Chapter 50

The ball had already begun and Michael arrived at the castle. All the young women were dazzled by him. He already knew that mothers would come at him like vultures, and he wasn't wrong.

While he tried to get rid of them, saying that he had already promised the first two dances to another girl, they insisted, after all, who would be the new girl? Then the music changed and he knew that Louisa would be introduced.

She appeared at the top of the stairs and for Michael, the world around him went blank, with only her emitting a light that attracted him. He walked through the crowd of people, towards the woman he loved and hadn't seen in days. It felt like decades had passed.

Louisa spotted him and when she saw the smile on Michael's face, all her nervousness and worries dissipated. He held out his hand to her, who took it and he kissed Louisa's hand.

"You are perfect." He said. "Dance with Me?" he asked and Louisa nodded in agreement.