Chapter 87

"A brothel?" Benjamin asked, speaking slowly. Anthony sat on the edge of the bed, his head between his hands.

"I don't even know for sure." He said. "Dorothea didn't seem to be this kind of girl."

"Anthony, what exactly do you know about her and her family?"

"They are merchants. Rich. They came from Bath. That 's it. She is two years older than me, likes arts, she paints, she sings and plays the piano, and she smiles a lot. A big beautiful smile." Anthony said and looked at Benjamin.

"And what are they doing here?" Benjamin asked. "I believe she is not one to be studying."

"They came on business." Anthony replied, calmy.

"You said they are merchants. What kind?"

"Oh, Ben, I don't know!" Anthony said, throwing his hands in the air. "All I know is that. And that I know I must marry."

"Do you like her?" That was the most important thing for Benjamin. Even if they were scammers, if the girl liked Anthony and he liked her, other things could be talked about.