The surprise

As I continue to to stare at the elves that come out they soon formed a large group of what looks like three hundred of them.

"Greetings to the captain." As they shouted I was confused on why it is elves because originally in the game it has humans.

"What's going on why are there fantasy beings in a world full of science?" Soon another screen appeared in front of me. It's the same old man. "Hello everyone I forgot to mention my name, my name is Wu and I'll be making announcements."

He then starts to chuckle "it seems that many of you have summoned the crew, that's good, most of you will need to have people to manage the ship you own. These races are here because they wanted to understand the technology you all know, so make sure to teach them."

Then the screen disappeared. I look at all the elves and they all have the look of expectation. I sigh and decided to say something. "Since you all wanted to learn you better prepare yourselves on what you wished for." I started to have a dangerous grin and soon all the elves gulped.

I then looked at Linda and was shocked on what I saw. She was twitching and her eyes had heart shapes, then she returned to normal.

"Why did she look like that?" I then dismissed the thought and focused on the task at hand.

"Linda take all of the elves to the ships guns will need them to be accurate and accustomed to the weapons" she then saluted and guided the elves to the guns.

I then focused back on the summoning pool and chose engineering next. Soon the pool glowed again and then short men started to walk out and I knew what they are.

"Dwarves" The minute they started to rise they all did the same this as the elves. I then asked "Who is the leader of this group?"

A dwarf with white hair and long beard that is braided stood forward. "My name is Arval I greet the captain of the dreadnought." I nodded and then looked at the dwarves. "Since you are in this world with me I'll have another one of my assistants guide you."

I then looked up and smiled. "Mai how long are you going to hide from me?"

Tch "I could never hide from you fully huh?" Then in the ceiling a part of it started to glitch but then it turned into a metal dome. As it opens four mechanical arms launched on to the floor and then a mature women descended from above. Her hair is purple and her body is slender but her bosom and breast were equally large, her eyes are grey and look cold.

But when she got near me she hugged me and started to trace my chest with her finger. "Now that you are here, how about you scratch my itch?" She winked seductively and her eyes also contained heart shapes.

"Maybe another time, for now show these dwarves about our technology and teach them. Will need them for repairs or research."

She then pouted and then turned toward the dwarves. "Fine but I'll take that as a promise." She then took the dwarves down the corridor and I'm left alone again.

I then chose the pilots. The pool glowed once again and then elves appeared but they are dark skinned and they have silver hair. "The dark elf clan greets the captain."

I then smiled and soon felt to melons behind me. "Captain, play with meeeee." I turned around and saw two beautiful ruby eyes and silver hair her skin is also dark and her body contains curves. Her face was rounded while her nose was short yet cute.

"Not now Petra you need to tech them on how to fly the ships I'll play with you another time." Her eyes then became moist but she held it in.

"Okay I'll come and visit when I have the chance okay?" I smiled and nodded but what I didn't expect is when her face got closed to mine and she kissed my cheek. She then hovered towards the dark elves, then she guided them down the corridor with a flushed face and a smile.

My jaw was open and I was in a daze until I shook my head. I then focused on the pool, and chose the normal crew. As the figures came out I noticed that they have animal eras and tails. 'Interesting, the normal crew are beast men' I then waited for the beast men to all come out.

Then a snake like women slithers forward the bottom half is the snake while the upper part is a women her hair is green and her eyes have thin slits. "Greetings to the captain. my name is Arora."

I then tried to calm myself down because not only was she hot, she was dangerous. "Since you will be in the upper levels I'll have you all follow me with another one of my assistance." I then led them to the captains bridge and there was another women.

Her hair is blue and her eyes are like sapphires and she is tall as me but the thing that is most surprising is the fact that has the largest pair of breast of all.

"Welcome home captain." She bows and then I approached her and placed my hand on her head. I rub it and her face starts to turn red and she is smiling.

"Yeah I'm home mi amor." The women name is Olivia and I am attracted to her the most. I then removed my hand and had a serious look.

"I want you to help these people on how to use the consoles, soon we will start to move and I want to find resources for the ship." She then nodded and started to teach the beast men on how the consoles work.

I left the group so they could focus on learning and went to my room. As I entered my room I decided to check the chat. I opened the screen and soon saw millions of people asking me for protection, sending threats, even trying to sleep with me.

I ignored them all and decided to sleep. 'I wonder what will happen now.' I then turned out the lights and slept.