Chapter 111

Harry woke up and had a very strange expression on his face. It had been two days since he went out and now, he was behaving differently.

"Good morning." he said when sitting by the table and Judith looked at him, surprised. They were still sleeping in separate rooms. He wanted to sleep with her, but she said no and, since Benjamin was at home, Harry could not just ignore her.

"Good morning, father." Benjamin answered without raising his eyes at his father.

"Any plans for the day?" He asked.

"Yes, I'll go take a look at the estate. The lands, I mean. See what can we do to improve it and make it more productive."

"That is good." Harry answered. "May I go with you?" he asked.

Benjamin looked up, this time. Why was Harry asking this? He seemed pretty discontent with Benjamin meddling in his business. Not, he sounded as if he wanted to be helpful.

"Sure. But, may I ask you, why the change of heart?"

Harry sighed and put his fork down.