Chapter 78: I Missed This Side of You

"Good-bye." Greiken smiled at me and blood seeped from his neck, drenching his tunic, as he fell from the cliff and his lifeless eyes neared as he fell right on top of me.

I jerked awake, breathing heavily and glanced around, drenched in sweat.

"Charli?!" Aeron quickly sat on the bed next to me. "Are you okay?"

I blinked myself back to reality and realized it was just a dream. I fisted my hands in my hair and exhaled in relief. "I'm fine." I muttered. "I just had a nightmare." I lifted my knees and propped my elbows onto them, taking in a few deep meditated breaths to slow my racing heart.

"Are you sure you're okay? Is there anything I can get you? Water?"

I smiled wryly and shook my head. "I'm fine Aeron. Thank you." I noticed a blanket and pillow in the corner of the tent laid out on the floor. "I feel bad for taking your bed. Why don't you sleep on the bed and I will sleep on the ground."