Chapter 55: It's Not a Game

My vision was going in and out. Every time I opened my eyes, someone different was in my view.

-Sir Uryenne with extremely worried eyes. My whole body felt weak and shook uncontrollably. I was sweating but I felt so cold, my teeth wouldn't stop chattering.

-I threw up blood into a bucket while Sarey wiped my face

-Renaud was both very pissed and worried, his eyes were teary and his face red. I couldn't hear anything but the sound of blood rushing in my ears. Renaud's mouth moved like he was screaming making the vein pop out from the side of his neck.

-Tabitha stood calmly by me with her eyes closed and beads of sweat dripping down her nose.

I sat up in bed and leaned over the side of the bed, throwing up bile.

"It's alright My Queen." Sarey held the bucket in front of my face and rubbed my back. "You'll feel better soon enough."

"Ugh…" I wiped my mouth with the handkerchief Sarey handed me. "What happened?"