Chapter 9: Wedding Night

I fought back my irritation as the maids forced me into a pearly white wedding dress that dragged behind me. The designs were beautifully intricate, it was definitely something Lady Syn would wear. As for me – I felt like some kind of monster who was allergic to the beauty that I shuddered when it touched my skin as if it had burned me – IS burning me like some sorcery.

I growled, annoyed by so many people tending to every little thing. I had three maids twirling my hair and doing whatever they were doing to magically turn me into a lady.

But the maids were very gentle and careful as they brushed my hair, pulling it up into a beautiful bun. They stuck in long golden hair pins that glistened like the afternoon sun.

I turned and looked at myself in the tall mirror. I – or rather Lady Syn – looked absolutely stunning. Abashed by the beauty, I looked away from the mirror, shifting uncomfortably.

A knock came at the door. "They are ready for you my lady." The voice calls from outside.

As if signing my death sentence, I strolled toward the throne room with a heavy heart. The maids were not far behind, carrying the train off the floor as though I cared if it were to get dirt on it.

"The Lady Charlix Syn Sewell!" A voice announced from inside and the doors creaked open. I would like to say I didn't care for this and in fact I was appalled by the thought of marriage, but it was as if my heart had a mind of its own, pounding loudly in my ears. I was pretty sure the people closest to the isle could see the carotid artery pulsing in my neck, ready to burst and shower all of them with my blood.

Shut up heart, shut up! This is not for you!

But it was useless, like I said, my heart had a mind of its own.

Crown Prince Renaud was looking very suave in his black and gold attire. His eyes were still as cold as ice and his face expressionless, just as the day before.

The King looked gallant as he sat upon his throne with the queen next to him.

When the priest got to the part about our vows, I could barely resist the urge to scream bloody murder and run out the door as though I were on fire.

And yet, I managed to clench my fists around the bouquet as I muttered the words, sealing my fate forever. "I do."

Ugh – I can't believe this is happening! I said I would never get married, and yet here I am, stuck in a godforsaken body, in a godforsaken situation.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Oh no! Oh no, oh no – I forgot, I have to –

"You may now kiss the bride."

Kiss him.

Prince Renaud turned to face me.

Damn it, damn it, damn it all!

He gently grabbed my chin and lifted it up as he leaned down and placed his soft lips on mine. He smelled like leather and soap, and – him. He had an enticing smell unique to him that melted me into a puddle. My whole body was stiff, but my knees felt so very weak, like they were going to buckle from under me. It took everything in my power to prevent myself from collapsing right here in front of the everyone.

Cheers and clapping erupted through the room as we made our way down the aisle and toward the ballroom.

Everyone lined up behind us as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor for our first dance as husband and wife. A flashback of the night of the royal ball popped into my head.

I forgot – I don't know how to dance!

I quickly tried to remember what he said back then.

I just need to follow him. That's all I have to do, I just follow his movements and no one will know.

The music started and my heart trembled, afraid I would trip over his feet and everyone would know I am a fake.

"Are you alright Charlix?" I looked up at his cold emotionless face.

"Mhm. I'm fine."

"It's alright if I call you Charlix right? Or do you prefer Syn?"

"Uh-" It felt uncomfortable to be referred to as Syn but I still didn't know who I could trust. "You can call me as you wish."

To my surprise, I didn't trip over my own feet during our dance.

Prince Renaud took my hand and led me into the hall.

"Where are we going?"

"To our marriage chamber."

Oh no!

This can't be happening! How in the world did I forget the most important thing that always happens on a wedding night? All those romantic novels have it, how did I forget it?!

My heart was about to burst out of my chest, my brain was going crazy with ideas how to get out of this.

How would I get out of this? Can I feign sickness? Should I faint? Would that even stop him?

He pushed the door open and led me inside, shutting the door behind him. The marriage chamber was even bigger than I imagined. Now I understand why he said my room from last night was small. A table stood in the far corner, full of delicious food and wine.

WINE! That would surely help.

I marched over and poured myself a goblet, chugging it as fast as I could. I poured another and lifted it to my lip, before a strong firm hand reached over and prevented me from taking another sip.

"You might want to slow down." His fiery eyes still showed no emotions. It showed no eagerness to want to do this anymore than I do. He took the goblet and took a gulp before placing it down on the table.

I watched his back as he walked toward the fireplace and threw another log into it. I sighed in relief, maybe we aren't going to do anything. My heart felt lighter at the thought.

He started to slowly take off his clothes one by one and placed them neatly on the chair. As he pulled his thin shirt over his head, his protruding abs appeared to be as hard as steel, his muscular pecs pushed together, flexing and bouncing with the movement of his arms. I didn't know what to think, or what to do. I could feel my jaw drop, my throat going so very dry and my knees painfully weak.

"Do you need help?" He watched me with those eyes that drew fire to my face, his head tilting slightly.

"Hem-hem – help with what?" My voice croaked.

He slowly ambled toward me, his taught muscles rippling with every movement. My face flushed and I turned around, my eyes darting across the table before landing on the goblet before me. I picked up the goblet, gulped it down and reached for the wine bottle to pour another.

I wasn't nearly drunk enough yet, I needed more. His hand grabbed mine and pulled it away from the bottle. Though his hand was a firm 'no more' his touch so was gentle – he could be handling a newborn kitten with how gentle he was.

Then I felt the touch of his hand on my hips and I stiffened. Those large warm hands heated every inch of me as he embraced me from behind and sniffed my neck like he wanted to inhale me.

Fear crept up my spine, when I felt his swollen member push up against my back. The wine helped me with my personal space issue, but I still felt afraid, very afraid – at his touch that sent lightening coursing through me – at the fire that was left in his wake – at how hard –

"If you don't want to, I won't make you." His hot breath tickled my neck. "But – that means this marriage is null and void."

Those words – why did those words feel like a threat? Like he wanted me to leave?

There is definitely something they are hiding.

A single tear trickled down my cheek.

I swallowed to soothe my parched throat and turned around to kiss him. His tongue slipped into my mouth and he licked the far corners of my mouth like he wanted to taste every inch of it. He kiss was strong and powerful and needy, taking everything I have to offer.

He quickly untied my dress and pulled it down along with my corset. Heat radiated off his body as he laid me on the bed. I flinched when his large calloused hands gripped onto my breasts, kneading them with such wanton need.

He retreated and took a shaky breath before kissing my neck. His teeth playfully scraped across my shoulder and kissed down to the side of my breast. He licked at my sensitive nipples before latching on to it like a hungry animal and letting out a low groan that rippled through me.

My breath quickened and my neck arched at the sudden pleasurable pain.

The tips of his fingers traced my flat belly down toward the sensitive spot between my legs. I immediately grabbed his hand to stop him, but he was so strong.

Compared to this weak body I'm in, he just dragged my hand along with his.

I could feel him lightly rub my sensitive spot. He unlatched my breast and switched to suck on the other one, still fondling and squeezing it hard as if he wanted to shove my whole breast in his mouth.

I felt a wetness trickle down to my buttocks.

His tongue moistened my skin as he licked and kissed his way down between my legs.

"N-no." I gasped and grabbed his sturdy arms. I felt embarrassed to have him so close.

"You want me to stop?" Still kissing every inch of me as if he wanted to eat me alive. I clenched my eyes as tight as I could and swallowed my dignity.

I released his arms and he proceeded to tease my sensitive spot with his tongue before swallowing it whole like he did my breasts. I felt a jolt course through my body, my back arched into a spasm all the way up to my neck. I grabbed and pulled at the bed sheets, my toes curled and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

He released and allowed me to breath, but only briefly before sending me into another frenzy with a flick of his tongue. He released with another moan and returned to stick his tongue in my mouth. His fingers were still dancing on my sensitive spot.

His finger pushed into me and a pain shot up my abdomen. I held my breath and tensed, clawing at his arm to push him out.

"Shh, shh, shh – breathe Charli." His hoarse voice called my name and sent an electric shock through my body, prickling all the way down to the tips of my toes. His breath smelled so very sweet when he pecked my cheek with a kiss. "Breathe." He said with a shaky breath. I gasped and breathed like he instructed. "There you go. Just like that."

He proceeded to slip his tongue in my mouth again. The dull pain in my abdomen continued but slowly started to subside. He pulled his fingers out only to push them back in, further and further each time, causing me to writhe in pain.

He removed his fingers and sucked on them, like he was licking the residue of delicious food. He positioned himself between my legs and laid his steel body on top of me, pressing his hard manhood against me. He grabbed my arms, kissed my palms and then my wrists before wrapping them around his neck. "Take a deep breath Charli."

I obeyed and he pushed himself in, matching my breath.

"Ah!" I gasped and whimpered at his hugeness. I squirmed, and struggled to get out from under him. He lowered his body on top of me, preventing me from escaping. I felt helpless and couldn't move. With one hand on my shoulder, he wrapped the other around my waist for leverage as he slowly penetrated deeper and deeper. There was a stinging sensation and I felt something trickle down between my buttocks. I let out whimpering moans, but he only stopped when he could go no further.

Make it stop, make it stop.

I chant the silent prayer to myself. My breath shook and tears rolled down my temples.

"Breathe." His breath on my ear sent a weirdly delicious tingle through my body. He nibbled at my earlobe, and gently brushed his calloused hand up my shoulder to grasp the nape of my neck, sending chills through my body. "Relax your body." He placed his rough hand on my lower back and I realized it was arched high above the bed. He rubbed it carefully, trying to sooth the tight muscle.

He proceeded to nibble my neck and kiss my cheeks. I tried to push off the bed to move away, but to no avail. His manhood twitched inside me, aching to move. He kissed and gently bit my lips with his body trembling as if he was scared.

The pain slowly subsided and my body lowered itself back down onto the bed. "Breathe." He whispered to my ear again and proceeded to move, starting off very slow and carefully. I clenched my eyes and breathed through the pain. His breath shook like he was struggling to contain himself.

His body was slick with sweat dripping from his chin onto my chest as he moved faster and faster. He pulled my body in, pressed his face into my bosom as if he wanted to absorb me like a phagocytic cell and grunted like he was in pain, vibrating violently before collapsing on top of me. I felt a pulsing in between my legs and something was filling me up inside.

Our bodies were slick with sweat and shimmered with the flames as we didn't move – we only laid there – in silence.