Typical Horny Carl

I packed my bag and followed Carl to the suite, since I had taken a shower I decided to just sleep so I would not look stressed for the wedding tomorrow.

The suite had only one bed, but it was large, large enough to have Carl on one end and myself on the other end without any of us touching each other.

As much as I wanted to stay away from him, I wanted him to make a move, to touch me, to make me moan for him.

I was disappointed, he made no move, he simply unpacked his things and went for a long shower, and before he got back, I was already asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling energetic; I decided to play on Carl. I got up from the bed, although he was up, I did not acknowledge him.

I did not even say good morning.

I just took off my sleep dress and stood naked in the room, I then walked to the bathroom swaging my hips, and I made sure Carl saw me. I took my time in the bathroom making sure anticipation was building up with Carl.

When I was done having my bath, I walked into the room in towel.

I dried up myself and stood naked, and then in a position where Carl could see a side of my breast and ass, I applied lotion to my body.

He was trying to ignore and act like he didn't know what was going on, but I was sure he had an erection already.

he had so much will power holding him and that's why he hasn't come up to me.

But I was going to break that will power this morning without touching him. I was determined this morning and I was sure going to have my way.

I wore my bra, panty, and heels and sat before the mirror to fix my hair.

Carl seemed unmoved as he went to have his birth, but I was sure he was trying to hide his erection as he was going in.

After I was done fixing my hair, I laid on the bed semi nude, waiting for Carl to come out.

I dozed off and was awaked when I felt movement on around my thigh. I looked up to see Carl running his fingers around my panty.

Finally, he was being typical horny Carl.

He pulled down my panty and slid a finger into my forming wetness.

I let out soft moans.

With his free hand, he slid his hand behind me and unhooked my bra, and he then moved his hungry lips to my breast and sucked on them interchangeably.

Another finger joined his already working finger in my clitoris.

All my body system were working, his fingers in my pussy, his other hand on my breast, and his lips on my neck.

He was sure driving me nuts.

He moved up his lips to my mouth, and kissed on me at first it was slow, nothing like the regular, it felt like he was distracted.

I wanted all of him, so I took over the kiss, paying attention to his body.

My hand in his hair, my second hand on his lower back, my mouth kissing him like my life depended on it.

It was obvious Carl always wanted to be in control, because he did not keep me in control for long, he was back.

He took over the kiss, kissing me hungrily, his hands all over me.

He spread my legs wide, slid a durex on his hard shaft, he then lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders.

In a careful stroke he thrust into me, making me moan loudly.

Oh I've missed the feel of him inside me! I quickly adjusted to his size inside me, I'm getting used to this.

And in a slow pace, he thrust in and out, then he went faster, then slow again, then fast and hard, my climax was building up.

He didn't stop, he loved driving me nuts, then I exploded underneath him,

He did not wait for me to catch my breath, instead he flipped me over, my knees on the bed, my ass in the air, and he slid into my clitoris from behind.

I love this position best, when I am in this position, it feels like his dick is hitting all those sweet hidden parts of me.

I was moaning, and saying so many stupid things as he drove me nuts that Saturday morning.

My hair was ruined and I was sure we would be late for the wedding we have driven so far to come attend.

I felt an orgasm building up, Carl sensed it too, he increased his pace and the intensity in which he was stroking me.

I was so close when he tensed, with a few more hard strokes we both exploded.

He slid the durex off and crashed on the bed beside me.

"Let's get ready or we will be late," I said pulling Carl up.

We ran a quick shower and set to looking our best. I was done with my hair and makeup and was about putting on my dress.

"Don't wear that" Carl stopped me

"This is the only dress I have for the wedding" I defended

"Wear this; he said as the bag I saw him with when the driver and I picked him up on our way for this trip.

"I got this for you"

I opened the bag and found an elegant red dress, it was beautiful. I wore the dress and it fit perfectly.

"How did you get my size" I asked astonished

"Let's say I got some help" he said smiling, this was probably the first time Carl was literally smiling to me

Why do I feel this help was Andrea, she was my roommate for a while and we have discussed about body size sometimes, she knew I was a size 8, pushing the thought away, I was grateful she told on me.

"Thank you boss, this is beautiful"

"So you can call me Carl when I'm fucking your brains out, but would call me boss when we are done?" he said still smiling, today is my lucky day, Carl has been smiling towards me for over a minute

"You look less frightening when you smile, you know?"

I said trying to change the topic, because I was sure, he didn't want me to call him Carl in the presence of the other employees, and beside I wasn't sure what we were, so calling him by his first name would be too personal, since our relationship was undefined.

"I look frightening?" he asked with a look of surprise

"Don't act as if you don't know that everyone in the office is scared of you, remember when we were making out in the elevator and that man from the media came in, the look you gave him made him obviously scared.

Not only was he scared to even greet you, he squeezed himself in a corner of the elevator and it was obvious that blood had drained from his face, I felt so sorry for him, he practically ran out of the elevator when he arrived at his floor"

I said practically laughing now that I remember, although that day I felt so sorry for him

"What? He deserved that look, he interrupted me, and I was in the middle of something spectacular,"

Carl said trying to give an innocent look, that look does not suit him.

"Let's get ready before we miss the wedding we had so much trouble coming for," I said

"I loved the trouble, thanks for joining me" he said sincerely, was it me or Carl was being extra soft today?

"You didn't leave me with any choice, if I had refused to leave, you would have carried me on your shoulders anyways, thanks again for the dress"

We finished up and met the driver outside who drove us to the wedding reception.

The wedding was elegant, Andrea was so happy getting married to Stephen a private lawyer in Texas.

Carl and I retired back to our hotel room early; he spent the rest of the evening on calls, while I spent mine reading a novel.

We ordered room service for dinner and as I expected, Carl continued from where we stopped this morning.

We slept into the next morning and only awoke around 9am.

I was sore down there, and Carl decided to treat me, he soaked me in a hot bath and washed me until I was feeling better.

When we were done bathing and eating, we packed our bags for the trip back to Texas same evening.

While packing I got lost in thought, the relationship with Carl was not defined, will we continue to explore and ravish our bodies when we got back?

Will we continue this, which we had here? Will Carl be soft and sweet in Texas as he was with me here?

Or would he go back to being that annoying boss that he has always been?