Chapter 79: Hidden World

We've been traveling for five days, only stopping at night to briefly set up camp to sleep. The thought of me wearing a dead knight's armor, and riding a horse that no longer had their master, made my skin crawl.

Aeron made sure to keep me close to him, never letting his eyes off of me. Every now and then I can feel Luther's intense glare at me, sending a chill up my spine. Whenever my eyes caught his gaze, I glowered back daring him to do something, so I would have an excuse to chop off his dick and feed it to him. He disgusts me. I could still feel his hands all over me and his breath on my neck, raising bile to my throat.

Aeron slept on the ground next to me every night and he would wake me, almost every night from my nightmares of Luther. It was both disgusting and infuriating that he too haunts my dreams and my wake.