What do you mean I’m in the game?!?

"Finally I got the most powerful ship in the game!! 'The dreadnought'" I stare at my computer screen admiring the ship I finally conquered.

"Man it's even better than the rumors and it's now mine hehehe." The game I'm playing is called into the unknown it's a popular game and many people like it because you can command a space shuttle and explore many galaxies.

Plus, they have beautiful women to help you command the ship. They also have many stories, and you can have an intimate relationship in the game, you'll also be able to see some *cough cough* interesting photos of them. The type of women you'll find lead to Milf all the way to Lolies.

I look my clock and notice that it's three in the morning. So, I log off my computer and went to bed. While I was making my way to my paradise, I noticed that there was something flashing in the corner I decided to ignore it and jumped in my bed and closed my eyes.

I was starting to have a nice dream of being in the dreadnought and laughing while I destroyed many ships that tried to board it. It was a pleasant dream until I felt that something was wrong, I moved a bit and noticed that I was sitting in a chair.

"Huh? Wasn't I on my bed did I sleep on my chair on accident?" I opened my eyes and they widened. I was in an unfamiliar room, around me was a counsel bigger than my desk and it had many buttons. I was confused at first but then I heard a voice.

"Ah captain your awake." I turned to look at the source and my jaw dropped. In front of me was a woman with blond hair that dropped to her waist, and she had a curvaceous body and her breast were large. And what's better she looked like that one character from assassin's staffroom.

"Linda is that you??"

"Captain are you all right, you didn't hit your head when you teleported in?" I was confused when she said that but then my confusion disappeared.

A hologram appeared and it showed an old man with a long beard and white hair. "Greetings everyone, I know you may have questions but there will be answers soon."

I was shocked and stayed silent. "Right now, you are in a different world. But this world you are all familiar with. Welcome to 'Into the unknown'"

Soon a screen appeared in front of me. "The screen in front of you is a display of the ship you had equipped in the game, and dare I say one person has an interesting ship."

As he finished speaking the screen switches to an image of a ship. The ship is long and thin and has a runway down the center, the bridge is higher than the runway and it is overseeing the runway for the fighter ships to depart, around the ship is a grey like plating with writing on the sides that says: Get Gud

"Many of you know the name of this ship but be warned if you try to take this ship as your own you will die. This is no longer a game this is reality so if you die here you die."

The camera then switches back to the old man. "Welp that's about everything you need to know, Oh I almost forgot everyone who summoned heroes to manage the ship, I removed them all. Except from one person so have fun.

The hologram then shuts off and then another screen appears. I then found out it is a chat window, and it was exploding with many comments.

"Oh my god I just had to have the worst ship equipped."

"Post above same I can't defend myself in this mining ship boo ho."

"Haha sucks to be you guys my ship is the best there is."

"Shut up you don't have the dreadnought so you can't say that."

"Is anyone going to ignore the fact that we all lost our Heroes?!?!?!"

"Shit post above is right I can't find my heroes!!"


"Brothers let's find the man who has his hero's and kill him!!"



I then closed the window and started to panic. Knowing what will happen I have to start summoning the crew because the dreadnought is the largest ship there is, and the most powerful so I can't be arrogant plus I don't have anyone to help me manage this ship, also I am the only one with my heroes!

"Linda prepare to summon the crew"

"Aye aye captain please follow me."

She then takes me through the corridors of the ship. But before I left the room, the old man appeared again.

"Ah Fritz, I forgot to mention since you raised your hero's attraction to max, we kept it that way so that they stay loyal to you. Thats what I wanted to say take care and good luck." He then disappeared and that was it.

As I pass made my way towards the summoning pool, I notice that the inside of the ship is very futuristic. Everywhere I went I noticed that there are holograms mentioning a leader board and at the top is me with my name exposed.

"Great not only am I at the top they know my name."

I then decided to check if anyone encountered something, but I noticed there are different section of messaging regional, world, and friend.

I noticed many people wanted to add me as a friend. Some of them sent the most ridiculous messages.

"Big bro Fritz please protect me I'll do anything please."

"Hey handsome need a woman in your life? I'll warm your bed."

"Fritz, I'll give you 100 billion yuan if you give me the dreadnought."

As I read through the messages most of them where either plea's for help or people trying to seduce me or buy my ship. I ignored it all of it and continued to follow Linda and see where I'll summon the crew.

As I approached the summoning, I started to wonder what the surprise is, I decided to let it go and continue to follow. Soon we arrived at a room that has a large pool I then realize it's a summoning pool. I approached the summoning pool but then stopped when a screen appeared in front of me.

[please choose on what you want to summon]





After going through the list, I decided to summon the Gunner first because there are many guns. The minute I summoned the gunners I noticed that they look different, they look normal but their ears are pointy and then it hits me.

"There are Elves?!?!"