Chapter 51

Michael and Louisa danced one more song before sitting down. A few guys were watching her and came over to ask her to dance, but despite Emmeline saying it was good for her to socialize, Louisa chose to say she was tired and remained seated next to Michael. The latter, in turn, was pleased with her every refusal.

Michael didn't intend to ask her not to interact with other men himself. The two of them weren't officially engaged yet, and therefore he didn't have that right. In fact, it would put her in a difficult position, even if they were already engaged in the eyes of London society. But seeing that Louisa was taking the initiative herself made him feel more certain that she was, in fact, the ideal woman for him. She didn't look bothered or sad every time she said no.

"Are you enjoying the dance?" Michael asked, taking a sip of his wine.