Chapter 30: Parting Gift

I awoke groaning with a splitting headache.

"Are you alright My Queen?" Allie brought me a cup of water.

"Ugh...what happened? How did I get here?"

"Sir Aeron brought you back last night, My Queen. Do you not remember?"

I shook my head and handed the empty cup to her. "My head hurts. What time is it?

"It's the afternoon My Queen."

"I was asleep that long?!" I jumped out of bed, causing my head to spin. I steadied myself on the bed post and clutched my head.

"Sir Aeron has requested that you rest today My Queen." She grabbed my arm to support me.

"No, I'm fine. I'm not going to waste the day away. I just need to walk it off." I got dressed, grabbed my sword and headed down to the training field, holding onto the wall every now and then to steady myself.