Chapter 88

"I went out to breathe new air." Benjamin said, calmly, taking his jacket off and leaving it on his desk chair.

"Really?" Anthony asked. Benjamin had a feeling he should better tell the truth, for Anthony knew what he was doing. He just could not understand why the man seemed upset, or better, even angry, with that.

"Anthony, I won't lie. I went to the brothel to try to find your fiancé, or, at least, get to know if she was the girl you thought you saw."

"So you could have some fun with her?" Anthony asked, his eyes gleaming dangerously at Benjamin.

"What? Having fu… no! Absolutely not! Why would I have fun with her? Not only she is 'your girl', but I have 'my girl'. I don't need another one."

Benjamin said, raising his hands in the air. He couldn't believe Anthony implied something of the sort.

"I saw you!" Anthony said, rising from the bed and walking to Benjamin. "I saw you with her, you holding her hand and going upstairs."