Chapter 22

As the month passed, Louisa learned several things. From table manners to how to walk elegantly.

Most days she wrote to her parents and once a week to Paul. He was already in college and when he answered her, he also shared everything he studied. Women weren't welcome here, so it was Louisa's opportunity to learn more than just what a 'lady' should know.

Those who had known Paul since Eton were surprised by the sudden change in the boy's behavior. Once cheerful, partying, and adoring female company, now he steered clear of everything, including drinking. His days consisted of going to class and either going back to the dorm, or going for walks alone, pausing in the shade of the occasional tree and writing.

"What happened to you, Russell?" Robert Stuart asked a few days after returning to school. "Did you happen to catch the same disease as Dankworth?" And he burst out laughing, along with his two faithful henchmen, Edward Saxton and Dimitri Volpetti.