Chapter 140

Michael was finally exhausted and Louisa was lying on top of him. She was tired, too, but not as him. Definitely!

He was now sleeping and after she made sure he was really knocked out, she got up. Since their clothes were in the bath area, she could claim she was going to relieve herself, and not been looking for the key to open the door holding her apart from her kids.

Thankfully, Michael didn't wake up and Louisa could find the key. She got her dress and put it on, even without her underwear. She just couldn't appear all naked in front of everyone, but she wouldn't waste her time by preparing herself just like the society asked her to.

Michael moved and Louisa stopped tiptoeing. She froze in place, looking at the figure on the bed, but after a few seconds, he remained quiet, so she got to the door, not taking her eyes from him.

The key was turning, when a hand covered hers and Louisa felt goosebumps running down her spine. She looked up and met his dark gaze.