Warrior's attacks and pushed her opponent with her sword skills.

At that moment, Abium fixed his cold gaze at that black-haired Warrior and thrust his sword towards his abdomen with full force.

If the black-haired Warrior had a spare weapon, he would've blocked his attack again.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have any spare weapon.

He instinctively took another two steps back to avoid being pierced by that cold sword, but it was too late. The cold blade in Abium's hand directly ripped the air and stabbed his stomach deeply.

The black-haired guy let out a painful cry and soon saw that the cold blade entered deep into his stomach with wide eyes.

Soon, scarlet blood drops started dripping on the ground and absorbed into the dry sand.

Abium retracted his sword, raised it, and slashed against the opponent's head as the black-haired guy was still in shock.

It was a vertical attack that contained his full power.


Along with a bam, his aura-coated sword rammed on that guy's skull and sliced his body into two.

The next moment, the sword splits the opponent's body into two while splattering the scarlet blood along with the white matter everywhere.

Both sliced bodies danced in the air and fell with loud thuds a second later.

'I will never get accustomed to this blood smell.' Abium clicked his tongue and wiped the blood off his face.

He then shifted his gaze towards the right side and noticed that Helena was still struggling with the other Warrior.

No, Helena and her opponent had already stopped their fight as they heard the thud sound and looked in his direction with wide gaped eyes.

Meanwhile, Abium shook his head and muttered.

'She is still immature at fighting. I have to teach her some techniques and skills in the future.'

Abium once again raised his sword, aimed at the other Warrior, and thrust it towards his neck.

But suddenly, Abium saw a blurry figure moving towards him from the sides at an unimaginable speed and blocked his sword from reaching the Warrior's neck.

A clanging metallic sound echoed inside the dark forest, followed by a rippling air sound.

At that moment, Abium felt the pressure from Watson and turned grim.

Watson stood between the black-haired Warrior and Abium like a mountain and stared at him with cold eyes.

Meanwhile, his body was covered by red-colored elemental energy, and his sword also appeared to be emitting a sunshine sword aura.

It was an Intermediate Sword Aura!

'He is way about me in terms of strength.' He sighed deeply.

Warriors use their elemental cultivation technique to strengthen their muscles till they reach 3rd tier warriors.

But once the warriors broke through the 4th tier realm, their bodies would transform, and they would be able to learn how to use elemental energy from the atmosphere.

Although warriors were tiny figures in front of mages, they still had some special techniques which could pose a threat even to an apprentice mage.

Clang! Clang Clang!

Abium instantly utilized his intermediate sword aura to block Watson's continuous attacks and backed away hurriedly.

Even with his mastery in sword techniques, he noticed he was barely holding up against Watson's attacks and got anxious.

'I lack mana!' He grumbled inwardly.