Another Gold Digger

"Don't you dare touch me! I need air, and by the time I get back I don't want to see you in this room."

Melanie scolded Carl for the first time since he has gotten to know her, no one has ever spoken to him that way except his dad.

She was hurt, he knew she was, he had hurt her real bad, but he needed her to see that she couldn't love him, because even if he wanted to love her, he couldn't, his dad was going to ruin everything.

As she headed out of the room, he looked out of the window and saw it was getting late.

"She shouldn't be walking on the streets of San Antonio alone." Carl said within him

He raced out and followed her at a distance, he didn't want her to know he was following her, he didn't want any harm to come to her because he was the one that led her out at this hour.

He followed her until she got into an eatery, she sat at a table with a man, she was smiling and chatting with him freely.

Then it dawned on Carl, she had another man she was seeing aside him.

"Why did she claim she loved me," Carl wondered

He looked closely at the man, he is a client, and he has bought some properties from Mason Realty the previous year.

"How did she meet him?" Carl asked no one

"A repeat of story was happening a second time, the woman who ruined my chances of ever falling in love again cheated on me with a client, now Melanie Adams was doing the same thing to me." Carl lamented

He stomped back to the hotel room and packed his bags angrily,

"How could she take me for a fool?" He asked himself

"Fine. I was sleeping with her while I'm engaged to someone else, but it's a situation beyond my control, but she, what excuse does she have?" Carl justified himself

"Dad was right, every lady around me were gold diggers, they don't love me, they are only after my money." Carl kept saying as he headed out of the hotel

"Floral had the money, she was only getting married because it was her family's wish, she wasn't like the others.

I'd make Melanie pay for making a fool of me, she will get frustrated with working at the company until she quits."

Carl kept saying while deciding if he should check into another room or not, he decided to hire a driver to drive him back to Texas that night.

As the cab drove out of the hotel, Carl saw Melanie in the car of Andrew Miller--his client, driving into the hotel, they were both smiling.

"Perhaps this was why she wanted me gone tonight, so she could spend the night in his arms." Carl said to himself

"She wanted to put her fingers in his hair like she did to me, or to put his fucking hard maybe big or small dick in her mouth, and let him fuck her mouth till she gags.

Maybe she will swallow his release, even if she has never swallowed mine.

What if she decides to ride him cowgirl style, or reverse cowgirl style?

What if she moans his name with passion like she moans mine?

Perhaps he will even suck her breasts like I do, or maybe even lick her wetness

Maybe they will shower together and have shower sex, why haven't I tried that with her before?

I hope he slips and dies in the process, but that would only put Melanie in trouble with the cops.

Maybe after they shower, they would have another round of sex and cuddle together."

Carl imagined wildly

"Melanie Adams you are a gold digger" he murmured

"Excuse me sir, what did you say?" the cab driver asked, bringing him back to consciousness

"Did I say that aloud?" He thought within

"I wasn't talking to you, put your eyes on the road," He said harshly

"Maybe I should turn back and go to the hotel, catch Melanie in the sex act, and hear what explanation she had to give." Carl thought again

However, he was not interested in any explanation

"They were all liars, all gold diggers," he concluded

"I have decided, I'm getting married to Floral. Dad was right, he has been right all along. If I don't get married to her, my business would crumble because all those gold diggers like Melanie were going to try getting into me in the name of love and as dumb as I am I could fall for them.

As much as I did not love Floral, getting married to her was better than being with a gold digger." Carl consoled himself.

Carl arrived Texas very late at night and wanted to just go to sleep, with the hope that maybe when he wakes up the next morning the thought of Melanie would be out of his head.

As he entered his room, he found Floral on his bed laying down in red lingerie and heels.

He was not blown away; he was not drawn to her.

"Her body was not like Melanie's, her breast was not full like hers" Carl compared

He mentally slapped himself for comparing this woman with Melanie

"Melanie is a gold digger and better forgotten" Carl decided

He decided the having sex with Floral was what he needed to forget Melanie, so he gave in.

He took off his shirt and pants; he took off her heels and came up the bed to her.

He took her lips in his, it was not like the kisses he had shared with Melanie, and Melanie's was different. This was not terrible but Melanie's was better.

He pushed the comparison aside, and continued kissing her, he took off the lingerie and played with her breast, it was smaller compared to Melanie's, he fold no interest in Floral's breast, so he left it.

"You seem distracted and stressed my love, let me relief you of what you feel" Floral said

He allowed her take the lead, she could run the show, she could please him, this was not Melanie so he felt no need to please her.

He lay on the bed as she kissed his body, his dick was hard, but he was not crazy as he felt when he was with Melanie.

He tried to concentrate and enjoy what was before him.

She took his dick in her mouth and licked him, she kissed his shaft and took him in and out of her mouth.

She was doing her best but he was not moaning like he had freely done with Melanie

"Durex?" she asked him

He pointed at the direction she could find it.

She wore it down on his dick and sat on it.

She went up and down, taking his hard shaft into her and halfway out, in again.

He watched as she was pleasuring herself with his dick, Melanie had ruined his chances of truly enjoying sex with another woman.

"What was Melanie doing now?" Carl asked himself

"She was probably in this position also, fucking that stupid man, making him moan her name. Sliding in and out of her." Carl assumed

He got angry thinking about it, so he lifted Floral out of him, placed her on the bed, and slid his dick into her, he fucked her hard and fast. This was not love making, this was ordinary sex.

She came underneath him moaning and shaking from the orgasm, he did not stop, he slowed his pace, and then resumed fucking her with annoyance,

"Melanie was enjoying herself with another man right now, on the same bed I shared with her.

She is moaning the way Floral is moaning underneath me now." Carl tortured his thoughts

Carl lifted her legs on his shoulders and slid into her, fucking her, she came again underneath him, moaning his name.

It was not the sweet voice of Melanie, He love the way his name sounded on Melanie's lips when he pleasured her.

It was melodic to listen to Melanie moan his name.

"At least one person was enjoying the sex here; if it was Melanie, we would both be pleasuring ourselves." Carl caught himself thinking

He was so angry with himself for thinking of Melanie while still fucking the brains out of his fiancée.

He was furious with Melanie for making me feel this way and with himself for feeling this excessively.

He came, pouring his seed into the Durex.

He pulled out of Floral and went into the bathroom.

He disposed the used Durex and stood under the shower, giving the water the chance to take away the anger he felt.

He left the shower and went into the room. Floral was sleeping already.

"Come to bed and cuddle with me," she said in her sleepy voice

"Go ahead, I'd join you later, I have work to do" Carl said,

He did not have work to do, but he did not want to stay in bed with her.

"I don't do cuddles, well except with Melanie." He murmured

"Melanie again?" He screamed in his head as he went down the stairs to the bar to get himself drunk.

"Melanie has ruined me, she ruined my sex life, now I can't even enjoy sex with another woman, and how am I going to cope?" Carl lamented

He took the bottle in his hand and went to the room where he and Melanie shared.

He lay on the bed, drinking and thinking of all the nights they have shared. How she made him smile, how she got him horny on Andrea's wedding morning.

He took another gulp from the bottle, his head was so messed up that he thought the alcohol tasted of Melanie's wetness.

He threw the bottle against the wall, breaking the bottle and spilling the alcohol round the room

"Melanie Adams, I hate you, I fucking hate you"

He screamed at the top of his voice that night not caring that Floral was in the room upstairs, and would probably hear him.