Chapter 42: Lifted Burden

The sun had started to set by the time we arrived back at the castle. The knights were all so exhausted, they dragged their feet putting their horses away, making sure they had food and water before they left.

Us squires, unloaded all the gear and put everything away where they needed to go.

"I have a feast prepared for everyone in the great hall. Please dine and enjoy yourselves. You all did great during this eval." Sir Aeron announced to everyone and headed into the castle.

After bathing, I met up with the squires and we left together to the great hall. Now that the knights have food in their bellies, the atmosphere changed and became loud and lively, making me chuckle to myself.

"Why are you laughing?" Hamley looked at me confused, placing mashed potatoes on his plate.

"Nothing. I just found it funny how light the atmosphere became now that they are eating."