Chapter 29: Dinner

I arrived at Sir Nigelle's house, and knocked on the door.

"Charli!" Sir Nigelle's face lit up, he had a burp rag on his shoulder and the baby in his arm. "Come on in! If I may say, you look 'absolutely' stunning!" A huge grin appeared on his face.

I was still shocked, and I wasn't sure how to respond. I stepped into the house and just stood by the door. Sir Nigelle kept talking to me, but his inaudible voice was drowned out by my thoughts.

'How does he know? Had he known all this time? Or did I do something?'

"How'd you know?"

"Know what?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"How did you know that I didn't like to wear dresses?" I looked at him but he turned blurry.