Year 1800 (Part 4)

Mauricio's jaw quickly clenched when he spotted it from afar. Because of the curse it unleashed, Mauricio's memory is not lost or unknown at this time, as it was for Eulogio in the past. Because they haven't changed their appearances, Mauricio is able to swiftly discover where Leticia, now known as Sierra, is. He also senses the indications that the two have met, even if he is already devising a plan to prevent it from occurring again. It still occurs.

He was a warrior who opposed the Spaniards since he knew from the start that Sullivan named Caspian at this period, was now a Spaniard. He met it somewhere in Manila last month. So, believing he could kill the young man quickly, he immediately joined the social group fighting the Spaniards so that when he heard what Sierra and her sister Acadia were talking about last week, he was angry. Because he knew that by the time the two met, there was a good chance they'd fall in love again, and their memories of the past would come flooding back, that is the only way to break the curse.

When Mauricio saw the two huggings, he grabbed his companion's pistol as his group was leaving the area to celebrate their first victory against the Spaniards. The young guy shot Caspian in the back with his revolver, thinking he could kill him. Sierra was so taken aback by the abrupt occurrence that she couldn't speak when she saw a lot of blood gushing from Caspian's body, so she merely glanced in the direction where the gunshot came from and saw Mauricio's grinning face. The Spaniards immediately ran towards the whereabouts of their leader and immediately supported him to be treated immediately while the others fired guns at wherever the shot was coming from.


Later, owing to apprehensions that the Rajah might alter his mind and consent to the couple's relationship. Eulogio quickly drew the revolver from behind him and directed it towards his brother's chest, where he shot Sullivan without hesitation.

"Sullivan!" Leticia screamed and dashed over to Sullivan, who was now laying on the ground. He placed the young man's head on his leg and instantly caressed his cheek to wake him up because the young man's eyes appeared to close at that time.

"Don't l-leave me, p-please!" Despite the young man's pitiful state, the lady continued to sob as she spoke to him.


"Sullivan? Who is he?" Sierra says that was also the name she heard from Mauricio last week when she heard those events clearly in her thoughts. She can't tell what the man looks like, but she recognizes her own voice.

She wished she had more time to consider what she had seen, but her greatest concern was for Caspian, who was now battling to the death who saved her from death. She rushed to Caspian's whereabouts, knowing that her mother had taught her how to cure wounds since she was a child, and she was ready to save the guy who had also saved her life.

Sierra couldn't go and finalize her mission in the jungle for a few hours because of Caspian's condition, she couldn't afford to leave for no apparent reason. Caspian was still unconscious at the time, but she was constantly watching over and caring for him. She couldn't figure out why the young man's face seemed familiar to him just then, but she just disregarded it when she felt and saw the young man's left-hand move, which she wasn't aware of holding it. As a result, she grabbed her hand in him as if nothing had occurred.

"Y-You are awake!" She spoke it so quickly that he couldn't even look at Caspian.

"How are you doing? Did you acquire any injuries? Were you hit by a bullet? Are you perfectly alright? Did you—"

Sierra was taken aback by the young man's concerns, which he asked one after another. Instead of her asking the young man if his condition was okay, he had the opportunity to question the girl first.

"Antipathetic, you saved my life." Sierra's words elicited a soft laugh from Caspian for no apparent reason.

"Me alegro de volver a verte, sabes después de que te golpeé con mi Chariot, te estaba buscando de inmediato, siempre te estoy mirando en casa, pero no tengo el coraje de enfrentarte, porque tal vez todavía estás enojado conmigo." (I'm pleased to see you again; you know, after I hit you with my chariot, I immediately went looking for you; I'm always keeping an eye on you in your house, but I don't have the courage to confront you because you might still be angry with me.) Sierra frowned at Caspian's Spanish pronunciation of words since she couldn't comprehend what the young man was saying.

"If I were you, I'd just eat fruit to recuperate faster," Sierra remarked as she grabbed an apple from a table near the young man's bed. In the forest, there was a secret house where the Spaniards were resting after their loss by the Filipinos; after their defeat, they quickly went here to improve the condition of their commander.

Caspian's condition improved a few days later, and it was because of Sierra's assistance that he was not left behind in his misery. And during those times and seasons, the two have become so close that they aren't even conscious that they have fallen in love.

"I'm leaving. I have to go home, and I should go hunting in the forest beforehand." Sierra bids Caspian farewell, her tone mournful, although she can't help but feel melancholy since she knows she shouldn't express emotion.

"I'll accompany you on your animal-hunting expedition." Before Sierra could respond to Caspian's diatribe, he grabbed her hand and dragged it out of the tunnel where they were sheltering.

Sierra simply rolled her eyes at the young man's misbehavior, which she couldn't stop, she couldn't deny, though, that she appreciated the young man's attitude.

"That's not how the bow is concentrated; all of your concentration should be on the bow and nothing else should be on your thoughts; take a deep breath first before releasing one," Sierra stated that she was now teaching the young guy how to hunt an animal by shooting at it, but he didn't appear to be paying attention or taking it seriously.

"Did you know I could kill the boar even if I didn't put my concentration there?" Sierra, who plainly didn't trust what Caspian was saying, hit him in the arms because of his arrogant ego and she is concerned that the animal may have wandered away and she may not be able to return it to their home to sell in the market.

"You. are. so. arrogant." Sierra's forceful diction made the young man quietly giggle because she was making up her face at the same moment.

Even if they don't verbalize it or let each other know, they can feel their love for one other for a short period of time at those moments, and their actions reveal it.

"I will kiss you when I catch that in return," Caspian said, and instead of waiting for Sierra to react, he shot the boar while staring Sierra in the eyes, and even then, the girl was surprised to see the animal lying down since he had struck it.

"I did it, and I'm getting my prize right now," Caspian stated while bringing his lips closer to Sierra's face. Because she couldn't talk or even leave the man, she just opted to close her eyes and let him do what he wanted.

Caspian was supposed to kiss her on the lips, she assumed but he kissed her gently on the forehead instead of kissing her on the lips, which startled her. She'd acknowledge that she enjoyed what the young man did since, despite the fact that she was naughty in knowing her, he was still considered as a gentleman in certain ways.

"I will just kiss you on the lips if we're already married." The young man's words caused the girl's cheek to blush, and she had no idea how she would react. One thing she knew was that when he kissed her on the forehead, something else weird had happened to her. She just turned around and realized she couldn't speak to the young man anymore.

She just walked towards the location of the boar that Caspian had killed, but she soon heard voices, prompting Caspian to draw her away and hide in a location where they would not be noticed. Unexpectedly, the strange guys heard it, as well as she assumed they were in a group of more than a dozen; they were well-armed and clearly they had no ability to resist; perhaps they were Filipino warriors, based on their attire.

"I need to throw them off so that we can get out of here safely," Caspian mumbled something and rushed away from where he and Sierra had been hiding earlier; he imitated the sound of a wild animal, drawing the attention of the armed men to where he was; how many times did he do that before he rushed to where Sierra was so they could get away whereas the men's attention has yet to be drawn to them.