Chapter 10: Duties

We were both out of breath panting heavily. He laid gentle kisses on my forehead to my lips and down to the base of my neck.

My eyes clenched shut and my mouth gaped for air when he slowly pulled away. His member was hot and burned me as he pulled it out. The pressure in my abdomen subsided and a warm thick liquid oozed out. He pushed himself up and walked over to the fireplace.

Slowly recovering from utter shock, I covered my face with my hands and muffled the quiet sobs leaving my mouth. My lips quivered and tears rushed down my temples. I rolled over, pulled the bed sheets over me to cover my face. It stung between my legs, but I closed them anyway, ashamed of the act that just occurred. Never in my life had I felt so ashamed of how weak and worthless I was. Even when I was younger and had woken up with no memory of who I was, I have never felt this much hatred for myself.

I flinched at a soft touch, sliding over the bed sheets on my hip.