Chapter 32

Paul returned home and as soon as he set foot inside the building, Jackeline noticed the package he was carrying. Then she noticed his silly smile.

"Mom, Paul got a present!" Emily, who was busy with intricate embroidery, looked up quickly, without giving much attention to what her daughter have said.

Jackeline, not satisfied, put down the book she wasn't really reading, and went after her brother. She approached him surreptitiously and pulled out the package he was carrying with him. As soon as it fell to the ground, she tried to catch it, but Paul was faster.

"What is your problem?" he fought. She looked at the floor and saw a small note. Realizing that Paul was ignorant of its fall, she quietly placed her foot on it so he wouldn't take it off her before she could read it.

"Nothing, I was just kidding, brother!" She answered cynically.

"Well, I didn't like it. Now, excuse me." He turned and stomped off, heading for the stairs that would take him to his room.