Sex On The Office Floor

"A penny for your thought" Carl asked bringing me back to consciousness

"Where is the penny?" I asked trying to hide my worry behind a smile

We checked out of the suite and set back to Texas, on our way back I simply wished the car would yet again develop fault so we will be stuck together again for one more night,

However, against my wish, the car drove in perfect condition, without even a stop.

We arrived safely and the driver helped moved my bag to my apartment.

Carl did not even alight from the car, neither did he even give me a good night kiss.

"Thanks for the trip, and the dress, Good night" I said

"Good night, you are entitled to a day rest after a trip, so you don't need to show up at the office tomorrow" Carl said to me in the most boss like voice he had

Yet again I was hurt, whom was I deceiving?

I was expecting this. I knew Carl did not love me, he only wanted my body, so if he was not getting my body, he was not interested in any other thing that concerned me.

I decided to not allow myself be overly bothered about Carl.

So I had a hot bath to calm my nerves down and I ate toast with a cup of orange juice.

Since I was not going into the office the next day, I decided to spend most of the night watching Netflix.

I awoke around 9 am the next morning, I lazed around, did the laundry of the clothes I had used during the trip, the red dress in the washing machine was a reminder of Carl.

After doing the laundry, I decided to have oatmeal and strawberries for breakfast,

I was feeling so bored by noon that I started thinking randomly, then my thoughts went to my mom, so I decided to call her,

"Mom, how are you?" I asked

"I'm fine Mel, but Mark seems to be getting worst"

"Don't worry yourself about it mom, he will be fine"

"I know better Mel; I'm preparing myself for it already"

I knew what she was talking about, but I did not want her to dwell on pain any longer

"I'd try planning a trip so I'd come see you mom" I said trying to raise her spirit

"That would be wonderful Mel; I'd look forward to that"

"Take care of yourself Ma and greet Mark for me," I said disconnecting the call

Not wanting to think about Mark's condition I decided to take my thoughts elsewhere, my thoughts landed on Carl again, but this time on his fiancée,

Who could she be? Why haven't she showed up? Why was Carl distracted that Saturday morning in the suite?

My thought moved again to the first day I met Carl.

I'm certain he doesn't remember that day.

It was the day I got approval to run secretarial internship in Mason Realty, I got to the front desk and didn't know who to walk up to.

I met Carl, he was so cute, all smiling and friendly.

I explained why I was there and showed him my letter, he even accompanied me to the office I was supposed to locate and resume, I didn't know he was the CEO then.

After that day we barely saw, my assigned office was far away from his office, he was just a startup company then and wasn't even spending so much time in the office but in sites and getting clients.

I admired him from a distance, I had a crush on him, I wanted to always see him, and see him smile back at me, I dressed up looking all nice so he'll notice me again, but he didn't.

I wasn't desperate, I was just drawn to him.

After my internship I never saw him again until one night when my friend Amy asked that we go for an event she was invited for.

While the event was going on, I saw Carl there, I told Amy about him, she said she was going to try to get his attention so he and I could reconnect again.

After a while of not seeing Amy, I decided to run to the ladies, it was at a corner I found Amy and Carl making out, I was disappointed. Since then I didn't keep best friends anymore.

After that night, I never saw Carl again until that day I damaged his side mirror.

Speaking of side mirror, Carl and I have not discussed how I was going to be remitting payment for his car's mirror.

I put on jeans and a tank top and headed to the office.

"Hello Sarah, how are you doing?" I asked as I got into the building

"I'm doing great, work is so slow today, what are you doing here, wasn't expecting you in today"

"I just came to get something done real quick, I'd be out in a bit, is the boss in?"

"Yes he is"

"Thanks Sarah, see you later"

I didn't bother going to my office, I just headed to Carl's office, Carl was wrong about his office being sound proof, I heard some commotion in his office

"I'm sorry Floral but we can't get married yet, I'm not ready"

"You have to be ready Carl James Mason; the wedding must take place two weeks from now, two weeks Carl, two weeks, good day'

Before I could move away from the door, she opened it, looked at me, and walked away; it was obvious she was furious.

I looked into the office, Carl was sitting, his hands in his palms, I stood there for a while contemplating if I should go in or not, deciding that it wasn't a good time, I turned around and went into my office, hoping to wait there a little so I don't bump into the lady that just left his office.

I went into my office and sat thinking about what I have just heard.

Two weeks, Carl was getting married in two weeks, I mean with Floral, that's the name I heard.

She was so confident, she was so sure, two weeks, two weeks and Carl would be married.

I didn't know I had started crying until my cheeks were wet, why was I even crying?

I've always known Carl was never in love with me, so even if he got married in two years it wouldn't be me, I wasn't up to his standards.

He doesn't even remember our first meeting, all the sex between us was probably like any other he has been having with ladies out there.

The pain I felt was so real, it was choking, never have I imagined that I would cry over a man.

I loved Carl, and no matter how much I denied it, whom was I kidding?

I was in love with this man, but he does not feel the same way about me.

"Melanie, what is wrong?"

I quickly dried up the tears in my eyes and looked up to see Carl staring at me, I didn't hear him come in

"Nothing, I'm fine, something got into my eyes" but I could not deceive him, even my voice said I was crying.

"Talk to me, what is wrong?"

The way he asked, made me want to think he cares about me, but I knew he didn't, he was getting married in two weeks, the thought of it again made me burst into tears.

I could not take it anymore, I got up and wanted to race out of my office, I couldn't bear to look at this man in the face, maybe tomorrow, but not today.

Carl held me back, he pulled me close and hugged me, I stayed in that position crying my eyes out until I was contempt.

Carl said nothing, he wasn't in a haste to get rid of me, he just held me as I cried.

When he was sure I was done crying, he held my face in his hands and kissed me.

The kiss was bitter, we were both letting out our pains in that kiss.

Soon there was this urgency to let it all out.

Carl locked the office door, we were both kissing carelessly and taking off each other clothes, this wasn't about passion or what we had been sharing, this was about letting out pain.

We both lay naked on the floor of my office.

Carl spread my legs, not even bothering to finger me or kiss my neck or my nipples, he just thrust inside.

Something was missing but I couldn't remember what it was, this sex felt so different, so raw, he slid in and out of me in urgency.

In hard long thrust he let out his pain and I gave him mine.

Diving my fingers into his back skin, I was sure my nails were causing him pain and were going to leave marks on his skin, but I didn't care, I was in pain too.

I wasn't feeling any better after the sex, as I lay down on my office floor, all I could think of was that in two weeks Carl will no longer have me to please him,

He will wake up in the arms of Floral, he would explore her body as he had done with mine.

He would love her, support her, cherish her, make love to her and most importantly he will forget me.

It will be as if I never existed.

"Why did you come to the office?" Carl asked bringing me back to reality

I got up and started putting back my clothes on, "I came to ask you about my debt to you"

"Are you dumb Melanie?" He asked me not looking annoyed but amused.