Year 1800 (Part 5)

Sierra's head began to hurt again in the middle of their run, prompting them to halt the young guy from running, but they managed to getaway. Something appeared to return to her memory that she didn't recognize; she still couldn't see the face of the man named Sullivan in her head, but she was practically rooted to the spot when he heard Caspian's voice.

"You are Sullivan?" She abruptly inquired, causing the young guy to stare at her in wonder.

"My name is Caspian. What are you talking about?"

She was mistaken, and she assumed that was the end of it. Her head ached once again, and Caspian's head ached at the same time. Because of the anguish, they are experiencing, the two of them can be seen clutching their heads together and practically closing their eyes, which is compounded by the voices in their brains that do not stop.

Two of them remembered their previous lives in which the two of them had fallen in love and it was evident to them all at this point that they already understood who they were and what their history was. It was as if they suddenly recalled everything in an instant; what they didn't realize was that it was due to their love that had already begun to flourish.

Due to the torment in their heads, the two seem weakened. However, because of the amount of time they had been apart, they were unable to resist hugging each other.



After that incident, Caspian escorted Sierra back to their house, concerned that the young woman may be confronted by armed men again. They instantly heard the ruckus emanating from the woman's house as they proceeded towards the woman's house. Caspian trailed following him, concerned about what was going on.

"Acadia..." Sierra spoke gently, her heart quivering, as the image of her sister, who was there in their house, flashed through her thoughts. She went into their house right away and saw Acadia crying, her wrists and feet bound, and her body is full of bruised.

"Get out of here! Mauricio is going to have to kill you." Acadia's shrill yell had already done everything she could to warn her sister away, but she ignored her and even approached her to inquire about what had happened to her. They both turned to look behind them when they heard a familiar voice.

"Thanks for coming, Sullivan and Leticia."

Caspian, sometimes known as Sullivan, has his hand gripped nearly firmly due to his rage. He intended to hurry up to the young guy and assault him, but he had a revolver in his hand, which he intentionally discharged at Sierra's sister.

"Acadia!" Sierra screamed angrily after firmly hugging her sibling, whose body was now covered in blood.

"I do not know why fate has brought you two together; no matter how hard I try to keep you away, I can't do anything, and no matter how kind I act, you still can't love me, Leticia. Why?" The girl's heart was full of wrath because of her Acadia's death, and Eulogio's voice, known as to Mauricio, was full of contempt when he remarked that Sierra instantly looked at him harshly when he said that.

Sierra headed in the direction of Mauricio, despite Caspian's warning, she was unable to listen to the man because she was already filled with rage and despair.

"Because, despite losing my memories, I can still smell your stench, no matter who you try to be." Even though her sibling was no longer in her arm, the girl screamed violently, her tears still streaming.

"I can't let you not be mine, Leticia. Even if you aren't mine now, I'll make sure you are in your next life, and when you two meet, I'll make sure you won't be able to love each other." Sierra slaps Mauricio when he swears again. He was going to hit the girl back when Caspian punched him twice in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"I am not going to allow your hand to touch Leticia ever again," Caspian stated emphatically that perhaps the two were unaware that Mauricio still had companions, referring to the Filipino warriors who opposed Caspian's leadership in Manila, and so assisted in the fall of the young man.

More than ten individuals encircled and beat Caspian until his entire body was covered in blood, forcing him to lie on the ground. Others pounded him with pipes on various areas of his body. They assaulted the young man till he reached Sierra's front door; many people were onlookers, but no one had the confidence to intervene.

"That's enough! Please, stop it!" The girl almost lost her voice as a result of the ferocity with which she screamed at that moment; she no longer had the strength to stop it since three guys were holding her hand and preventing her from fleeing.

She couldn't help but cry when she saw Caspian's face, which she couldn't quite identify, because she knew the young guy was constantly defending her and that this was always the cause of his death and misery. He couldn't fight Leticia's father since he knew that he still had a lot of respect for him, so he just let himself get battered in a prior life.

When Sierra saw Mauricio aiming his pistol at Caspian, it seemed that this acted as a source of strength for her; the killing of the young guy in a previous life also entered her consciousness without her doing anything. So she put forth all of her energy, allowing her to escape from the clutches of three men, and it was for this reason that the bullet that should have gone to Caspian fell on her.

"Leticia!" Caspian was still able to yell the woman's name despite his weakness, but tears began to stream down his face as he realized what had happened to the woman he loved. He practically crawled to touch and view Sierra's body after constantly mentioning and shouting her name.

As she continued to cry, he caressed her face. Sierra was dumbfounded as she just gazed at him, blood also continued to come out at Sierra's mouth.

"I l-love you." Sierra was able to express it clearly even though she was having difficulties speaking even the tears on the man's cheek were wiped away by Sierra.

"I promise you, my love, that we will never be apart again in our next life. I swear." Sierra merely simply smiled, and then the girl's eyes suddenly closed, causing Caspian to scream loudly. It seemed as though he had lost his desire to live when he realized the girl was lifeless.

He snatched the knife from Mauricio's companion and went to Mauricio, stabbing him in the stomach, despite his inability to stand. However, Mauricio was still strong and was able to shoot Caspian before he could stab him for the second time. Mauricio was still unsatisfied, so he shot Caspian's corpse three more times, despite the fact that he was dead.

"Let's just see whose curse will be fulfilled." After seeing Caspian's lifeless body next to the lifeless Sierra, Mauricio murmured with a smile.

And with that, the story of the couple that has been denied a happy ending for the second time comes to an end.