Chapter 94: Niece

"Just follow me." He muttered and gave a polite bow. The dance floor erupted into a choreographed dance. I had to look around and copy what the other women were doing, since I had no idea what I was doing. I laughed hysterically, when Aeron didn't know what he was doing either, and we just did some random dance, although I'd say we still executed it quite well.

He spun me around and we twirled through the dance floor. With the way we moved, it felt like we were sparring magnificently, and for a moment I felt like I was floating on clouds again. When the music stopped, cheers erupted and brought me back from my trance. Realizing I was still on earth and surrounded by people, my face turned bright red and my breath quickened.

"May I cut in?" Renaud held out a hand to me. Behind him was Lady Syn quietly cheering me on. Aeron nodded and moved aside. I quickly shot a death stare at Lady Syn when Renaud took my hand. "You remember to just follow me right?"