Chapter 61

Louisa got down for breakfast and she had a dreamy expression on her face. Everything to her seemed to have brighter colors.

"As I can see, you slept very well, Louisa." Emmeline said, smiling, while drinking her coffee.

"Yes. The night was the best of my life." Louisa answered.

"It must have been really good. Nice dreams and all."

"Yes, aunt. Perfect."

Roger and Emmeline looked at each other and the last one shrugged. Roger thought that maybe Louisa had had the best sex of her life, but then, it would be impossible. He just thought that because her expression was like Emmeline's, whenever they spent the whole day and night together.

After breakfast, Louisa went with her godmother to visit a few families, for Christmas time. Most were poor families. Emmeline wanted to help whoever she could. Now they had much more money and, in her head, it would only be fair to share, especially during such a time of the year.